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* Our summary is short, simple and pragmatic. It allows you to have the essential ideas of a big book in less than 30 minutes. * By reading this summary, you will learn more about how cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology work. * You will also discover: why Bitcoin is so trendy; why there are many other crypto-currencies; why virtual currencies seem to be both a revolution and a financial bubble; whether it's worth investing in crypto-currencies; how blockchain technology will transform many areas of society. * Hardly a day goes by without the media mentioning cryptocurrencies, especially Bitcoin. Its price has exploded and has allowed many people to get rich at a staggering rate. Yet, it is still very difficult to know whether crypto-currencies are the currencies of the future or bubbles destined to burst in the short term. To answer this question, we need to look at the blockchain technology on which these new currencies depend. How to determine if an investment in these new securities is wise? *Buy now the summary of this book for the modest price of a cup of coffee!
Some experts say that cryptocurrencies and blockchains are just a scam; others say they're "the most important invention since the internet." It's hard to tell who's right. Authored by Product Managers from Google, Microsoft, and Facebook, Bubble or Revolution cuts through the hype to offer a balanced, comprehensive, and accessible analysis of blockchains and cryptocurrencies. You'll learn the core concepts of these technologies and understand their strengths and weaknesses from real-world case studies; dive deep into their technical, economic, political, and legal complexities; and gain insights about their future from exclusive interviews with dozens of tech industry leaders. No coding or math needed! Are cryptocurrencies and blockchains a bubble or a revolution? We'll help you decide for yourself. What's inside: Bitcoin and the blockchain How Bitcoin and blockchains work from a technical perspective with no assumed technical knowledge Satoshi Nakamoto and the history of Bitcoin, the original blockchain A thorough overview of crucial crypto concepts (eg. blocks, keys, mining, nodes, etc.) Frameworks for understanding when it actually makes sense to use blockchain Major application scenarios for blockchain and cryptocurrencies and where it'll fall flat Public blockchains and altcoins Emerging trends in blockchain technology What you should know before buying any cryptocurrency An overview of Etherum and smart contracts An overview of the strengths and weaknesses of the top altcoins and stable coins, including Monero (XMR), Tether (USDT), and Bitcoin Cash (BCH) Alternatives to blockchain and cryptocurrencies New kinds of decentralized ledger technology (dlt) The economics of both traditional payment methods and cryptocurrencies Cryptocurrency security best practices and major breach case studies Private blockchains How blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and traditional banking and finance will interact with one another in the future Public blockchains vs private blockchains Limitations and shortcomings of public blockchains and cryptocurrencies The role of blockchain in the strategy of top tech companies like Facebook and Microsoft Case studies of how non-tech companies are effectively utilizing blockchain (eg. Walmart using it to prevent foodborne illness) Business blockchain case studies ranging from gaming (e.g. Xbox) to cloud services (e.g. Microsoft Azure's blockchain-as-a-service and Amazon's AWS offering) Blockchain's use for big data, internet of things (IoT), and machine learning (ML) Cryptocurrency regulation and policy ICOs vs STOs vs IPOs ICOs' status as securities The SEC's STO rules and Reg A+/CF/D/S KYC and AML laws The debate over whether cryptocurrencies are securities The official stance of various countries on crypto An overview of crypto policy and regulatory hurdles The role of crypto in emerging markets and China Digital democracy and voting on the blockchain The future of decentralized technology If, how, and when the tokenization of national currencies will play out Facebook and WhatsApp's upcoming cryptocurrencies Currency tokenization and China's efforts to tokenize the yuan Blockchain, IoT, and the tangle Cryptocurrencies vs. fiat vs. the gold standard Predictions about the future of money, business, and currency Why blockchains would do better on Mars than Earth
Wenn Sie diese Zusammenfassung lesen, erfahren Sie mehr über die Funktionsweise von Kryptowährungen und der Blockchain-Technologie. Sie werden auch erfahren: warum Bitcoin so im Trend ist; warum es viele andere Kryptowährungen gibt; warum virtuelle Währungen sowohl eine Revolution als auch eine Finanzblase zu sein scheinen; ob es sich lohnt, in Kryptowährungen zu investieren; wie die Blockchain-Technologie viele Bereiche der Gesellschaft verändern wird. Es vergeht kaum ein Tag, an dem in den Medien nicht über Kryptowährungen, insbesondere Bitcoin, berichtet wird. Sein Preis ist explodiert und hat es vielen Menschen ermöglicht, in atemberaubendem Tempo reich zu werden. Dennoch ist es immer noch sehr schwer zu sagen, ob Kryptowährungen die Währungen der Zukunft sind oder Blasen, die kurzfristig platzen werden. Um diese Frage zu beantworten, müssen wir uns die Blockchain-Technologie ansehen, auf der diese neuen Währungen beruhen. Wie lässt sich feststellen, ob eine Investition in diese neuen Wertpapiere sinnvoll ist?
Please note: This is a companion version & not the original book. Sample Book Insights: #1 On Halloween 2008, a computer scientist named Satoshi Nakamoto published a whitepaper introducing Bitcoin, a digital currency that allows people to exchange money without going through a bank or credit card processor. #2 Money has traditionally been held in two forms: physical items like cash or gold pieces, or having a trusted institution like a bank or chieftain track how much money you have. The shortcomings of these forms of money are clear: it's easy to steal, it can't be used for online or long-distance transactions, it can be counterfeited, and it's a pain to store and transport. #3 Humanity has always used money to solve the problems of tangibility. Money was invented by a trusted institution, such as a bank or local chief, to mediate between humans and their tangible money. However, this form of money has several shortcomings that stem from the fact that there is a middleman. #4 What we really need in money is intangibility. M3 gives you intangibility by introducing middlemen: if you trust institutions to manage and move your money for you, you don’t have to hold tangible money anymore. But middlemen come with their own bundle of drawbacks.
