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This book is the personal journal of Cindy's journey out of obesity
Fat isn't the problem. Dieting is the problem. A society that rejects anyone whose body shape or size doesn't match an impossible ideal is the problem. A medical establishment that equates "thin" with "healthy" is the problem. The solution? Health at Every Size. Tune in to your body's expert guidance. Find the joy in movement. Eat what you want, when you want, choosing pleasurable foods that help you to feel good. You too can feel great in your body right now—and Health at Every Size will show you how. Health at Every Size has been scientifically proven to boost health and self-esteem. The program was evaluated in a government-funded academic study, its data published in well-respected scientific journals. Updated with the latest scientific research and even more powerful messages, Health at Every Size is not a diet book, and after reading it, you will be convinced the best way to win the war against fat is to give up the fight.
Cindy Snyder shares her deepest thoughts, feelings and experiences in this diary/journal in hopes to encourage others and for her to never forget where her God has brought her. Being warned by her physicians that her life was at stake, she knew she did not have the willpower to deliver herself from this bondage. This book is the personal journal of Cindy's journey out of obesity. You will be led through this journey as to what life is like for the super morbidly obese person and is filled with descriptive and explicit hardships that the super morbid obese must daily live with. Cindy has tried to be as open and honest as possible and in some instances very detailed and graphic as to what "life" had become. Cindy not only shares the battles but also lets everyone experience the victories with her. Throughout her journey she shares Biblical teachings, humor and the joy that only God can give during trials in our lives. Her journal covers everything from menus and recipes, surgery and exercise, measurements and weights, personal care, before and after pictures, to her most inner thoughts and feelings. Her documentations will encourage all that read them, from the most slender person with their own struggles to the very obese. Through her journey, faith will be strengthened to believe that with God all things are possible.
The Overweight Mind and Body is a self-help guide to understanding the psychological issues that lead to overeating and weight gain. The book enables the reader to discover the psychological drives that lead to unwanted weight and to find ways of meeting those drives other than with food. It introduces a simple, user-friendly theory of Transactional Analysis to promote weight-related self-awareness. The author includes exercises that empower readers to uncover their own stories. She understands that, for many, carrying extra weight is emotionally and physically painful and so gently encourages readers to explore at their own level. She uses case studies to demonstrate the many unconscious influences on one’s eating and how, when people discover and resolve these influences, they no longer need extra food. Reading them shows that "you are not alone". This book will also be of interest to, and a useful guide for, practitioners in the caring professions who work with clients struggling with eating and overweight.
This book is a detailed step-by-step guide for anyone who is considering weight loss surgery. It offers invaluable advice on what to do before surgery, and what to expect during and after the operation. More than fifty years ago, the search for the perfect weight loss operation began: obesity was quite rare then, but its negative health effects became noticeable. Recognizing the increasing need to help obese people, surgical pioneers created innovative procedures that produced malabsorption, then restriction, and they eventually combined the two techniques. The obesity epidemic was the catalyst for many changes in the area of bariatric surgery, creating a demand in treatment for severe obesity and its distressing effects. In fact, bariatric surgery has witnessed more advances over the last decade than in the previous fifty years. The first wave of advances during this past decade can be attributed to the gradual creation and standardization of safer, more effective, and durable operations, such as adjustable gastric banding, Roux-en Y gastric bypass, sleeve gartrectomy, and duodenal switch. The second wave of advances can be attributed to the advent of minimally invasive surgery in the 1990s. Obesity is associated with several medical comorbidities, including Type II diabetes, hypertension, obstructive sleep apnea, arthritis in weight-bearing joints, gallbladder and liver disease, and several kinds of cancer. Nevertheless, in many instances, weight decrease can result in dramatic improvement in health status. The occurrence of bariatric surgery has increased exponentially in recent years, and its contribution has had a major impact on the pandemic of morbid obesity. This book, written by well-known bariatric surgeons, plans to improve people's knowledge and comprehension of obesity and weight-loss surgery. Several chapters will assist you during your journey of weight loss and surgery in a systematic approach, and deliver insight into the basic comprehension of which variables contribute to or prevent the development of obesity and overweight.
