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This book is a collection of the most beloved stories, teachings and parables attributed to Gautama Buddha, enlightened teacher and sage who lived and taught in the northeastern part of ancient India. Since the narrative of the Buddha’s life was retold across cultures and across times, it is only natural that the facts mingled with various legends and folk stories, thus creating an invaluable source of wisdom that is not only inspirational, but also utterly entertaining.
A Story Book
Buddhist parables for children.
Twenty-six stories selected from the author's larger work, Buddhist parables.
Filled with 100 illuminating Buddhist tales of the foibles and follies of everyday fools, this elegant, humorous, and masterful little book of wisdom is a an accurate mirror of the human condition.
'Storyteller' is a series of illustrated books that features stories from the world's major religions accompanied by fact boxes that provide background and supplementary information on each religion under consideration.
THESE stories are said to have been related by Gotama Buddha for the purpose of conveying to his hearers moral and religious lessons and the lessons of common sense. Gotama Buddha was born nearly twenty-five centuries ago in the city of Kapila, in Northeast India. Kapila was the principal city of the Sakya tribe, and his father was king of the tribe. Gotama was his family name. Buddhameans Awakened or Enlightened, that is to say, awakened or enlightened to the cause and the cure of human suffering. The Buddhist Scriptures tell us that when Gotama was born, the angels rejoiced and sang. An aged wise man inquired: “Why doth the company of angels rejoice?” They replied: “He that shall become Buddha is born in the village of the Sakyas for the welfare and happiness of mankind; therefore are we joyful and exceeding glad.” The wise man hastened to the king’s house, and said: “Where is the child? I, too, wish to see him.” They showed him the child. When he saw the child, he rejoiced and was exceeding glad. And he took him in his arms, and said: “Without an equal is he! foremost among men!” Then, because he was an old man, and knew that he was soon to die, he became sorrowful and wept tears. Said the Sakyas: “Will any harm come to the child?” “No,” replied the wise man, “this child shall one day become Buddha; out of love and pity for mankind he shall set in motion the Wheel of Religion; far and wide shall his religion be spread. But as for me, I have not long to live; before these things shall come to pass, death will be upon me. Therefore am I stricken with woe, overwhelmed with sorrow, afflicted with grief.” Seven days after Gotama was born, his mother died, and he was brought up by his aunt and step-mother. When he was nineteen years old, he married his own cousin. For ten years he lived a life of ease, in the enjoyment of all the comforts and luxuries which riches and high position could give him. When he was twenty-nine years old, a change came over him.