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This history of the Jews in Budapest provides an account of their culture and ritual customs and looks at each of the "Jewish quarters" of the city. It pays special attention to the usage of the Hebrew language and Jewish scholarship and also to the integration of the Jews
A groundbreaking, brilliant urban history of a vibrant Central European metropolis--Budapest--and of its now-forgotten assimilated Jews, who largely created its modernist culture in the decades before World War I.
Throughout the nineteenth century, Hungary's government steadily dismantled several obstacles that kept its rapidly expanding Jewish communities from enjoying the full benefits of citizenship. The state's concerted efforts to "Magyarize" Jews promoted Hungary's language, culture, and sensibilities, but did not require Jews to abandon their faith. Even so, tens of thousands of Hungarian Jews converted to Christianity during this era, with conversion rates continuing to rise even as Judaism gained full legal equality. Jewishness and Beyond addresses this apparent paradox between motivation and changed affiliation. Miklós Konrád examines conversion from a wide variety of unique sources, including community archival materials, synagogue speeches, parliamentary diaries, daily newspapers, life writings, works of fiction, collections of jokes, and more. He finds that between 1848 and 1914, most of the Hungarian Jews who converted to Christianity were motivated by worldly concerns; that despite the egalitarian promises and laws of Hungary's liberal nationalist government, legislators and other traditional elites maintained a persistent bias against Jews that spurred particularly high conversion rates among the community's upper echelons; and that while Christians never fully forgot converted Jews' origins and increasingly thought of them in racialized terms, they also appreciated and generally rewarded conversion and the symbolic gesture of baptism. Conversion was also an uneven and ever-shifting process in which gender and occupation played key roles, and where the actual percentage of converts vis-à-vis the total Hungarian Jewish population contrasted sharply with both Christian and Jewish perceptions of its frequency and spread. Jewishness and Beyond reveals the motivations and strategies behind Hungarian Jews' conversions, the complex reactions within and outside of their communities, and converts' own grappling with conversion's expected and unforeseen outcomes.
The Habsburg Empire was one of the first regions where the academic study of Judaism took institutional shape in the nineteenth century. In Hungary, scholars such as Leopold and Immanuel Löw, David Kaufmann, Ignaz Goldziher, Wilhelm Bacher, and Samuel Krauss had a lasting impact on the Wissenschaft des Judentums (“Science of Judaism”). Their contributions to Biblical, rabbinic and Semitic studies, Jewish history, ethnography and other fields were always part of a trans-national Jewish scholarly network and the academic universe. Yet Hungarian Jewish scholarship assumed a regional tinge, as it emerged at an intersection between unquelled Ashkenazi yeshiva traditions, Jewish modernization movements, and Magyar politics that boosted academic Orientalism in the context of patriotic historiography. For the first time, this volume presents an overview of a century of Hungarian Jewish scholarly achievements, examining their historical context and assessing their ongoing relevance.
A Hetek szakmai műhelye az elmúlt mintegy másfél évtizedben folyamatosan, szinte hétről hétre ráirányította olvasói figyelmét a zsidóság múltjára, jelenére és egyes írásaiban a jövőjére is. A kiadónk gondozásában megjelent könyvek között ugyancsak megtalálhatók a történelmi zsidósággal és a modern Izrael küzdelmevel foglalkozó művek. A holokauszt 70. évfordulója újabb alkalmat ad számunkra, hogy – ezúttal az ATV-vel karöltve – átfogó, érthető és feldolgozható ismeretanyagot adjunk az olvasó kezébe. Szerzőink olyan történészek, kutatók, egyetemi tanárok, tudósok, szakírók, akik mind hazai, mind pedig nemzetközi szinten ismert és elismert szakértői a holokausztnak. A kötetben a vészkorszak – elsősorban magyar vonatkozású – eseményei 12 témára bontva szerepelnek. Minden témakört egy túlélővel készült interjú zár, aki tanúságtételével hitelesíti az olvasottakat.
A book about architecture and society, a wide-ranging cultural and historical depiction of successful Jewish entrepreneurs in an increasingly industrialized Europe, from the dissolution of the ghetto and the 1848 liberation movement to Hitler's assumption of power in Germany. Inspired by Jewish messianism, they pursued a modern culture, free from the old feudal society. The principal characters are bankers, merchants, and industrialists together with their architects, from Schinkel and Semper to Mies van der Rohe and Le Corbusier. They build in Paris, Berlin, and Vienna, Budapest and New York, and in more remote centers of Jewish entrepreneurial activity, such as Oradea (Nagyvarad) in present-day Romania and Lodz in Poland, Stockholm and Gothenburg in Sweden. The buildings shed new light on the Europe of today, but also on a Europe that is lost beyond recall.
This book documents the physical aspects of the lives of Hungarian Jews in the late 19th and early 20th centuries: the way they looked, the kind of neighborhoods and apartments they lived in, and the places where they worked. The many historical photographs?there is at least one picture per page?and related text offers a virtual cross section of Hungarian society, a diverse group of the poor, the middle-class, and the wealthy. Regardless of whether they lived integrated within the majority society or in separate communities, whether they were assimilated Jews or Hasidim, they were an important and integral part of the nation. We have surprisingly few detailed accounts of their lifestyles?the world knows more about the circumstances of their deaths than about the way they lived. Much like piecing together an ancient sculpture from tiny shards found in an excavation, Koerner tries to reconstruct the many diverse lifestyles using fragmentary information and surviving photos. ÿ
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In 1920, the Hungarian parliament introduced a Jewish quota for university admissions, making Hungary the first country in Europe to pass antisemitic legislation following World War I. Quotas explores the ideologies and practices of quota regimes and the ways quotas have been justified, implemented, challenged, and remembered from the late nineteenth century until the middle of the twentieth century. In particular, the volume focuses on Central and Eastern Europe, with chapters covering the origins of quotas, the moral, legal, and political arguments developed by their supporters and opponents, and the social and personal impact of these attempts to limit access to higher education.
. Based on survivors' testimonies and Hungarian archival sources, Wine and Thorns provides an authentic account of Hungarian Jewish life as it was shaped by government regulations and world politics.