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Magnetism, when extended beyond normal frameworks into cosmic space is characterized by an enormous spatial scale. Because of their large sizes the nature of magnets such as the Earth and the Sun is entirely different from the nature of a horseshoe magnet. The source of cosmic magnetism is associated with the hydrodynamic motions of a highly conductive medium. In this aspect, cosmic magnets resemble a dynamo. However, currents in the dynamo flow along properly ordered wires, while chaotic, turbulent motions are dominant inside stars and liquid planetary cores. This makes more intriguing and surprising the fact that these motions maintain a regular magnetic field. Maintenance of magnetic fields is even more impressive in huge magnets, i.e. galaxies. In fact, we are living inside a giant dynamo machine, the Milky Way galaxy. Although the idea of the global magnetic field of our Galaxy was clearly proposed almost 40 years ago, firm observational evidence and definite theoretical concepts of galactic magnetism have been developed only in the last decade. This book is the first attempt at a full and consistent presentation of this problem. We discuss both theoretical views on the origin of galactic magnetism and the methods of observational study. Previous discussions were on the level of review articles or separate chapters in monographs devoted to cosmic magnetic fields (see, e.g., H. K. Moffatt, 1978, E. N. Parker, 1979 and Zeldovich et aI., 1983).
Magnetism is one of the basic properties of matter. Mankind has trav elled a long road in discovering and utilizing magnetism, and in this respect the ancient Chinese people have made outstanding contribu tions. In the book 'Lu's Spring and Autumn', written near the end of the Warring States Period, i. e. in the third century B. C. , there is a statement on the "attraction of iron by lodestones". So at that time it was known that magnets can attract ferromagnetic material. At the be ginning ofthe first century A. D. , viz. in the early years ofthe East Hang Dynasty, the famous scholar Wang Chong wrote in his masterpiece 'Len Hen' that the handle of a magnetic dipper pointed to the south. It was thus discovered at the time that magnets can point to the poles of the geomagnetic field. At the beginning of the twelfth century, during the reign of Emperor Hui of the Sung Dynasty, in the two books written by Zhu Yo and Xu Jin, respectively, there are descriptions of the com pass used in navigation. This tells us that the application of compasses was rather widespread at that time. The distinguished scientist Sen Go (1031-1085) discovered the declination of the terrestrial magnetic field. This is four hundred and more years earlier than its discovery by Christopher Columbus in 1492 during his voyage across the Atlantic Ocean. Such facts as these manifest the important contributions of ancient China to global civilization.
According to astrophysical theory, magnetic fields should play an important role in the structure and dynamics of the interstellar medium. While astronomical observations confirm this directly, the observational record is sparse. This is because magnetic fields can only be measured via polarimetric methods, and most of these methods can only provide an indirect inference of the magnetic field strength. The Zeeman effect, however, is the only method by which in situ measurements of astrophysical magnetic fields can be made. The spectral signature of Zeeman splitting is imprinted in the circular polarization spectrum of radiation received from an astronomical source. In order to make a reliable detection at radio frequencies, one must employ careful calibrations and account for instrumental effects. We begin this dissertation by covering the fundamentals of radio spectropolarimetry. We then offer historical details regarding the Zeeman effect and its use in single-dish radio observations. We present an outline of how one accurately measures the Zeeman effect using large single-dish radio telescopes. We follow this with results from an assessment of the polarization properties of the 100 m Green Bank Telescope (GBT). We then present magnetic field detections made via the Zeeman effect from the Galactic scale to cosmological distances. We begin with GBT observations of 21 cm emission toward the Taurus Molecular Cloud (TMC) complex. Recent observations have suggested that fields stronger than 20 microgauss are located at the distance of the TMC. Our Zeeman observations rule out fields of this strength, but do show a clear +5 microgauss detection from HI emission at the velocity of the TMC. More surprisingly, we have discovered multiple detections of a line-of-sight magnetic field of strength roughly +40 microgauss in a filament near -50 km/s. We then present a windfall of detections of milligauss-strength magnetic fields in starburst galaxies. Detected by means of Zeeman splitting of 1667 MHz hydroxyl megamaser emission, these Arecibo and GBT results represent the first extragalactic Zeeman measurements to probe the field inside an external galaxy. Finally, we climb the cosmological distance ladder, and present a dramatic GBT detection of a magnetic field in a damped Lyman-alpha absorber at a redshift of 0.692. We discuss possible scenarios for the creation of an 84 microgauss field at a look-back time of 6.4 Gyr.
