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I had a dream one night last summer that if anybody tried Christianity for 30 days and went all out with no inhibitions, their life would be better for it. I believe that if someone follows these simple guidelines, it not only will change their lives, but will also drastically improve their future. This challenge begins by partnering yourself with a mature Christian who will be working with you for the next 30 days. During this time, you will have 24/7 access to your partner for whatever help that you may need throughout this process. I hope that by the end of these 30 days you will not only become a Christian, but you will build a bond with your partner that will last for the rest of your lives. During these 30 days, you will participate in what I think are the four most important aspects of a Christian life: prayer, reading the Bible, worship, and fellowship. You, along with your partner, will go through a daily devotional that will guide you through 30 of the most important things that you will need to know during your journey of self-discovery. I am sure that by the end of these 30 days, you will want to give your life to Christ and become a Christian.
This is a hard-hitting devotional challenge that was written not for just the sake of reading, but in the spirit of provoking a generation of believers to good works and to a deeper relationship with their God. In it you will find teachings on the life of the believer that reciprocate your love for Him. For example: forgiveness, love for enemies, sacrificial love, repentance, submission to the spirit, and a deeper commitment to your God-given purpose.
I had a dream one night last summer that if anybody tried Christianity for 30 days and went all out with no inhibitions, their life would be better for it. I believe that if someone follows these simple guidelines, it not only will change their lives, but will also drastically improve their future. This challenge begins by partnering yourself with a mature Christian who will be working with you for the next 30 days. During this time, you will have 24/7 access to your partner for whatever help that you may need throughout this process. I hope that by the end of these 30 days you will not only become a Christian, but you will build a bond with your partner that will last for the rest of your lives. During these 30 days, you will participate in what I think are the four most important aspects of a Christian life: prayer, reading the Bible, worship, and fellowship. You, along with your partner, will go through a daily devotional that will guide you through 30 of the most important things that you will need to know during your journey of self-discovery. I am sure that by the end of these 30 days, you will want to give your life to Christ and become a Christian.
This isn’t where you thought you would be. You were meant for more. Your money was meant for more. You and your money are meant for an exciting, adventurous, and satisfying purpose. God designed you, not to be a hoarder, but a conduit through which His generosity flows. In The Money Challenge, Art Rainer takes you on a journey to financial health. But it is not simply for the sake of financial health. The Money Challenge was written to help experience God’s design for you and your finances. Welcome to the adventure. Welcome to The Money Challenge.
Spiritual disciplines are a key component in the development of christian maturity. The 30 Day God Challenge will help you in gaining long lasting consistent spiritual habits that will serve your walk for years to come. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. Let's Go!
Thirty Days to Increasing Your Prosperity is born out of Ken Kincaide's experiences of searching to find full biblical prosperity. True prosperity is learning to use God's ability and power to meet any need in any realm of existence (spirit, soul, body, financial, relational, and social). Ken has put together a thirty-day devotional to help the reader get set toward a life of fuller prosperity. Sharing some of his personal experiences you can learn about the following: * The Laws of Prosperity * The Power of Agreement * Where Wealth Really Comes From * The Power of Expectation * Words as a Creative Force * The Power of Forgiveness * The Power of Being Debt Free * And 23 more! God desires for you to prosper in all areas of your life. Jesus said, "My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life" (John 10:10, NLT). Ken not only shares what God has done for him, but "all things are possible to him who believes" (Mark 9:23, NASB). You can enjoy
Do you get the feeling that there is something essential lacking in your relationship with God? Do you feel out of touch with Him? Does it sometimes feel like your prayers don't move Him at all? Here is what Hebrews 11:6 says about your situation: "But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him." Dearly beloved, faith is the answer. "30 Days to Increased Faith, A Devotional Challenge" is designed to help you build up your most holy faith. Using scriptural references and daily prayer points, it guides you on how to diligently seek God, and how to connect with Him through faith in order to please Him, and cause Him to act on your behalf. By the end of 30 days, you, the reader of this life-changing devotional, will: Become a better Christian, having learned how to build up and embrace your most holy faith Learn how to attract God's attention using faith Develop a stronger focus on God Develop a better relationship with God and Become better equipped and empowered to continue running in the Christian race As a Christian who wants to begin seeking God more diligently through faith in order to attract his blessings, this is a challenge you really can't afford to miss.
There comes a point in life when you come to a crossroad between Gods will for you, as you know it, and current circumstances youre faced with. Making the right choices in the right timing can often be intimidating and unclear. Many times in each of our lives, we have secret strugglesthings we cannot share with others or even things we really dont know that exist deep within our spirits. Ultimately, we end up in a struggle between our Spirit and our flesh where our relationship with God and our assignment for the kingdom often hangs in the balance. Its time to break those strongholds and shift gears toward Gods plans for you. You are more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus! Christ won the victory at the cross, and he ever intercedes for your victorious triumph through lifes processes to lay hold on the promise. The road to divine destiny, though, can be laden with seemingly insurmountable difficulties that you feel you cant overcome. But take courage and know that there is no significant gain without pain. Get ready to catapult your spiritual life into maturity and abounding growth through these pages of inspirational counsel. Let this guide challenge you to reflect on your personal experiences and discover how to break through vicious cycles in your life. Stop walking in circles and get on the path to accomplishing your purpose. Give God the chance to lead you through Thirty-Five Days to Breakthrough! Thirty-Five Days to Breakthrough is a devotional filled with inspirational messages and prayers to give you the tools you need to break through those stubborn circumstances in your life. Whatever your struggle, these daily devotionals challenge you to let go of defeat and frustration and grab hold of Gods perfection and total restoration for your life. Let this be a map on your journey into the depths of your spirit, vowing to overcome everything that has held you hostage. Shatter the glass walls in your life and walk into your destiny. Dont put yourself or destiny on the back burner any longer. Instead, gain the tools necessary to shift your life into its place called destiny! Every day of this book, you are challenged, reproved, and encouraged to search deep within your soul and consult your Father in heaven about your life and your current situation. Comprised of thirty-five devotionals, prayers, and a daily reflections journal, youre sure to consider new ideas, new thoughts and develop a positive and optimistic attitude about where youve been, where you are, and where youre going!
Is it possible to see God at work every day? For 365 days, David Dendy embarked on this incredible life-changing challenge, only to discover along the journey that the answer is an emphatic yes! Seeing God at Work Every Day is an invitation to live life with the eyes of our hearts wide opento see and experience the very hand of God at work not just once in a blue moon, but day after day. Seeing God at Work Every Day is an interactive journal that stops you from being a spectator in the bleachers of life and places you right in the middle of the field, where God is at work every day. Combining observations from the everyday interactions and encounters we face on a daily basis with scripture lessons and spiritual insights, David Dendy takes us on a forty-day challenge that will change the way you see life and how God is at work every day. Is God really at work every day through parking meters, dimmer switches, name tags, oxygen masks on airplanes, Gorilla Glue, Wite-Out, state patrol officers, and Superman? Open the book, open your eyes, open your heart, and discover the everlasting joy and fun of Seeing God at Work Every Day!