Ao ler este resumo, o senhor saberá mais sobre como funcionam as moedas criptográficas e a tecnologia da cadeia de bloqueios. O senhor também vai descobrir: por que Bitcoin está tão na moda; por que há muitas outras moedas criptográficas; por que as moedas virtuais parecem ser ao mesmo tempo uma revolução e uma bolha financeira; se vale a pena investir em moedas criptográficas; como a tecnologia da cadeia de bloqueio vai transformar muitas áreas da sociedade. Dificilmente passa um dia sem que a mídia mencione as moedas criptográficas, especialmente a Bitcoin. Seu preço explodiu e permitiu que muitas pessoas ficassem ricas a um ritmo espantoso. No entanto, ainda é muito difícil saber se as moedas criptográficas são as moedas do futuro ou bolhas destinadas a estourar a curto prazo. Para responder a essa pergunta, precisamos olhar para a tecnologia da cadeia de bloqueio da qual dependem essas novas moedas. Como determinar se um investimento nesses novos títulos é sensato?
Al leer este resumen, aprenderá más sobre cómo funcionan las criptodivisas y la tecnología blockchain. También descubrirá por qué el Bitcoin está tan de moda por qué hay muchas otras criptodivisas por qué las monedas virtuales parecen ser tanto una revolución como una burbuja financiera si merece la pena invertir en criptodivisas; cómo la tecnología blockchain transformará muchos ámbitos de la sociedad. Apenas pasa un día sin que los medios de comunicación mencionen las criptodivisas, especialmente el Bitcoin. Su precio se ha disparado y ha permitido a muchas personas enriquecerse a un ritmo asombroso. Sin embargo, todavía es muy difícil saber si las criptodivisas son las monedas del futuro o burbujas destinadas a estallar a corto plazo. Para responder a esta pregunta, tenemos que analizar la tecnología blockchain de la que dependen estas nuevas monedas. ¿Cómo determinar si una inversión en estos nuevos valores es acertada?
Blockchain technology is powering our future. As the technology behind cryptocurrencies like bitcoin and Facebook's Libra, open software platforms like Ethereum, and disruptive companies like Ripple, it’s too important to ignore. In this revelatory book, Don Tapscott, the bestselling author of Wikinomics, and his son, blockchain expert Alex Tapscott, bring us a brilliantly researched, highly readable, and essential book about the technology driving the future of the economy. Blockchain is the ingeniously simple, revolution­ary protocol that allows transactions to be simultaneously anonymous and secure by maintaining a tamperproof public ledger of value. Though it’s best known as the technology that drives bitcoin and other digital cur­rencies, it also has the potential to go far beyond currency, to record virtually everything of value to humankind, from birth and death certifi­cates to insurance claims, land titles, and even votes. Blockchain is also essential to understand if you’re an artist who wants to make a living off your art, a consumer who wants to know where that hamburger meat really came from, an immigrant who’s tired of paying big fees to send money home to your loved ones, or an entrepreneur looking for a new platform to build a business. And those examples are barely the tip of the iceberg. As with major paradigm shifts that preceded it, blockchain technology will create winners and losers. This book shines a light on where it can lead us in the next decade and beyond.
Door deze samenvatting te lezen, leer je meer over hoe cryptocurrencies en blockchaintechnologie werken. Je zult ook ontdekken: waarom Bitcoin zo trendy is; waarom er veel andere cryptocurrencies zijn; waarom virtuele valuta zowel een revolutie als een financiële zeepbel lijken te zijn; of het de moeite waard is om te investeren in cryptocurrencies; hoe blockchaintechnologie veel gebieden van de samenleving zal transformeren. Er gaat bijna geen dag voorbij zonder dat de media het hebben over cryptocurrencies, vooral Bitcoin. De prijs ervan is geëxplodeerd en heeft veel mensen in staat gesteld om in een duizelingwekkend tempo rijk te worden. Toch is het nog steeds erg moeilijk om te weten of cryptocurrencies de munteenheden van de toekomst zijn of bubbels die op korte termijn uit elkaar zullen spatten. Om deze vraag te beantwoorden, moeten we kijken naar de blockchaintechnologie waar deze nieuwe valuta's van afhankelijk zijn. Hoe bepaal je of een investering in deze nieuwe effecten verstandig is?
The End of Money is an essential introduction to cryptocurrencies and the blockchain revolution. On this journey you'll discover how this staggering new technology has the potential to enable an ultra-libertarian society beyond government control. Murder for hire. Drug trafficking. Embezzlement. Money laundering. These might sound like plot lines of a thriller, but they are true stories from the short history of cryptocurrencies - digital currencies conceived by computer hackers and cryptographers that represent a completely new sort of financial transaction that could soon become mainstream. The most famous - or infamous - cryptocurrency is bitcoin. But look beyond its tarnished reputation and something much shinier emerges. The technology that underlies bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies - the blockchain - is hailed as the greatest advancement since the invention of the internet. It is now moving away from being the backbone for a digital currency and making inroads into other core concepts of society: identity, ownership and even the rule of law. The End of Money is your essential introduction to this transformative new technology that has governments, entrepreneurs and forward-thinking people from all walks of life sitting up and taking notice. ABOUT THE SERIES New Scientist Instant Expert books are definitive and accessible entry points to the most important subjects in science; subjects that challenge, attract debate, invite controversy and engage the most enquiring minds. Designed for curious readers who want to know how things work and why, the Instant Expert series explores the topics that really matter and their impact on individuals, society, and the planet, translating the scientific complexities around us into language that's open to everyone, and putting new ideas and discoveries into perspective and context.