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The tokamak is the principal tool in controlled fusion research. This book acts as an introduction to the subject and a basic reference for theory, definitions, equations, and experimental results. The fourth edition has been completely revised, describing their development of tokamaks to the point of producing significant fusion power.
The promise of a vast and clean source of thermal power drove physics research for over fifty years and has finally come to collimation with the international consortium led by the European Union and Japan, with an agreement from seven countries to build a definitive test of fusion power in ITER. It happened because scientists since the Manhattan project have envisioned controlled nuclear fusion in obtaining energy with no carbon dioxide emissions and no toxic nuclear waste products.This large toroidal magnetic confinement ITER machine is described from confinement process to advanced physics of plasma-wall interactions, where pulses erupt from core plasma blistering the machine walls. Emissions from the walls reduce the core temperature which must remain ten times hotter than the 15 million degree core solar temperature to maintain ITER fusion power. The huge temperature gradient from core to wall that drives intense plasma turbulence is described in detail.Also explained are the methods designed to limit the growth of small magnetic islands, the growth of edge localized plasma plumes and the solid state physics limits of the stainless steel walls of the confinement vessel from the burning plasma. Designs of the wall coatings and the special 'exhaust pipe' for spent hot plasma are provided in two chapters. And the issues associated with high-energy neutrons — about 10 times higher than in fission reactions — and how they are managed in ITER, are detailed.
Humans do not live by bread alone. Physically we are puny creatures with limited prowess, but with unlimited dreams. We see a mountain and want to move it to carve out a path for ourselves. We see a river and want to tame it so that it irrigates our fields. We see a star and want to fly to its planets to secure a future for our progeny. For all this, we need a genie who will do our bidding at a flip of our fingers. Energy is such a genie. Modern humans need energy and lots of it to live a life of comfort. In fact, the quality of life in different regions of the world can be directly correlated with the per capita use of energy [1.1–1.5]. In this regard, the human development index (HDI) of various countries based on various reports by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) [1.6] (Fig. 1.1), which is a parameter measuring the quality of life in a given part of the world, is directly determined by the amount of per capita electricity consumption. Most of the developing world (~5 billion people) is crawling up the UN curve of HDI versus per capita electricity consumption, from abysmally low values of today towards the average of the whole world and eventually towards the average of the developed world. This translates into a massive energy hunger for the globe as a whole. It has been estimated that by the year 2050, the global electricity demand will go up by a factor of up to 3 in a high growth scenario [1.7–1.9]. The requirements beyond 2050 go up even higher.
A complete and up-to-date summary of power exhaust in fusion plasmas, for academic researchers and graduate students in plasma physics.
For a few seconds with large machines, scientists and engineers have now created the fusion power of the stars in the laboratory and at the same time find the rich range of complex turbulent electromagnetic waves that transport the plasma confinement systems. The turbulent transport mechanisms created in the laboratory are explained in detail in the second edition of 'Turbulent Transport in Magnetized Plasmas' by Professor Horton.The principles and properties of the major plasma confinement machines are explored with basic physics to the extent currently understood. For the observational laws that are not understood — the empirical confinement laws — offering challenges to the next generation of plasma students and researchers — are explained in detail. An example, is the confinement regime — called the 'I-mode' — currently a hot topic — is explored.Numerous important problems and puzzles for the next generation of plasma scientists are explained. There is growing demand for new simulation codes utilizing the massively parallel computers with MPI and GPU methods. When the 20 billion dollar ITER machine is tested in the 2020ies, new theories and faster/smarter computer simulations running in near real-time control systems will be used to control the burning hydrogen plasmas.
