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This book attempts to answer the question: ""Does God exist?"" And if so, ""Who or what is He?"" Pick almost any random handful of people and pose this question for debate. In all likelihood, there will be those who choose to debate that He does and others who will insist He does not. Such debates have been going on probably as long as mankind has existed. The essence of any debate on this matter is in defining who or what God is. If the same group of people are asked whether or not there is a force or set of forces in the universe which have acted upon it to create life, in all its forms and complexities, there would be no debate. To say that such a force does not exist would be absurd. The question that follows then becomes who or what created life itself? Whether or not we continue to exist as a species is simply a matter of faith. A single cosmic catastrophic event could destroy all life on Earth in an instant. Only a God who can control time and space can save us. There is only one who can do so.
Hailed as "the most radical repackaging of the Bible since Gutenberg", these Pocket Canons give an up-close look at each book of the Bible.
The Book of Deuteronomy, the last of the Five Books of Moses or Pentateuch, consists in the main of Moses' final discourses delivered to the children of Israel as they stood poised to begin the conquest and settlement of the land upon which they were to build a national society. The central concern of Moses, as reflected in these discourses, is with the challenge of nation building, creating an Israelite nation out of a mélange of ethnically related tribes and clans that were just liberated from centuries of subjugation and servitude in a relatively sophisticated pagan environment. That which is to bind them together is not a compact between them but rather a common covenant with God to which all would be equal parties. Many of the terms of the covenant were revealed incrementally in the earlier books of the Pentateuch. However, it is only here in Deuteronomy that Moses begins to give them the clearly discernible shape of a constitution for the covenantal society to be established as a nation-state in its divinely assigned territory. Within the constitutional framework set forth in the work is a range of precepts, rules, and regulations governing both those matters that are between man and God and those between man and man, understood as the two sides of a common coin, the covenant. In the effort to comprehend and explain the highly complex biblical text, the author has consulted and cited a wide range of commentaries and studies written over a period of some two millennia that have sought to understand the biblical texts from a variety of perspectives, many of which are virtually inaccessible to those without a good working knowledge of Hebrew.
Sefer Press has put together two of their best selling books, "ELOHIM, They Are God" and "The Great Mystery, How Can Three Be One? Both are fully updated and contain additional information not found in their single book. Moses, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and David, did they encounter the 3 powers in heaven known as the trinity? Does the Old Testament really teach such a doctrine? This book will give you an introduction and understanding to the belief of Mono-polytheism, one God three persons, directly from the Hebrew Bible known as the TaNaKh. Never before has a book been published that goes through the Torah and the Prophets revealing the plural nature of YHWH Elohim until now. Also for the first time Rabbi Tzvi Nassi's book "The Great Mystery or How Can Three Be One?" has been republished, revised and updated since 1863 by Sefer Press.
NEVER BEFORE RELEASED Moses, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and David, did they encounter the 3 powers in heaven known as the trinity? Does the Old Testament really teach such a doctrine? This book will give you an introduction and understanding to the belief of Poly-Monotheism, three persons one God, directly from the Hebrew Bible known as the TaNaKh. Never before has a book been published that goes through the Torah and the Prophets revealing the plural nature of YHWH Elohim until now. Before the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit there was YHWH, Word YHWH and Messenger YHWH working as one through Moses and the Prophets. Learn the foundation of the New Testament for three who are one in YHWH Elohim. PURCHASE ALSO, "The Great Mystery;How Can Three Be One?" Rabbi Tzvi Nassi/Dr.Al Garza
NEVER BEFORE RELEASED Moses, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and David, did they encounter the 3 powers in heaven known as the trinity? Does the Old Testament really teach such a doctrine? This book will give you an introduction and understanding to the belief of Poly-Monotheism, three persons one God, directly from the Hebrew Bible known as the TaNaKh. Never before has a book been published that goes through the Torah and the Prophets revealing the plural nature of YHWH Elohim until now. Before the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit there was YHWH, Word YHWH and Messenger YHWH working as one through Moses and the Prophets. Learn the foundation of the New Testament for three who are one in YHWH Elohim.
Opening the Books of Moses presents an introduction to the first five books of the Bible. It is written for any student engaged in the scholarly study of these most central of biblical texts. The aim throughout is to examine the books with a view to illuminating the ideas, beliefs and experiences of the time. This broad overview provides: a survey of the current state of Pentateuchal research; an analysis of how the texts were shaped by their time and audience; an outline of Jewish areas in the Persian period; the study concludes with an analysis of key concerns in the study of the Pentateuch, notably the Torah, geography, ethnicity, the nature of Yahweh and other deities, theories of cult, treaties and oaths, and Moses himself.
Abraham is the father of the three religions: Islam, Christianity, Judaism. Our understanding of Abraham and his stories differs depending on which religion we believe. However, let us begin with our belief and examine his story while he was Avram. He was born as a descendant of Shem in 2166 B.C.; at a place where idols were worshiped by a group known as the Chaldeans. We know those practices influenced Terah: his father, when we look at the Book of Joshua 24:2-3, which states, “2 And Joshua said unto all the people, Thus saith YAHUAH ELOHIM of Israel, Your fathers dwelt on the other side of the flood in old time, even Terah, the father of Abraham, and the father of Nachor: and they served other gods. 3 And I took your father Abraham from the other side of the flood, and led him throughout all the land of Canaan, and multiplied his seed, and gave him Isaac." Avram stood out as a man who sought and listened to YAHUAH when He spoke. Avram was eventually referred to as a friend of YAHUAH. When exploring Abraham’s life, we will show the three main events that stand out and examine why YAHUAH chose him to start a new chapter in redemptive history. Avram made one huge mistake with Hagar, but YAHUAH used him anyway. YAHUAH called Avram, but did you know He had to do so twice? There are two instances where Avram had to leave his hometown; first, he left Ur of the Chaldeans along with his father, Terah. Read Genesis 11:31, which says, “31 And Terah took Avram his son, and Lot the son of Haran, his son's son, and Sarai his daughter in law, his son Avram's wife; and they went forth with them from Ur of the Chaldees, to go into the land of Canaan; and they came unto Haran, and dwelt there.” Read carefully what Genesis 12:1 states, “1 Now YAHUAH had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father's house, unto a land that I will shew thee.” Notice his “kindred” was with him. We are told he departed his father's house, and he left Haran at the age of 75; this can be found in Genesis 12:4. It states, “4 So Avram departed, as YAHUAH had spoken unto him; and Lot went with him: and Avram was seventy and five years old when he departed out of Haran.” Remember what we are told in Acts 7:2, which states, “2 And he said, Men, brethren, and fathers, hearken; The ELOHIM of glory appeared unto our father Abraham, when he was in Mesopotamia, before he dwelt in Charran,” Here we see ELOHIM appearing to Avram in Mesopotamia before he dwelt in Haran (Charran). This event happened before Genesis 11:31. We will discover that Avram lived as a stranger in a foreign land, a land promised to him but was never given a foot of; the author of Hebrew 11:9 records this as an act of faith. It states, “9 By faith he sojourned in the land of promise, as in a strange country, dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise.” Abraham believed in YAHUAH's promise and placed his hope in that promise. Wherever he went, he built an altar for YAHUAH; and lived according to His commands. Follow us on his journey from Avram to Abraham; the truth is just one click away.