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Lattice Hadron Physics draws upon the developments made in recent years in implementing chirality on the lattice via the overlap formalism. These developments exploit chiral effective field theory in order to extrapolate lattice results to physical quark masses, new forms of improving operators to remove lattice artefacts, analytical studies of finite-volume effects in hadronic observables, and state-of-the-art lattice calculations of excited resonances. This volume, comprised of selected lectures, is designed to assist those outside the field who want quickly to become literate in these topics. As such, it provides graduate students and experienced researchers in other areas of hadronic physics with the background through which they can appreciate, if not become active in, contemporary lattice-gauge theory and its applications to hadronic phenomena.
Lattice Hadron Physics draws upon the developments made in recent years in implementing chirality on the lattice via the overlap formalism. These developments exploit chiral effective field theory in order to extrapolate lattice results to physical quark masses, new forms of improving operators to remove lattice artefacts, analytical studies of finite-volume effects in hadronic observables, and state-of-the-art lattice calculations of excited resonances. This volume, comprised of selected lectures, is designed to assist those outside the field who want quickly to become literate in these topics. As such, it provides graduate students and experienced researchers in other areas of hadronic physics with the background through which they can appreciate, if not become active in, contemporary lattice-gauge theory and its applications to hadronic phenomena.
The theory of Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) is a crucial element in our current understanding of the laws that govern the universe. It describes the Strong Interaction, the force that governs the behavior of quarks and gluons and confines them at low energies into hadrons, such as protons, neutrons and pions.Lattice QCD (LQCD) is a numerical approach that allows non-perturbative studies of the strong interaction at hadronic energy scales, where other theoretical methods fail. It works by discretizing space-time on a lattice of points, fixing the fermion field to the lattice sites and representing the gluon field as the links between them.Our current numerical approach to Lattice QCD is based upon Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods, from which statistical ensembles of lattice gauge field configurations are generated using a discrete version of the QCD action when evaluating the path-integrals. These calculations require the world's largest supercomputing facilities and possible improvements or new ideas are actively being researched. In this dissertation we present three such attempts.First, we propose a new strategy to employ the recent advances in Machine Learning into LQCD. In particular, we present a method to use Neural Networks to accelerate the calculations of hadron two-point correlation functions and discuss its applicability.The second effort we present is part of new collaborative undertaking by the OPEN LATtice Initiative (OPENLAT) to generate new state-of-the-art LQCD ensembles using the recently proposed Stabilized Wilson Fermions (SWF) package, which also includes a modified lattice action. The first results for the light hadron spectrum, obtained by Bayesian model averaging, are presented indicating the excellent scaling behavior of SWF towards the continuum.Finally, the tentative new approach of Quantum Computing for Lattice Field Theories is introduced as a possible radical solution to the sign problem. We compare three algorithms for quantum state preparation in the case of the Schwinger model, a toy model for QCD, and discuss their applicability to Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) systems.
An expanded and up-dated book examining gauge theories and their symmetries.
The 20-year-old problem of the confinement and the resulting spectrum of the bound states is central to quantum chromodynamics (QCD). Many approaches have been tried starting from different points of view: the potential theory, the Bethe-Salpeter equation, string and flux tube models, bag models, vacuum structure, current algebra, lattice theory, and numerical simulations. Phenomenological assumptions and first-principle theoretical results or indications have been combined. Many partial successes have been attained, but a unified and comprehensive treatment is still lacking.In recent years, new attention has been given to the problem, both in terms of theoretical developments and for the purpose of evaluating the spectrum and other properties of the particles. In particular, attention has been focussed on areas like numerical simulations, the derivation of the potential, the use of the Bethe-Salpeter equation, the connection between the potential and the chiral symmetry approach.This workshop was an opportunity for a synthesis and a comparison of the different points of view.