The national economic situation, rapidly changing societies, increasing environment pollution amidst global warming around us are some of the most burning topics in day-to-day discussions, news and scholarly discourses. What we see are only the consequences of protracted actions, policies and decisions. The issues associated with these phenomena are highly complex that challenge a direct interpretation of their root causations, indications, results and long-term impacts. For instance, is the issue of managing natural resources for industry & business operations within a country an economic problem? Or is it an ecological one? Or rather a social one? Could it be resolved with theories and techniques of either of these fields? Well, the issue and its redressal requires a combination of all the three disciplines. And yet actions to integrate all of these fields have typically by-passed one or more. The framework that has over the years most commonly explained the convergence of different spheres of disciplinary knowledge has been sustainability. At the same time, its pursuit in practice, the dominant public perception, political agendas and the mainstream media remains elusive. In absence of a critical theory on ‘sustainable societies’, the contemporary development model is misinformed by vague notions of greening, green growth, eco-development, ecotourism, smart cities, etc. largely steered by corporates and vested business groups. The contemporary societies exist and continue to develop without genuine knowledge about sustainability that lies fragmented in its contributing disciplinary streams. This book unfolds the inherent dilemmas, contradictions and paradoxes within the current sustainability paradigm to form a rather nuanced and inside view of what constitutes sustainability and how it could be realized with socio-technical, institutional, policy and management solutions. In the process, the research comprehensively reviews about a hundred environmental, social and economic theories to deliberate on the way forward. Considering that sustainability is a politico-economic and socio-cultural challenge, the transitions need to be culturally diverse and inter-generational, requiring infusion of fresh values, messaging and leadership while conserving traditional knowledge, prevailing institutions. The book culminates with a transition architecture bearing policy recommendations for governing without governmentality with plausible regulatory instruments, capacitating mechanisms, planning and voluntary measures that can be implemented in practice. Die nationale wirtschaftliche Situation, sich schnell verändernde Gesellschaften, die zunehmende Umweltverschmutzung inmitten der globalen Erwärmung um uns herum sind einige der brennendsten Themen in täglichen Diskussionen, Nachrichten und wissenschaftlichen Diskursen. Was wir sehen, sind nur die Folgen langwieriger Handlungen, Richtlinien und Entscheidungen. Die mit diesen Phänomenen verbundenen Fragen sind hochkomplex, die eine direkte Interpretation ihrer Ursachen, Indikationen, Ergebnisse und langfristigen Auswirkungen herausfordern. Ist zum Beispiel die Bewirtschaftung natürlicher Ressourcen für Industrie- und Geschäftsbetriebe innerhalb eines Landes ein wirtschaftliches Problem? Oder ist es ein ökologisches? Oder eher ein soziales? Könnte es mit Theorien und Techniken eines dieser Gebiete gelöst werden? Nun, das Problem und seine Abhilfe erfordert eine Kombination aller drei Disziplinen. Und dennoch haben Maßnahmen zur Integration all dieser Felder in der Regel eines oder mehrere umgangen. Der Rahmen, der im Laufe der Jahre am häufigsten die Konvergenz verschiedener Bereiche des disziplinären Wissens erklärt hat, war Nachhaltigkeit. Gleichzeitig bleibt ihre Verfolgung in der Praxis, die vorherrschende öffentliche Wahrnehmung, die politischen Agenden und die Mainstream-Medien schwer fassbar. In Ermangelung einer kritischen Theorie zu „nachhaltigen Gesellschaften“ wird das zeitgenössische Entwicklungsmodell durch vage Vorstellungen von Ökologisierung, grünem Wachstum, Öko-Entwicklung, Ökotourismus, Smart Cities usw., die größtenteils von Unternehmen und Konzernen gesteuert werden, falsch informiert. Die zeitgenössischen Gesellschaften existieren und entwickeln sich weiter, ohne echtes Wissen über Nachhaltigkeit, das in seinen disziplinären Strömungen zersplittert ist. Dieses Buch entfaltet die inhärenten Dilemmata, Widersprüche und Paradoxien innerhalb des aktuellen Nachhaltigkeitsparadigmas, um eine eher nuancierte Innenansicht dessen zu schaffen, was Nachhaltigkeit ausmacht und wie sie mit soziotechnischen, institutionellen, politischen und Managementlösungen realisiert werden könnte. Dabei überprüft die Forschung umfassend etwa hundert Umwelt-, Sozial- und Wirtschaftstheorien, um über das weitere Vorgehen nachzudenken. Angesichts der Tatsache, dass Nachhaltigkeit eine politisch-ökonomische und soziokulturelle Herausforderung ist, müssen die Übergänge kulturell vielfältig und generationenübergreifend sein, was die Einführung neuer Werte, Botschaften und Führung erfordert, während traditionelles Wissen und vorherrschende Institutionen erhalten bleiben. Das Buch gipfelt in einer Übergangsarchitektur mit Politikempfehlungen für ein Regieren ohne Gouvernementalität mit plausiblen Regulierungsinstrumenten, kapazitiven Mechanismen, Planungen und in der Praxis umsetzbaren freiwilligen Maßnahmen.
