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Open the doors to self-understanding and let go of suffering. Guy Finley helps you seek a deeper relationship with the Divine and provides powerful insights on how to find a guiding light in any dark moment. Filled with unique and meaningful essays, this guide helps you remember a long-forgotten part of your true, timeless nature. This recollection stirs the sleeping soul that, once awakened, leads you to the crowning moment of life: contact with the immortal Self. Once achieved, this celestial union releases you from imagined self-limitation and regret, granting you the realization that death is not the end of life. View the book trailer for The Secret of Your Immortal Self Praise for Guy Finley's The Secret of Your Immortal Self: "Guy Finley's The Secret of Your Immortal Self teaches us how to uproot the false beliefs underlying our fear, anger, uncertainty, and self-doubt and how we may access the inherent joy, equanimity, wisdom, and creativity of our Authentic Self."—Michael Bernard Beckwith, author of Life Visioning "Guy Finley's thoughtful words of timeless wisdom in The Secret of Your Immortal Self will help inspire you to be your best self, for yourself and for those you love."—Daniel G. Amen, MD, NY Times Best-Selling author of Change Your Brain, Change Your Life "Guy Finley embodies universal wisdom. With his compassionate heart, Guy teaches practical insights each of us can apply in our daily lives to realize our own divinity."—Philip M. Hellmich, Director of Peace at The Shift Network, and author of God and Conflict: A Search for Peace in a Time of Crisis Read all praise for The Secret of Your Immmortal Self
In the summer of 2006, Aaravindha Himadra traveled deep into the interior of the Himalayan Mountains to a secret valley where he lived among the Amartya Masters—the reclusive keepers of an ancient lineage of spiritual mysticism. To answer their invitation, he endured a daunting trek across rugged, remote mountains, where he eventually came to their protected valley home, a place where our world’s most profound spiritual truths still exist in wholeness. Immortal Self is a riveting account of Aaravindha’s remarkable journey and his visit to this sacred land. Divulged here for the first time are the teachings of a legendary and secluded spiritual tradition—truths that transcend the illusion of our accepted reality and offer a beacon of hope for all seekers. Here is a transformative story that will invite you to challenge your preconceptions, open your heart, and receive the wisdom that your soul has always known: “When the last obstruction to the truth of our existence falls, but one power remains—the power of Supreme Love.”
We Can Know the Nature of Reality Our understanding of the nature of reality is undergoing an important shift from mostly supposition and belief to actionable facts based on important developments in parapsychology and transcommunication. This is resulting in emergence of new tools which are helping us better understand our nature and the nature of the world we live in. To be sure, this shift involves theory and research, but it ultimately comes down to who we are and what we can become. The best way to describe this future paradigm is to think in terms of mindfulness and the middle way of mindful living. This is not the mindfulness of living in the moment based on the belief that you are your body. It is the mindfulness of experiencing life from the perspective of your immortal self. This book is written to show you the evidence of survival and the implications of that evidence as an important model for future research. While your personal progression depends a lot on understanding the evidence, the community sharing your journey is equally important. To help you learn where to look for help, a comprehensive discussion of our paranormalist community is included. Mindfulness can lead to important growth in your ability to work with nature, to sense the subtle fields influencing your life and more confidently commune with your loved ones on the other side. But it is important to understand how this paradigm shift is changing our understanding of the phenomena of transcommunication and interconnectedness in our community. The last part of this book includes a comprehensive discussion of the phenomena, including EVP-ITC and mediumship transcommunication phenomena.
