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Eucharistic liturgy has differed through the centuries and in different Churches. Because of these differences, it is essential that eucharistic liturgy be studied from ahistorical perspective. In The Celebration of the Eucharist, Enrico Mazza offers a thorough account of the theology of the Eucharist and presents a historical analysis of the origin and variety of eucharistic liturgies and their development in the Church. Beginning with the Last Supper, Father Mazza weaves his way through interpretations elaborated by the Fathers of the Church and medieval writers to provide the rich tapestry of concepts and categories adopted by Vatican Council II. Complete with an appendix including Jewish texts and early Eucharistic Prayers, abbreviations, bibliography, and notes, The Celebration of the Eucharist is a comprehensive source for those who have an interest in the theology of the Eucharist in the course of history. Chapters are Old Testament Sacrifices and Ritual Meal," "The Origin of the Christian Eucharist," "From the Jewish Liturgy to the Christian Eucharist," "Primitive Anaphoras: From the Didache to the Mystical Eucharist," "Primitive Anaphoras: Developments of the Eucharistic Liturgy," "Thematic Developments in the Eucharistic Liturgy," "The Early Patristic Period," "Tertullian and Cyprian," "The Fourth Century," "The Early Middle Ages," "The Scholastic High Middle Ages," "The Eucharist and the Relics of the Saints," "The Reformation and the Council of Trent," "The Liturgical Reform of Vatican Council II," "The Implementation of the Liturgical Reform," "The Parts of the Eucharistic Prayer," and "The Last Supper and the Church's Eucharist." Enrico Mazza is professor of liturgical history at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan. He is the author of Mystagogy: A Theology of Liturgy in the Patristic Ages, Eucharistic Prayers of the Roman Rite, and The Origins of the Eucharistic Prayer published by The Liturgical Press. "
The endless wars of the seventeenth century took their toll in the lives of millions of soldiers and crushing taxes. To legitimize war, Europe’s rulers turned to the Church: ‘O God, we praise you’, Te Deum Laudamus, was sung in the churches of France and Sweden to celebrate victory in battle. It was a way of thanking God, but also an opportunity for congregations to learn what had happened – and an occasion for festivities. In The Story of War, the historian Anna Maria Forssberg applies a narrative and ritual perspective to the Te Deum, looking at specific wars such as the Thirty Years War and at themes such as peace and enmity. This is a unique, comparative study of war propaganda in early modern times, and how it defined the roles of ruler and ruled alike. There were national differences, but ultimately all war stories were highly selective. Bloody defeat and uneventful everyday life were glossed over; what mattered were spectacular victories and royal glory. Yet in the end, the war stories peddled in both Sweden and France were profoundly challenged by the crisis of 1709.
Reprint of the original, first published in 1876.