A classic in the field, this third edition will continue to be the book of choice for advanced undergraduate and graduate-level courses in theories of human development in departments of psychology and human development. This volume has been substantially revised with an eye toward supporting applied developmental science and the developmental systems perspectives. Since the publication of the second edition, developmental systems theories have taken center stage in contemporary developmental science and have provided compelling alternatives to reductionist theoretical accounts having either a nature or nurture emphasis. As a consequence, a developmental systems orientation frames the presentation in this edition. This new edition has been expanded substantially in comparison to the second edition. Special features include: * A separate chapter focuses on the historical roots of concepts and theories of human development, on philosophical models of development, and on developmental contextualism. * Two new chapters surrounding the discussion of developmental contextualism--one on developmental systems theories wherein several exemplars of such models are discussed and a corresponding chapter wherein key instances of such theories--life span, life course, bioecological, and action theoretical ones--are presented. * A new chapter on cognition and development is included, contrasting systems' approaches to cognitive development with neo-nativist perspectives. * A more differentiated treatment of nature-oriented theories of development is provided. There are separate chapters on behavior genetics, the controversy surrounding the study of the heritability of intelligence, work on the instinctual theory of Konrad Lorenz, and a new chapter on sociobiology. * A new chapter concentrates on applied developmental science.
In this review, we outline how a methodologically based framework, the discontinuous growth model (DGM), can be used to advance research and theory on transitions. Our review focuses on identifying the types of hypotheses and research questions that can be specified and tested using this framework. Three parameters of the DGM are described: the pre-event covariate (TIME), a transition covariate (TRANS), and a recovery covariate (RECOV). We discuss relevant parameters by analyzing the relative and absolute changes following a transition event. We illustrate the framework with a variety of studies from different contexts and address the difficulty of interpreting responses to events without TIME data. In addition, we discuss the role of large longitudinal databases as sources for advancing research and theory surrounding transitions, particularly for rare and unexpected events. Finally, we discuss ways in which transition research can inform our understanding of individual, team, and organizational resilience and adaptation.
This book examines the current phase of world order transition in the Atlantic area, focusing on Europe and Northern America, Asia, and Africa. In particular, it describes four processes of world order transition, namely the decreasing American leadership, the rising power of China, the receding effectiveness of economy and security world policies, and the continued but inadequate operation of the world policy-making institutions. Part one of the book presents perspectives on world order transition developed by political science schools, i.e. the world hegemony and the power transition school, and by the experts of complexity theory, a newcomer in social sciences. These theories are best suited to explain the order transition and to supply consistent, complementary data and insights on the juncture of the four processes pushing for the creation of the new world order. Part two looks into the impact of order transition on the Atlantic area. The authors focus on the existing tensions and the potentials for change that affect the long-time relations between the USA, the European countries, and Canada. At the same time, the interference of China into the politics and economy of Europe is analyzed, in particular through a case study of the relations between China and the Baltic states.