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Do you feel chained to a particular sin pattern that you cannot break? Do you still feel guilty, ashamed, and doomed to repeat a besetting sin even after receiving the sacrament of Reconciliation? Then you may find a way to spiritual freedom through deliverance prayer. In Resisting the Devil, author Neal Lozano shows that sometimes evil spirits tell us lies that lock us into sins and personal problems. He explains the practice of deliverance, a way of dealing with such demonic influences that is supported by the teaching and traditionof the Catholic Church. --Learn how to recognize the activity of evil spirits --See how deliverance from spiritual bondage can be gentle, safe, and effective --Understand how deliverance differs from exorcism and how deliverance and Reconciliation can work together--Read the testimonies of women and men who have been freed through deliverance ministry.
The man who would have victory in the Christian life must do something about Satan. In the event that he is permitted to work unnoticed, his proposals are sufficiently great to control the life of any Christian. Victory through Christ is "not automatic." The indwelling nearness of Jesus Christ does not dispose of the presence of Satan. You challenge! "Isn't Satan a defeated foe?" Yes, but he is as yet an enemy. He was defeated by the Lord Jesus Christ. That thrashing has nothing to do with us...UNTIL WE RESIST HIM. Except if we make unmistakable move against the fallen angel, he isn't defeated to the extent that we are concerned. He is the exact inverse, a forceful enemy who triumphs over us every day. It is the point at which we move to "RESIST" him in Jesus' Name, that he flees. Not until that point.
When anyone acts in accordance with the devil, they become of a “devilish quality,” (John 6:70). When Christians are enticed by the devil, they are pulled away from God by honors, profits, pleasures, or whatever other things the devil uses to hinder their profiting by the Word, (Luke 8:12). These wicked spirits have such a heinous effect on the world, that the same condemnation that will befall them, will befall those who follow them. The proud fall into the condemnation of the devil, that is, by means of pride and high mindedness they too will be cast into hell fire, in the same manner as the devil will be. In consideration of such vile and wicked practices following the devil and his practices, Gifford directs the reader to resist such assaults and submit before God with the weapon of steadfast faith. His text is a famous one, “Be sober and watch: for your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: whom resist steadfast in the faith,” (1 Peter 5:8-9). Gifford expounds on how the Apostle Peter, 1) begins with an admonition or exhortation by which he stirs up all the faithful to sobriety and watchfulness with these words, “Be sober and watch,” 2) why it is important to move all men into this position of sobriety and watchfulness, seeing they have such a terrible and cruel adversary who continually seeks their eternal misery and destruction, “For your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.” And, 3) teaching how Christians shall withstand him, overcome him, and put him to flight, that so they may escape from his cruel tyranny, “Whom resist steadfast in the faith.” This is an exceedingly helpful work, that will arm the Christian in due manner to fight steadfastly in the power of Jesus Christ through his Spirit against the works and wiles of the devil. And Gifford will not only show how to do this, but how to do it effectively, with victory, through true Christian faith empowered by God’s Christ.
The confidence, courage, and resolve in many of the greatest Bible heroes and world-changers are the result of a single, powerful, biblical principle. It's a principle woven into the very foundation of creation that, when applied, has the power to calm chaos, overcome obstacles, and win every battle. The secret? Activating the power of God's spoken Word.
"Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: Whom resist stedfast in the faith." Life is a battlefield. The foe we face is not flesh and blood, but Satan himself, the spiritual arch-enemy of God and man. He has had six thousand years of practice is taking souls captive, and now he is stalking you. Thank God, the devil is a defeated foe. Christ conquered him at Calvary, and has paved the way for every Christian to be an overcomer as well. The Scriptures are full of warning, exhortation, and encouragement for the soldier of the Lord. In this book, a veteran of many battles offers you insight and inspiration to "Put on the whole armour of God," and learn how to resist the devil.
Some Christians believe strongly in the existence of demons and spiritual warfare. Others downplay or even ignore the idea. With such divergent views, how are Christians supposed to know the truth about demonic forces at work in this world? The Invisible War examines what every believer needs to know about Satan, demons, and spiritual warfare, offering a balanced look at this controversial subject. This provocative book will help Christians understand what the Bible says about these threats and will show them how they can safeguard themselves and their families through prayer. Now repackaged for a new generation, The Invisible War offers a balanced look at what is going on in the spiritual realm and what believers can do to defend themselves.
A chilling portrayal of the Devil and how you can fight against his various forms of evil. The Devil is real, and this book explores the one time he revealed himself enough to let you see his usual plan of attack, giving you sure ways to counter his temptations ways that will afford you greater protection against evil in all its forms.
Resist the Devil (from James 4:7) takes a serious look at temptation by studying the temptations of Christ in the wilderness where the Spirit of God led Him after His baptism. By examining how Jesus resisted these temptations, we can learn how we, too, can resist. Like Jesus, for example, we are tempted to serve our own needs. We may not be able to turn a stone into bread, but we know that we do not live by bread alone, but by the words that come from the mouth of God (Matthew 4:4). Tom Kingery, a retired United Methodist Pastor who has written more than a dozen books about Christian life, answers questions such as: What do religious scholars mean when they speak of "the wilderness?" When are we most likely to be confronted by temptation? What do our longings, our yearnings, our desires, and our various hungers tell us about ourselves? The author observes that to be tempted is to be pressured into doing something you otherwise might never do. To be tempted is to be baited, a fishing term. And that sort of bait is often a treat that disguises a hook-a sharp, barbed hook!
Find Your Way to Spiritual Freedom Do you find yourself struggling with a particular sin or dysfunction over and over again? Do you feel hopeless in finding freedom despite your best efforts? Do you still feel guilty, ashamed, and doomed to repeat a besetting sin, even after receiving the sacrament of Reconciliation? In Resisting the Devil, author Neal Lozano shows that sometimes evil spirits tell us lies that lock us into sins and personal problems. He explains the practice of deliverance, a way of dealing with such demonic influences that is supported by the teaching and tradition of the Catholic Church. Lozano's "Unbound" Model, based on three decades of experience in deliverance ministry, builds a bridge between the sacrament of Reconciliation and exorcism. People only very rarely need exorcism. Readers of Resisting the Devil: A Catholic Perspective on Deliverance will Learn how to recognize the activity of evil spirits See how deliverance from spiritual bondage can be gentle, safe, and effective Understand how deliverance differs from exorcism and how deliverance and Reconciliation can work together Read the testimonies of women and men who have been freed through deliverance ministry "Resisting the Devil is a thoughtful work that facilitates a balanced dialogue between deliverance ministry and the Church's rite of exorcism. I warmly recommend this book to anyone journeying with individuals variously afflicted by the Evil One." -- Rev. Jeffrey S. Grob, Associate Vicar for Canonical Services for the Archdiocese of Chicago