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This book is designed to provide spiritual fortification for officers who are faced with a barrage of experiences in the course of their careers which challenge their most deeply held personal beliefs. It comes with exercises, tools, and insights to restore inner peace and clarity.
Under the police shield is a real live person. The experiences of police work has an effect upon that person. This book is an attempt to have the reader weigh how their experiences are affecting them as persons. Is what they are dealing with on a daily basis having an effect upon their relationships with family, friends, neighbors and most important their God? The author shares real life police experiences, drawn from 30 years of service to the New York City Police Department. He shares how the work made him feel. There is that ongoing struggle in trying to be both a tough enforcer of the law and a loving, caring, popular human being and a person of faith. As a rookie officer, working with an old timer, he is warned of the three Bs, booze, broads and bucks and how they are the downfall of many officers. He is admonished by a superior officer for not beating a prisoner who had assaulted him on the street. He fights back tears at the sight of his first DOA, an infant. In all of this the author seeks holiness. He wrestles with the question, can I be a tough, no nonsense, effective police officer and still lead a holy life, Police work offers the officer many opportunities to get into trouble, or to grow in holiness. Frequently it is the same incident and depends on how the officer handles it, whether it brings him or her down or lifts him or her up. The book is written from the perspective of a Roman Catholic, however, anyone holding a belief in God should find helpful material in its pages. It would also be interesting for anyone who has relatives or friends in law enforcement, helping them to understand what the officer struggles with.
While keeping physically fit and achieving expert law enforcement skills are essential to a successful police officer, maintaining a strong heart, mind, and soul are also crucial to surviving in his or her career. This new edition of this singular book serves as a tool to help law enforcement officers consciously take the pulse of their soul, ensuring that they stay on a strong spiritual and moral path. The book is not just a collection of devotions with religious meaning, but rather it clearly identifies some of the most trying situations that officers often find themselves in and helps them make sense of it all. The author then links these situations with relevant biblical passages. Each devotion in the book is freestanding and can be used in any order. The devotions and corresponding situations are presented in five categories: Justice, Dealing with People, Crime and Police Situations, Prevention, and Self-Care. Each of the 69 devotion sections concludes with questions for reflection and a meaningful prayer. The revision of the text includes 15 percent more devotions, and the Appendix of Prayers for Law Enforcement Situations has been increased from two to 22 prayers. These address a wide variety of ceremonial functions, including cadet graduations, retirements, blessings for substations, and award banquets. Also new is a guide for offering prayers for Fire Department events. This unique book is designed not only for the individual police officer, but firefighters, law enforcement supervisors, community service officers, chaplains, and ministers as well.
Stories of Faith and Courage From Cops on the Street is a 365-day devotional book in the Battlefields and Blessings series. Stories - one for each day of the year- come from members of the law enforcement community who have sensed God's presence in some event relating to their work. The contributors represent every phase of law enforcement work and demonstrate that something happened relating in their particular stories that simply cannot be attributed to anything other than God's hand.
Written by two seasoned law enforcement professionals, Bobby Kipper and Joe St. John, Roll Call is a Christian Spiritual Guide for other law enforcement professionals. Police work is a stressful and often dangerous job that puts a burden on the individual that most people will never understand. It also forces the police officer to see the world in a very real light and that light is not always positive. Kipper and St. John understand the challenges to staying spiritual in an often-harsh world. It is easy to lose focus on a loving and caring God in the midst of turmoil. It is easy to lose hope when a person sees so much hopelessness. Roll Call is as an easy-to-carry book that an officer can read in these troubling times. During a break from all the chaos, the officer can read a quick chapter and refocus on a loving God and the peace of Jesus. Roll Call is a “no-nonsense” book that places the Christian Faith in the forefront of the officers’ lives. In these drastic times of today and with the problems facing law enforcement, there is no better time for the faith community to have a police “Roll Call.”
What should Christians think about Donald Trump? His policies, his style, his personal life? Thirty evangelical Christians (listed below) wrestle with these tough questions. They are Republicans, Democrats, and Independents. They don't all agree, but they seek to let Christ be the Lord of their political views. They seek to apply biblical standards to difficult debates about our current political situation. Vast numbers of white evangelicals enthusiastically support Donald Trump. Do biblical standards on truth, justice, life, freedom, and personal integrity warrant or challenge that support? How does that support of President Trump affect the image of Christianity in the larger culture? Around the world? Many younger evangelicals today are rejecting evangelical Christianity, even Christianity itself. To what extent is that because of widespread evangelical support for Donald Trump? Don't read this book to find support for your views. Read it to be challenged--with facts, reason, and biblical principles. With contributions from: Michael W. Austin Randall Balmer Vicki Courtney Daniel Deitrich Samuel Escobar John Fea Irene Fowler Mark Galli J. Colin Harris Stephen R. Haynes Matt Henderson Christopher A. Hutchinson Bandy X. Lee David S. Lim David C. Ludden Ryan McAnnally-Linz Steven Meyer Napp Nazworth D. Zac Niringiye Christopher Pieper Reid Ribble Ronald J. Sider Edward G. Simmons James R. Skillen James W. Skillen Julia K. Stronks Chris Thurman Miroslav Volf Peter Wehner George Yancey
Police officers work in a world where there is constant struggle between good and evil. More than any other public service profession; those in the field of law enforcement are in a unique position to make a spiritual difference in the lives of both co-workers and citizens whom they encounter. However; without a firm spiritual foundation, the stress found in a law enforcement career can drag the officer down emotionally thus leading to stress in the family, divorce, addiction, and in extreme cases even suicide. The Peacekeepers Bible study is designed to be used by individual law enforcement officers and small groups. It is written by a Christian law enforcement veteran using real life situations that all officers can appreciate. By using biblical quotes and spiritual references, the Peacekeepers study helps you discover and understand God's purpose for your life and career. Chapter topics include issues such as work stress, becoming spiritually connected, developing a stronger marriage and family, and being a sound witness for Christ. This is a must read book for anyone in the field of law enforcement who may be struggling with the question "How can I be both a cop and a Christian?"
Civilization is fighting to survive tragic times. On Spiritual Combat is a spiritual warfare guide for military members, law enforcement officers, first responders, and all sheepdogs. It prepares their hearts and minds for battle, teaching them to identify, understand, and fight evil forces. Each day includes: - powerful readings - encouraging Scripture - meaningful hymns - questions for reflection -recommended reading from On Combat, the seminal resource on physical combat by Dave Grossman. With God, we will rise as virtuous Christian warriors who defend and protect the innocent, helpless, and oppressed.
A touching celebration of humanity's ongoing quest for nobility, greatness, and integrity, as observed through the Batman's cowl. Friedman reminds us what it feels like to enter the mysterious depths of the Batcave as a wide-eyed child, and illustrates how to carry the artifacts found therein to the real, complicated, often troubling world. Charming, spiritual, and inspirational, Wisdom embraces the fantasies of the Batman mythology, and translates them into earnest truths for the everyday superhero.