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The trees clap their hands singing praises unto the LORD! The trees are everyones FRIEND, they give oxygen to the wind! The Fruitful Trees and tall cedars Praise The LORD!
All Nature Sings is a selection of classical and contemporary perspectives toward Gods creation and a collection of songs, scriptures, and other inspirational words gathered to help Christians appreciate and see the natural world, Gods creation, through a spiritual lens. CONTRIBUTIONS INCLUDE: Thomas Aquinas Francis of Assisi Augustine Ludwig van Beethoven William Cullen Bryant Oswald Chambers King David Fyodor Dostoevsky Henry van Dyke Ralph Waldo Emerson Erasmus Julian of Norwich Matthew the Evangelist John Milton Paul the Apostle Robert Louis Stevenson Leo Tolstoy and Isaac Watts.
J. Ellsworth Kalas, adapted from chapter 1: There’s an old hymn you may be familiar with that contains these words: “This is my Father’s world, / And to my listening ears, / All nature sings, and round me rings / The music of the spheres. / This is my Father’s world, / He shines in all that’s fair; / In the rustling grass, I hear him pass, / He speaks to me everywhere” (Maltbie D. Babcock, “This Is My Father’s World”; 1901). It is true still today that “all nature sings,” but it is increasingly difficult to catch the melody. Almost anywhere we go, nature’s voice is now muted by the sound of traffic and assorted electronic devices. Those who go out to walk or jog are likely to wear a device that keeps them in touch with news or music or speech—so that, intentionally or not, they have shut out nature’s sound and dulled its influence. Which brings me to the point of this book. I rejoice greatly in the “green” movement that has made new millions conscious of the wonder of our creation and the blessed necessity of caring for it passionately. This is a magnificent step in the right direction, and it puts quality content into what might otherwise be little more than sentimental feelings. But I want us to go farther than that. I want us not simply to see—and indeed, to be grateful for—the wonders of nature. I want us to go beyond nature’s exquisite beauty until we learn some of the lessons it would teach us, lessons about both life and God. When nature sings (as it does every moment) its melody draws us to God, if only we listen with our whole being. This book will contain a discussion guide.
Examines some of the less attractive wonders of nature, such as the slimy slug and hairy tarantula, and explains how all aspects of nature sing God's praise.
All Nature Sings is a devotional book about animals in the Bible. It is written to answer the question, "What can we learn from animal characteristic traits as it relates to our Christian walk with the Creator of all things?" Since all scripture is "God breathed," there are lessons to be learned by looking into these created beings. This book can be used for sermon illustrations, Bible study, children sermons, and homeschool curriculum. All of nature sings God's praises. This book was written to help us learn to listen for them.
Examines some of the less attractive wonders of nature, such as the slimy slug and hairy tarantula, and explains how all aspects of nature sing God's praise.
Have you ever wondered where you fit in this great world? Have you ever felt that others had a voice, and a song to sing, while you felt that you had nothing to offer? Baaaxley is in the same boat. This is his story, and maybe yours, too!