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El buen médico debe integrar aspectos culturales, filosóficos, morales, religiosos y científicos, en una amalgama de situaciones que no pueden ser predichas en los textos de semiología clínica, medicina interna o medicina basada en la evidencia. Explora los principios éticos fundamentales, la perspectiva de la calidad en la actividad médica; permite al estudiante de medicina, entender la utilidad de la recolección de la información a través del registro, claro, ordenado y suficiente de la historia clínica y el desarrollo de análisis clínicos mediante la identificación de problemas, su evolución y la forma en que se resuelven. Apoya el "buen pensar" entendiendo la estructura taxonómico actual del pensamiento con sus componentes cognitivos, psicomotor y afectivo, y su aplicación a la profesión médica. Los conceptos sobre los cuales se atribuye esta sustentada la medicina basada en la evidencia (BE), y cuál es la mecánica para aplicar los principios de la MBE.
This report describes the current situation with regard to universal health coverage and global quality of care, and outlines the steps governments, health services and their workers, together with citizens and patients need to urgently take.
Dermatology MES is a readily usable reference for veterinary dermatology. This title provides with practical guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of the skin diseases commonly seen in a practice. The organization consistently progresses from a detailed description of all diagnostic test and procedures, to clinical evaluation of the test results, and presentation of treatment options. Leading questions are used throughout, to focus the user on important diagnostic and therapeutic considerations. All applicable drugs are discussed and dosages provided. This text features 115 four-color illustrations for easy identification, clear step-by-step descriptions of diagnostic test and lots of tables that allow for quick access to information. The highly visual format makes this text an effective client education resource. This fast and easy to use reference guide provides an excellent, in-depth and concise survey of dermatologic diseases, diagnoses, and therapies. Published by Teton New Media in the USA and distributed by Manson Publishing outside of North America.
In this new edition, completely updated for DSM-IV-TR, the authors transform their professional experience into clear, concise, practical, and learnable skills. They teach how to master each of the four basic interview components separately, and how to make them interact optimally during the five phases of the patient interview. Also included is an example of a write-up of a psychiatric evaluation that will satisfy most third-party payers, taking the reader through the write-up step by step and showing how it can be adapted to virtually any procedural or research need. Changes to this edition: • Addition of discussion of violence and duty to warn• Expansion of attention problems, suicide intent, and comorbidities of personality disorders• Addition of formal assessments of executive functions and of dementia (in appendix) As with the previous edition, The Clinical Interview Using DSM-IV-TR presents a unique vision of how to use the most powerful assessment strategies developed in the field of clinical psychology and psychiatry.
This is a completely revised and enlarged edition of the well-known classic. In the twenty years since the previous edition was published much progress has been made in regard to the clinical concept of psychoanalysis, and this new edition brings the subject completely up to date. New knowledge of the psychoanalytic process has been added, together with advances in understanding the clinical situation, the treatment alliance, transference, countertransference, resistance, the negative therapeutic reaction, acting out, interpretations and other interventions, insight, and working through. The book is both a readable introduction to the subject and an authorities work of reference.
Educates dental practitioners seeking to understand, recognize, and manage disorders such as sleep apnea, sleep bruxism, and chronic pain, which often interfere with or intrude into sleep and are critically important to the practice of dentistry. Leading experts in medicine and dentistry articulate and guide readers in performing the specific responsibilities of dental practitioners, such as routinely examining patients for the risk of sleep-disordered breathing; providing guidance and appropriate referrals to patients who report snoring, sleepiness, and morning headache; managing the tooth damage or pain generated by bruxism; knowing when to prescribe oral appliances and understanding their associated risks; and collaborating closely with maxillofacial surgeons or ENT specialists when surgery is indicated. This unique book is a rapid source of practical information for students, practicing dentists, and researchers who wish to expand their knowledge base on this important topic. [editor].
This book argues that modelling should be a component of all school curricula that aspire to provide ‘authentic science education for all’. The literature on modelling is reviewed and a ‘model of modelling’ is proposed. The conditions for the successful implementation of the ‘model of modelling’ in classrooms are explored and illustrated from practical experience. The roles of argumentation, visualisation, and analogical reasoning, in successful modelling-based teaching are reviewed. The contribution of such teaching to both the learning of key scientific concepts and an understanding of the nature of science are established. Approaches to the design of curricula that facilitate the progressive grasp of the knowledge and skills entailed in modelling are outlined. Recognising that the approach will both represent a substantial change from the ‘content-transmission’ approach to science teaching and be in accordance with current best-practice in science education, the design of suitable approaches to teacher education are discussed. Finally, the challenges that modelling-based education pose to science education researchers, advanced students of science education and curriculum design, teacher educators, public examiners, and textbook designers, are all outlined.
Confesiones de un Psiquiatra un relato escrito en forma coloquial sin someterse a tradiciones o formatos literarios. El autor relata algunos fragmentos de su vida exitosa y azarosa en una forma sencilla a la vez que hace reflexiones sobre diversos temas que tienen alguna relacion con sus vivencias, desde aspectos muy comunes de la vida cotidiana hasta reflexiones sobre aspectos de tipo filosofico, psicologico, sociopoliticos entre otros. En sus relatos no sigue una forma cronologica exacta sino que mucha veces avanza y retrocede para comunicarse con el lector como si lo tuviera frente a el como un interlocutor valido. Siendo un libro motivador, comunica no solo experiencias conducientes al exito sino tambien comparte situaciones de fracaso y dolor y la forma de superarlas. Lo mas caracteristico es la transmision en forma consistente de mensajes positivos que insiste en transmitir a sus lectores haciendoles participes de las experiencias de un ser real y hasta cierto punto considerado reservado y enigmatico como se suele pensar de un psiquiatra. El autor vencio todas esas barreras y se revela tal como ha sido y sigue siendo a como lo haria en el sillon de un psicoterapeuta o en el confesionario. El autor esta consciente de los riesgos que puede correr un profesional de la salud mental que se destapa y desprende de todo prejuicio con la esperanza de poner a la disposicion de sus lectores un testimonio del cual pueda sustraer algo util para sus vidas y sus ocupaciones o profesiones. Habiendo enfrentado tantas situaciones de alto riesgo, el autor hace apologia del ejercito de angeles que lo han protegido y que el identifica con los seres a quien ha dado amor y respeto y que le han retribuido esos afectos en forma incondicional, tanto en su familia como en muchas personas que fue encontrando en su largo recorrido por el mundo. De formacion transcultural, el autor ha podido convivir armoniosamente con personas de diversas creencias religiosas, politicas y origen etnico. El autor ha hecho muchas renuncias excepto renunciar a vivir en libertad, lejos de los opresores de las libertades y derechos individuales, y no renuncia a la esperanza de algun dia vivir en un mundo libre de prejuicios, estereotipos y dictaduras depredadoras y brutales, ni tampoco renuncia a la esperanza de que cada ser humano pueda aprender a usar los recursos personales que todos poseemos para ser ricos, interdependientes y exitosos en vez de pobres, lastimosamente dependientes y fracasados. El mensaje que el autor intenta transmitir en sus confesiones es un mensaje de vida y prosperidad por medios eticos, repudiando enfaticamente el lema de que "los fines justifican los medios"