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Past research on immigration has given much attention to whether immigrants become socioeconomically integrated into the host society over time and across generations. This literature has often spotlighted particular stages of immigrants' lives (e.g., working age). In this dissertation, I argue that because diverse immigrant populations are entering new life stages and encountering new challenges due to policy shifts, a life course perspective is needed to fully understand immigrants' well-being. Using high quality longitudinal data and administrative records, I investigate whether socioeconomic integration lasts through different stages of the life course among U.S. immigrants, and whether integration in one stage bears consequences for immigrants' well-being in another stage. Chapter 1 examines the recent increase in the number of immigrants reaching retirement age and their corresponding economic status in later life. While past research has concluded that immigrants experience upward mobility and catch up economically to the native-born as they work in the labor force for longer, we do not know whether this progress continues to occur in retirement. Using longitudinal data representative of the U.S. population aged 50+, I show that foreign-born individuals become downwardly mobile and face large economic disadvantages in later life. The explanation for this phenomenon lies in what I call "latent cumulative disadvantage": even as immigrants are approaching parity with the native-born in terms of current earnings, they accumulate disadvantages in Social Security coverage, job pension benefits, and retirement planning. The outcomes of this process do not become evident until retirement age. Chapter 2 identifies the consequences of legal exclusion of immigrant children from U.S. institutions. Although qualitative studies have highlighted how undocumented status restricts the lives of youths, there is limited evidence that demonstrates how these effects persist or change over time. Recent threats to the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program also pose new questions about how undocumented youths might fare in absence of temporary legal relief. This paper was the first to infer and validate a measure of legal status in a nationally representative longitudinal study of adolescents. I concluded - from the study sample, which happens to be a cohort of children who were ineligible for DACA - that legal status deeply stratifies children's socioeconomic development, and that this stratification persists from college attendance in early adulthood to earnings in mid-adulthood. These findings directly speak to the extent of potential damages of repealing DACA and the benefits of securing citizenship for DREAMers. In Chapter 3, I consider the implication of immigrants' economic mobility for their later-life health trajectories. As immigrants become more economically integrated with the native-born population, they are also known to experience assimilation in health, where they have better health than the native-born upon arrival but lose this advantage over time. The co-existence of these two trajectories appears paradoxical, given robust positive associations between SES and health. Using earnings data from Social Security earnings records linked with health outcomes from survey data, this paper explores whether economic mobility benefits or harms immigrant health in later life. I find that while having an upwardly mobile earnings trajectory is associated with fewer functional limitations and better self-rated health at age 60, it is also associated with faster deterioration in self-rated health between ages 60 and 80. This study shows that adapting to U.S. society can be physically burdensome for the long term and calls for more institutional support for immigrant integration.
The story of West Indian immigrants to the United States is generally considered to be a great success. Mary Waters, however, tells a very different story. She finds that the values that gain first-generation immigrants initial success--a willingness to work hard, a lack of attention to racism, a desire for education, an incentive to save--are undermined by the realities of life and race relations in the United States. Contrary to long-held beliefs, Waters finds, those who resist Americanization are most likely to succeed economically, especially in the second generation.
Over the last four decades the sociological life course approach with its focus on the interplay of structure and agency over time life course perspective has become an important research perspective in the social sciences. Yet, while it has successfully been applied to almost all fields of social inquiry it is much less used in research studying migrant populations and their integration patterns. This is puzzling since understanding immigrants’ integration requires just the kind of dynamic research approach this approach puts forward: any integration theory actually refers to life course processes. This volume shows fruitful cross-linkages between the two research traditions. A range of studies are presented that all apply sociological life course concepts to research on migrants and migrant groups in Europe. The book is organized thematically, indicating different important domains in the life course. Using a wide variety of methodological approaches, it covers both quantitative studies based on population census data and survey material as well as qualitative studies based on interviews. Attention is paid to the life courses of those who migrated themselves as well as their offspring. The studies cover different European countries, relating to one national context or a particular local setting in a city as well as cross-country comparisons. Overall the book shows that applying the sociological life course approach to migration and integration research may advance our understanding of immigrant settlement patterns as well as further develop the life course perspective
In this detailed Handbook, an interdisciplinary team of scholars explores the consequences of migration for the social policies of rich welfare states. They test conflicting claims as to the positive and negative effects of different types of migration against the experience of countries in Europe, North America, Australasia, the Middle East and South Asia. The chapters assess arguments as to migration's impact on the financial, social and political stability of social programs. The volume includes comprehensive reviews of existing scholarship as well as state of the art original empirical analysis.
Immigrant Life in the U.S. brings together scholars from across the disciplines to examine diverse examples of immigration to the paradigmatic 'nation of immigrants'. The volume covers a wide range of time periods, ethnic and national groups, and places of immigration. Contemporary Chinese children brought to the U.S. through adoption, Mexican laborers hired to work in the mid-west in the 1930s, Indian computer programmers hired to work in California, and more, are examined in a series of chapters that show the great diversity of issues facing immigrants in the past and in the present. This book emphasizes the complex tapestry that is the everyday experience of life as an immigrant and turns a critical eye on the place of globalization in the everyday life of immigrants. The contrasts it draws between past and present demonstrate the continued salience of national and ethnic identities while also describing how migrants can live almost simultaneously in two countries. This book will be of essential interest to advanced students and researchers of Sociology, History, Ethnic Studies and American Studies.