This is not a fad diet book. This is the most comprehensive, scientifically based program to lose weight and keep it off, with practical details about diet and nutrition, movement and motivation, medications, supplements, surgery, and more. In Weight Loss for Life, two experts from the Johns Hopkins Healthful Eating, Activity & Weight Program provide you with all of the information you need on your weight loss journey. They bring together leading experts in behavioral health, nutrition, exercise, and nursing to help you develop a plan that works best for you—and that's not focused on just restricting calories or certain foods. Anyone struggling with unwanted weight gain or obesity will find this program to be helpful, compassionate, and clear. A central feature of the program is a Personal Plan of Action to help you set up reachable goals, plan your meals, and make time for movement. All the recommendations are customizable based on your personal health and needs. You'll enjoy the interactive features, too, with surveys throughout asking you to reflect on your own eating habits as well as barriers to success. And unlike other works on the market, Weight Loss for Life covers it all: supplements, prescription medications, med spas, and surgical options. If you struggle, it can help you get back on track. Throughout, testimonials from others who have followed the program along with hundreds of photographs and drawings will help educate and keep you motivated along your weight loss journey. Weight Loss for Life is the guide to the science and art of achieving and maintaining a healthful weight.
We want to be slim more than anything else in the world, so why do we have an obesity epidemic? If the solution is as simple as ‘eat less and do more’, why are 90% of today’s children facing a fat future? What if the current diet advice is not right? What if trying to eat less is making us fatter? What if everything we thought we knew about dieting is wrong? This is, in fact, the case. This book will de-bunk every diet myth there is and change the course of The Obesity Epidemic. This is going to be a ground breaking journey, shattering every preconception about dieting and turning current advice upside down. Did you know that we did a U-Turn in our diet advice thirty years ago? Obesity has increased ten fold since – coincidence or cause? Discover why we changed our advice and what is stopping us changing it back; discover the involvement of the food industry in our weight loss advice; discover how long we have known that eating less and doing more can never work and discover what will work instead. There is a way to lose weight and keep it off, but the first thing you must do is to throw away everything you think you know about dieting. Because everything you think you know is actually wrong. The diet advice we are being given, far from being the cure of the obesity epidemic, is, in fact, the cause.
For so many people, whether your addiction is to a substance or merely to a certain way of thinking or acting, a profound humbling occurs when you realize that your problem is bigger than you are. The terror of realizing, even dimly, that you have no control over a self-destructive pattern of behavior that as much as you would want to, you simply cannot stop can mark a crucial turning point in your life. At that point, you go in one of two directions: either way, way down, or way, way up. . . . This book is for you if you know in your heart that you are an addict, and that you are powerless before your addictive behavior. As the title promises, Marianne Williamson looks at weight loss from a spiritual perspective, bringing you 30 lessons that can be done separately or in conjunction with any other serious spiritual path. These 30 lessons are completely separate from anything related to diet or exercise they will retrain your consciousness in the area of weight in order to break the cycle of overeating, dieting, and shame that rules so many lives. Finally, Marianne has brought you what you've been waiting for: help to heal your addiction once and for all!
"A guide for navigating the many complex emotional issues related to weight loss surgery, beginning with considerations prior to surgery, and following through the physical and psychological transitions that occur after surgery"--
Childhood obesity is an epidemic in America today. In this fast-paced, consumerist society, people are bombarded daily with food options that are over-processed, addictive, and barely resemble the food that humans were meant to eat. As a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Marci Serota has strong opinions about the food available to our youth today, and the expertise to circumvent these obstacles when it comes to raising her own children. But nothing could have prepared her for a diagnosis of Hypothalamic Obesity in her young son - a condition that causes constant hunger and severe obesity that does not respond to diet or exercise; until now. With immense strength, love and sacrifice, Marci stood by her son as they both struggled to get him to his now healthy weight. She provides this instructive and inspiring text full of tips, recipes and advice to parents around the world struggling with similar diagnoses in their children, for the healthcare professionals who care for them, and for anyone trying to promote a healthy lifestyle for their family.