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Selections from the writings of Ellen G. White.
Christ, who went about doing good, healing all that were oppressed of the devil, showed that true evangelism comprehends ministry to physical needs as well as the spiritual. This booklet of selections from the pen of Ellen White, is a call to medical evangelism for the church. The 58th chapter of Isaiah lays upon the church the responsibility of caring for the sick and needy, and represents such service as true worship of God.
"The medical missionary work should be a part of the work of every church in our land" (Counsels on Health, 514). "By the ministry of the word, the gospel is preached; by medical missionary work, the gospel is practiced" (Vol. 13 Manuscript Releases 303). "Physical healing is bound up with the gospel commission. In the work of the gospel, teaching and healing are never to be separated" (Ministry of Healing 140). "We have come to a time when every member of the church needs to take hold of medical missionary work" (Vol. 16 Manuscript Releases p. 145). "The gospel is bound up with medical missionary work. Neither is to stand alone" (Vol. 13 Manuscript Releases 303). "We should ever remember that the object of the medical missionary work is to point sin-sick men and women to the man of Calvary" (Ministry of Healing 144). "He (Jesus) made each work of healing an occasion of implanting in the heart the divine principles of his love and benevolence. Thus, his followers are to work" (Review and Herald, May 2, 1912).
A clarion call to medical evangelism is due at this time. Thousands, yes, tens of thousands of people today are asleep to the condition of their spiritual and their physical health. They are far from the better way of life and do not sense their peril. Faithful watchmen are needed to point out the way of health and holiness. The call to medical evangelism is first given Seventh-day Adventists in the example of Christ in his own ministry and in his gospel commission to the church. He "who went about doing good, healing all that were oppressed of the devil," showed that true evangelism comprehends ministry to physical needs as well as to spiritual. Now in a new GIANT PRINT EDITION (A4).
Before Jesus returns, the whole world will be lightened with His glory. Have you ever wondered how this amazing manifestation of the power of God will become a reality? Jesus wants His love to be displayed through the actions of His people. God's character will be perfectly reflected in His church before He comes back. As a result, the whole world will witness His love in action and truly know Him. The Health Evangelism Reference Manual will help the reader understand how to live by faith in Jesus in a way that will attract others to Him and His salvation. The close relationship between the third angel's message and health reform will be explored. From becoming the ideal coaching friend to operating your own church health programs, this manual will provide tools and inspiration to make this experience your own. The practical godliness and friendship described in this book will lead the reader to realize his great need for a closer walk with Jesus. It will lead the honest seeker into a deeper understanding of righteousness by faith. Now is the time for every child of God to joyfully embrace this message and set to work in the vineyard, calling others to receive the message of salvation.