The Economic and Fiscal Consequences of Immigration finds that the long-term impact of immigration on the wages and employment of native-born workers overall is very small, and that any negative impacts are most likely to be found for prior immigrants or native-born high school dropouts. First-generation immigrants are more costly to governments than are the native-born, but the second generation are among the strongest fiscal and economic contributors in the U.S. This report concludes that immigration has an overall positive impact on long-run economic growth in the U.S. More than 40 million people living in the United States were born in other countries, and almost an equal number have at least one foreign-born parent. Together, the first generation (foreign-born) and second generation (children of the foreign-born) comprise almost one in four Americans. It comes as little surprise, then, that many U.S. residents view immigration as a major policy issue facing the nation. Not only does immigration affect the environment in which everyone lives, learns, and works, but it also interacts with nearly every policy area of concern, from jobs and the economy, education, and health care, to federal, state, and local government budgets. The changing patterns of immigration and the evolving consequences for American society, institutions, and the economy continue to fuel public policy debate that plays out at the national, state, and local levels. The Economic and Fiscal Consequences of Immigration assesses the impact of dynamic immigration processes on economic and fiscal outcomes for the United States, a major destination of world population movements. This report will be a fundamental resource for policy makers and law makers at the federal, state, and local levels but extends to the general public, nongovernmental organizations, the business community, educational institutions, and the research community.
In this chapter, we document generational patterns of educational attainment and earnings for contemporary immigrant groups. We also discuss some potentially serious measurement issues that arise when attempting to track the socioeconomic progress of the later-generation descendants of U.S. immigrants, and we summarize what recent research has to say about these measurement issues and how they might bias our assessment of the long-term integration of particular groups. Most national origin groups arrive with relatively high educational attainment and/or experience enough improvement between the first and second generations such that they quickly meet or exceed, on average, the schooling level of the typical American. Several large and important Hispanic groups (including Mexicans and Puerto Ricans) are exceptions to this pattern, however, and their prospects for future upward mobility are subject to much debate. Because of measurement issues and data limitations, Mexican Americans in particular and Hispanic Americans in general probably have experienced significantly more socioeconomic progress beyond the second generation than available data indicate. Even so, it may take longer for their descendants to integrate fully into the American mainstream than it did for the descendants of the European immigrants who arrived near the turn of the twentieth century.
The objective of this study is to understand the impact of factors that are responsible for economic success of Mexican immigrants in the United States (U.S.) over time. Economic success provides an important prism for understanding immigrants' broader socioeconomic integration. This study draws on structuration theory, education as human capital, and social capital to explain the factors that enable immigrants to integrate successfully in the host society. Households' socio-demographic composition, U.S. migration experience and social capital are hypothesized as important in understanding variation in immigrants' economic success. Data for a sample of 738 U.S.-based Mexican immigrant households, from the Mexican Migration Project based at the University of Pennsylvania, are analyzed using ordinary least squares regression and binary logistic regression. Overall, Mexican immigrants' socioeconomic integration is relatively low. Household heads with higher occupational level and income were male and had higher levels of education; more extensive U.S. experience and permanent residence also contributed to higher wages. Vehicle ownership, another indication of economic success, is associated with these same factors and social dimensions: size of household and more siblings in the U.S. Owning a business was associated with permanent residence, socializing with Anglos, and not needing financial help from others. Contrary to expectations, socialization with Anglos and permanent residence had a negative impact on wages. These findings are discussed in relation to social capital theory.
Since the 1960s, new and more diverse waves of immigrants have changed the demographic composition and the landscapes of North American cities and their suburbs. The Housing and Economic Experiences of Immigrants in U.S. and Canadian Cities is a collection of essays examining how recent immigrants have fared in getting access to jobs and housing in urban centres across the continent. Using a variety of methodologies, contributors from both countries present original research on a range of issues connected to housing and economic experiences. They offer both a broad overview and a series of detailed case studies that highlight the experiences of particular communities. This volume demonstrates that, while the United States and Canada have much in common when it comes to urban development, there are important structural and historical differences between the immigrant experiences in these two countries.
This eight-volume encyclopedia brings together a comprehensive collection of work highlighting established research and emerging science in all relevant disciplines in gerontology and population aging. It covers the breadth of the field, gives readers access to all major sub-fields, and illustrates their interconnectedness with other disciplines. With more than 1300 cross-disciplinary contributors—including anthropologists, biologists, economists, psychiatrists, public policy experts, sociologists, and others—the encyclopedia delves deep into key areas of gerontology and population aging such as ageism, biodemography, disablement, longevity, long-term care, and much more. Paying careful attention to empirical research and literature from around the globe, the encyclopedia is of interest to a wide audience that includes researchers, teachers and students, policy makers, (non)governmental agencies, public health practitioners, business planners, and many other individuals and organizations.