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Are there always good reasons to get out of bed in the morning? This book argues that there are, citing the line of poetry from Virgil’s Aeneid that is inscribed at the World Trade Center memorial: ‘No day shall erase you from the memory of time’. It traces fascinating parallels between the role played in the Aeneid by deceitful gods and the role played in the Bible by a deceitful Devil, and explains how Jesus, respecting our free will, offers us eternal happiness, but refuses to convert us by force.
Jesus Christ is arguably the most famous man who ever lived. His image adorns countless churches, icons, and paintings. He is the subject of millions of statues, sculptures, devotional objects and works of art. Everyone can conjure an image of Jesus: usually as a handsome, white man with flowing locks and pristine linen robes. But what did Jesus really look like? Is our popular image of Jesus overly westernized and untrue to historical reality? This question continues to fascinate. Leading Christian Origins scholar Joan E. Taylor surveys the historical evidence, and the prevalent image of Jesus in art and culture, to suggest an entirely different vision of this most famous of men. He may even have had short hair.
In this groundbreaking book, Dennis R. MacDonald offers an entirely new view of the New Testament gospel of Mark. The author of the earliest gospel was not writing history, nor was he merely recording tradition, MacDonald argues. Close reading and careful analysis show that Mark borrowed extensively from the Odyssey and the Iliad and that he wanted his readers to recognise the Homeric antecedents in Mark's story of Jesus. Mark was composing a prose anti-epic, MacDonald says, presenting Jesus as a suffering hero modeled after but far superior to traditional Greek heroes. Much like Odysseus, Mark's Jesus sails the seas with uncomprehending companions, encounters preternatural opponents, and suffers many things before confronting rivals who have made his house a den of thieves. In his death and burial, Jesus emulates Hector, although unlike Hector Jesus leaves his tomb empty. Mark's minor characters, too, recall Homeric predecessors: Bartimaeus emulates Tiresias; Joseph of Arimathea, Priam; and the women at the tomb, Helen, Hecuba, and Andromache. And, entire episodes in Mark mirror Homeric episodes, including stilling the sea, walking on water, feeding the multitudes, the Triumphal E
Lionel Attwell, a former highly successful national newspaper reporter, spent seven years investigating the Christian Church and discovered that it was built on a premeditated perversion of the original Hebrew/Greek Scriptures ingeniously mutated to fit its warped agenda and erroneous doctrines. In the process it created a pagan counterfeit Christianized Messiah. His research also reveals the incredible events which actually occured in the Garden of Eden: the forbidden fruit was a narcotic and aphrodisiac; when "high" Eve was seduced by Satan and gave birth to a child with mutated genes subsequently inherited by the whole of mankind. He also explains the causes of human disasters and suffering. This book will change your life.
According to Psalm 82:5 presently the world is upside down and what we have now are the opposite of what it should be, but many did not know, we are all standing on satanic foundation. What if Jesus we are professing today is another Jesus? And what if the spirit controlling the church now is another spirit? And what if the gospel today is another gospel? For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him (2 Corinthians 11:4). Antichrist in the end time will come through the platform of the church and all this has been put in place long time ago. Satan ordered the steps of the Gentiles to Israel to finish the battle he started in heaven, the Romans took over the Church and gave it back to Satan, though the Roman empires collapse the Roman church never collapse and it became the Christian Church worldwide today.
"My people are destroyed for lack of Knowledge" (Hosea 4:6). This book is not meant for those who refuse to step out of their box, but instead cling onto their blinders, believing that the world is exactly as they have always been taught it is. Rather, it is specially written for those who discern that things are not exactly as they seem, and are dedicated to the pursuit of truth and knowledge. "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places"(Ephesians 6:12). "Behold a White Horse" is a roller coaster ride engaged in a myriad of related topics. The reader will be taken all the way back to ancient Babylon - the foundation of all secret societies, and continue on through Egypt and Rome. Other topics covered are ceremonial magick, kundalini power and evil spirits, the Talmud, Kabbalah, the apostasy of the Christian church today, alchemy, Papal Rome and the Catholic church, false prophets of the world, televangelists - wolves in sheep's clothing, & pagans in the pulpit." " Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the creator, who is blessed forever. Amen" (Romans 1:25) "This work is spiritually based, using many scriptures. It is the prayer of the author that through careful reading of these pages, the reader can connect the dots into a whole new level of discernment to help guard against demon traps and the many devices of Satan. Knowledge is power and the truth really does set you free."
The first volume of the series addresses the more essential questions concerning Islamic faith: e.g. God and the nature of His existence; can islam solve every problem? Did Prophet Muhammad write the Qur'an Subjects like the Prophethood, Satan, etc. are also examined.
This book has grown out of lectures upon the historical Jesus given in a good many cities of India during the winter of 1915-16. Here and there are incorporated passages (rehandled) from articles that have appeared in the Conservative quarterly, the Nation, the Expositor, and elsewhere. cf. Pref.
The domain of spirituality, separated from its theological overburden, believes in the existence of a spiritual self, presumed to be distinctly separate from the psychological self. The spiritual eternal self, also known as the soul or spirit (sometimes supported by an overarching Spirit), is asserted to be operating behind the ephemeral self. This book takes a contrarian stance; it argues that the premise of the soul concept is obtained through the magic of language, maintained through the marvel of the brain’s biochemistry, and sustained through the mirage of the psychological juggernauts of the brain. The magic, the marvel and the mirage, together, bring about subtle shifts as the linguistic brain suppresses many psychological details, habitually applies mental templates such as inversions and dichotomies, and enhances its language by coining religious and spiritual metaphors. The consequence of these changes is that the usual flickering self begins to be impressed by itself, believing it is buttressed by something transcendental and eternal within: the soul or the spirit. The self, although indoctrinated during its formative years, also begins to assimilate and accept the opinion that the overwhelming weight of religious doctrines and dogmas, the overburden, signifies as the legitimate proof for the eternal soul.