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Our legacy 1947/1989 national security system is unsuited for the dynamic and complex global security environment that has developed since the end of the Cold War. Over time, the National Security Council has evolved from the very limited advisory group initially imagined by President Truman to that of a vast network of interagency groups that were developed since 1989. These interagency groups view themselves as deeply involved in integrating policy development, crisis management, and staffing for the President. However, the National Security Staff (NSS) and the national security system are relics of the industrial age -- vertical stovepipes -- in an age that demands that the management of the national security system be conducted at the strategic level. What is required is a true national security strategy based on ends, ways, and means; the alignment of resources with integrated national security missions; and the assessment and accountability of management functions that should be performed by a properly resourced NSS unburdened from the urgency of the 24/7 news cycle. The President's National Security Strategy of May 2010 calls for reform in many of these areas. Section 1072 of the 2012 Defense Authorization Act calls upon the President to outline the changes and resources that are needed in both the executive branch and in Congress to implement his national security strategy. The President's response to this legislative mandate can and should be the first step in a strategic partnership for transforming our national security system, in both the executive branch and the Congress, to that of a system that can meet and anticipate the challenges and opportunities for ensuring our security and well-being.
Our legacy 1947/1989 national security system is unsuited for the dynamic and complex global security environment that has developed since the end of the Cold War. Over time, the National Security Council has evolved from the very limited advisory group initially imagined by President Truman to that of a vast network of interagency groups that were developed since 1989. These interagency groups view themselves as deeply involved in integrating policy development, crisis management, and staffing for the President. However, the National Security Staff (NSS) and the national security system are relics of the industrial age -- vertical stovepipes -- in an age that demands that the management of the national security system be conducted at the strategic level. What is required is a true national security strategy based on ends, ways, and means ; the alignment of resources with integrated national security missions ; and the assessment and accountability of management functions that should be performed by a properly resourced NSS unburdened from the urgency of the 24/7 news cycle. The President's National Security Strategy of May 2010 calls for reform in many of these areas. Section 1072 of the 2012 Defense Authorization Act calls upon the President to outline the changes and resources that are needed in both the executive branch and in Congress to implement his national security strategy. The President's response to this legislative mandate can and should be the first step in a strategic partnership for transforming our national security system, in both the executive branch and the Congress, to that of a system that can meet and anticipate the challenges and opportunities for ensuring our security and well-being.
"After our examination of the new strategic environment of the next quarter century (Phase I) and of a strategy to address it (Phase II), this Commission concludes that significant changes must be made in the structures and processes of the U.S. national security apparatus. Our institutional base is in decline and must be rebuilt. Otherwise, the United States risks losing its global influence and critical leadership role. We offer recommendations for organizational change in five key areas: ensuring the security of the American homeland; recapitalizing America's strengths in science and education; redesigning key institutions of the Executive Branch; overhauling the U.S. government's military and civilian personnel systems; and reorganizing Congress's role in national security affairs"--Page xiii.
Addressing the complexities of radicalisation, resilience, cyber, and homeland security, State, Society and National Security: Challenges and Opportunities in the 21st Century aims to shed light on what has changed in recent years security discourse, what has worked (as well as what has not), and what the potential further evolutions within each domain might be.The release of this book commemorates the 10th anniversary of the creation of the Centre of Excellence for National Security (CENS) — a policy-oriented security think tank within the S Rajaratnam School for International Studies, Nanyang Technological University, as well as the 10th edition of CENS' annual Asia-Pacific Programme for Senior National Security Officers (APPSNO), which has developed into a premier international security conference in Southeast Asia.Featuring contributions from practitioners, policy experts and academics closely linked to CENS, this volume is a reminder of the meaningful and impact-creating insights that 10 years' worth of thinking and talking about national security imperatives have generated.Contributors to this volume include Professor Sir David Omand, former director of the United Kingdom's Government Communication Headquarters (GCHQ), Steven R Corman, Professor in the Hugh Downs School of Human Communication, Marc Sageman, former operations officer at the United States Central Intelligence Agency, Ilan Mizrahi, former Head of Israel's National Security Council and John, Lord Alderdice, Liberal Democrat member of the House of Lords and Senior Research Fellow and Director of the Centre for the Resolution of Intractable Conflict at Harris Manchester College, Oxford.This book has been written in a manner that makes it accessible to policymakers, security practitioners and academics, as well as interested lay readers.
This book challenges the dominant strategic culture and makes the case for restraint in US grand strategy in the 21st century. Grand strategy, meaning a state’s theory about how it can achieve national security for itself, is elusive. That is particularly true in the United States, where the division of federal power and the lack of direct security threats limit consensus about how to manage danger. This book seeks to spur more vigorous debate on US grand strategy. To do so, the first half of the volume assembles the most recent academic critiques of primacy, the dominant strategic perspective in the United States today. The contributors challenge the notion that US national security requires a massive military, huge defense spending, and frequent military intervention around the world. The second half of the volume makes the positive case for a more restrained foreign policy by excavating the historical roots of restraint in the United States and illustrating how restraint might work in practice in the Middle East and elsewhere. The volume concludes with assessments of the political viability of foreign policy restraint in the United States today. This book will be of much interest to students of US foreign policy, grand strategy, national security, and International Relations in general.
On June 24, 2009, The Bush School of Government and Public Service and The Scowcroft Institute of International Affairs at Texas A & M University, and the U.S. Army War College, Strategic Studies Institute (SSI), conducted a conference on 'Leadership and Government Reform' in Washington, DC. Two panels discussed Leader Development in Schools of Public Affairs and Leadership, National Security, and 'Whole of Government' Reforms ... The panelists and authors reflected on the nature of external, internal, and transnational threats to U.S. security, and the need for changes in developing people, organizations, and institutions to more effectively, efficiently, and ethically improve the U.S. Government's capacity to address the need for change. The authors in this book share the belief of many in the international and public affairs community that the world is changing in fundamental ways, and our traditional models for understanding America's role do not appear to be working very well. A new era of reform is needed for this new age. In response, panelists in their detailed remarks and subsequent papers, offer suggestions to reform the United States' national security system to meet 21st century threats, while simultaneously developing the leaders who can implement a serious and broad-scale reform agenda.--
Are world politics more or less stable, violence prone, and anxiety producing today than in previous eras? How are states and nonstate actors coping with these issues? What new material do the public and especially students of security studies need to understand the security environment of the next century? The editors of this ambitious successor volume to Security Studies for the 1990s approach the subject from national, international, regional, transstate, and comparative perspectives. Each chapter provides an in-depth review of a major security aspect of the subject, providing key concepts, methods, suggested course structure, a bibliography, and a model syllabus. This book is designed primarily for courses at the graduate level, but it can also be adapted for undergraduates.
In Stand on Guard, Stephanie Carvin sets out to explain the range of activities considered national security threats by Canadian security services today. As new forms of terrorism and extremism appear, especially online, we need a responsibly widened view of such threats and how they manifest in the contemporary world. Canadians should not be more fearful, Carvin explains, but a more sophisticated understanding among security services personnel and the general public is needed if we are to anticipate and ameliorate threats to national security. As a former security analyst tasked with providing threat assessments to high levels of government, Carvin writes with both authority and urgency. Her book presents an insider’s look at the issues facing the Canadian security and intelligence community. Timely and accessible, Stand on Guard will be required reading for scholars, practitioners, and any Canadian concerned about national security in the twenty-first century.