The study of extraterrestrial magnetic fields is a relatively new one, confirmation of the existance of the first such field (that of our Sun) having come a s late as 1908. In the past 30 years a great ammount of knowledge has been accumulated on Cosmic Magnetism, which has turned out to be a truly fascinating topic for study. Percy Seymour's book is the first to deal with the topic in a non-mathematical way, and he offers a fine introduction to his subject. The first three chapters consolidate our knowledge on magnetism in general and the magnetic field of the Earth, as well as discussing the reasons for studying astronomy and cosmic magnetism in particular. The remainder of the book is devoted to the main areas of cosmic magnetism - solar, plantetary and interplanetary fields, fields in stars and pulsars, fields of the milky way and fields in other galaxies. Cosmic Magnetism in an ideal book for sixth-formers and undergraduates studying physics or astronomy and will also appeal to amateur astronomers. as previous work on this topic has been 'hidden' in specialised academic journals.
This volume presents the current knowledge of magnetic fields in diffuse astrophysical media. Starting with an overview of 21st century instrumentation to observe astrophysical magnetic fields, the chapters cover observational techniques, origin of magnetic fields, magnetic turbulence, basic processes in magnetized fluids, the role of magnetic fields for cosmic rays, in the interstellar medium and for star formation. Written by a group of leading experts the book represents an excellent overview of the field. Nonspecialists will find sufficient background to enter the field and be able to appreciate the state of the art.
This book contains review articles of most of the topics addressed at the conf- ence on Simulations of Magnetohydrodynamic turbulence in astrophysics: recent achievements and perspectives which took place from July 2 to 6, 2001 at the Institut Henri Poincar ́e in Paris. We made the choice to publish these lectures in a tutorial form so that they can be read by a broad audience. As a result, this book does not give an exhaustive view of all the subjects addressed during the conference. The main objective of this workshop which gathered about 90 scientists from di?erent ?elds, was to present and confront recent results on the topic of t- bulence in magnetized astrophysical environments. A second objective was to discuss the latest generation of numerical codes, such as those using adaptive mesh re?nement (AMR) techniques. During a plenary discussion at the end of the workshop discussions were held on several topics, often at the heart of vivid controversies. Topics included the timescale for the dissipation of magneto-hydrodynamical (MHD) turbulence, the role of boundary conditions, the characteristics of imbalanced turbulence, the validity of the polytropic approach to Alfv ́en waves support within interst- lar clouds, the source of turbulence inside clouds devoid of stellar activity, the timescale for star formation, the Alfv ́en Mach number of interstellar gas motions, the formation process for helical ?elds in the interstellar medium. The impact of small upon large scales was also discussed.
This Symposium, the first devoted entirely to the measurement and the role of magnetic fields in the non-solar Universe, was held in Heidelberg, on June 19-23, 1989. The meeting began with review talks on magnetic phenomena near the solar photosphere, corona, and in stellar winds, since these nearby "laboratories", studied for many years, provide much of the prior knowl edge of magnetic effects in astrophysical plasmas. The Symposium contained presentations of considerable new work concerning the role of magnetic fields in accretion disks, bipolar outflows, and related magnetic phenomena in molecular clouds and star forming regions. Both observa tions and related theory of the large-scale magnetic fields in the Milky Way were covered, in addition to a session on the more general theme of magnetohydrodynamics of galactic magnetic fields. Dynamo mechanisms were discussed in considerable detail. It was apparent that recent observational data on polarized emission from external galaxies are now of sufficiently high quality that meaningful tests of large-scale field amplification, and of ideas on the origin of galactic magnetic fields, can be undertaken. Both new observations and numerical simulation work were described in the context of active galaxy nuclei, supernova remnants, radio source jets and extended lobes, and also in the environment of galaxy clusters. Recent large-scale computer simulations incorporating magnetic fields in star formation, radio source jets, and many other phenomena were presented, and much of this was very new.
IAU Symposium 259 presents the first interdisciplinary, comprehensive review of the role of cosmic magnetic fields, involving astronomers and physicists from across the community. Offering both theoretical and observational topics ranging from Earth's habitability to the origin of the universe, this is an invaluable summary for researchers and graduate students.
While magnetic fields permeate the universe on all scales, the present book is dedicated to their investigation on the largest scales and affords a balanced account of both theoretical and observational aspects. Written as a set of advanced lectures and tutorial reviews that lead up to the forefront of research, this book offers both a modern source of reference for the experienced researchers as well as a high-level introductory text for postgraduate students and nonspecialist researchers working in related areas.