We Can Know the Nature of RealityOur understanding of the nature of reality is undergoing an important shift from mostly supposition and belief to actionable facts based on important developments in parapsychology and transcommunication. This means the emergence of new tools which are helping us better understand our nature and the nature of the world we live in.To be sure this shift involves theory and research, but it ultimately comes down to who we are and what we can become. The best way to describe this future paradigm is in terms of mindfulness and the middle way of mindful living. This is not the mindfulness of living in the moment based on the belief that we are our body. It is the mindfulness of experiencing life from the perspective of your immortal self.This book is written to show you the evidence of survival and the implications of that evidence as an important model for future research. While your personal progression depends a lot on understanding the evidence, the community sharing your journey is equally important. To help you learn where to look for help, a comprehensive survey of our paranormalist community is included.Mindfulness can lead to important growth in your ability to work with nature, to sense the subtle fields influencing your life and more confidently commune with your loved ones on the other side. But it is important to understand how this paradigm shift is changing our understanding of the phenomena of transcommunication and interconnectedness in our community. The last part of this book includes a comprehensive discussion of the phenomena, including EVP-ITC, healing intention and mediumship transcommunication phenomena.
In the summer of 2006 Aaravindha Himadra traveled deep into the interior of Himalayan Mountains to a secret, mythic-like valley where he lived among the Amartya Masters, a highly reclusive lineage of ageless beings. Enduring a daunting trek across the rugged, remote mountain peaks, he eventually entered their protected valley home where our world's most ancient spiritual truths still exist in wholeness. Through a series of extraordinary experiences and conversations he was given access to their most valued and enigmatic knowledge, knowledge that has never before been revealed to the world. This book is the chronological account of the events that took place during that visit.--
The Immortal Woman can be read sequentially or by opening up to any page for Her message to be reflected upon for your day and see what She reveals to you for your journey right now. Close your eyes, take a deep breath in, ask your question, then open the book up to a page. This book is your personal living guide as the ancient secrets are revealed to you day by day. Profound wisdom is contained in every sentence as it speaks from the heart through the vibration of love. The Immortal Woman tests and challenges your previously held definition of Love and takes you to a space of truth for yourself where all of life becomes a multi dimensional experience. The Immortal Woman is a personal pocket guide to opening up the Ancient Mysteries of Egypt, Atlantis and Beyond.
For thousands of years, the great wish of man was to become immortal. Such desire has led many in the quest for magic sources of eternal youth in nature, magic, religion and art. Nonetheless, many were the ones that have also built their immortality trough devastating wars, amazing empires, ruthless governing and, most recently, mass manipulation and hypnosis. Immortality, nonetheless, is not something that you search outside of yourself but inside. One can put his name in history trough a huge variety of deeds, good or bad, but a name is just an illusion, such as identity and personality are. The true and only immortal identity is the spirit, which by impersonating different entities and expressing different souls, travels trough time, bodies and realities, in a never ending cycle of life and death. It is the spirit that becomes the master and the disciple, the king and the slave, the man and the woman, the strong and the weak, the loved and the hated, in order to truly develop a clear perspective of self, while expressing the contradiction inside the drama that is life. Conscience of self is immortal, and we all have one. Everything represented by reality is illusion, trough which, nevertheless we build the only truth available - the one inside us. Like children, we get lost in our representations of life, not knowing that it is this joy of experimenting human behavior and emotions, cause and effect, that truly shapes who we are. Trapped in such illusions sometimes we become, when object and subject confuse themselves. It is when we become an effect of life, instead of cause over it, that we die, even far before the body has quit supporting our soul inside him and we move on to the next reincarnation. It is because life is not about the body, the personality, name or recognition, that this book was written. The purpose of this work is to bring freedom to the souls reading it and applying it, by rehabilitating their original capabilities. In this book there are techniques, methods and strategies, which purpose is to help the individual in dealing with his life path, empower himself and achieve all his goals, by becoming more effective in his decisions and in pursuing his life's purpose. The tools here presented go from an understanding of life in its present state till the understanding of how emotions and actions interact, from past to future. Finally, there is also a board of practices to train regarding the spirit, bringing him from this life to previous lives. It is expected that with the knowledge here presented the reader can rehabilitate himself, become happier and achieve all that he dreams upon with proper action towards his goals. This is the book that awakes the source of eternal youth and immortality from within.
In this fascinating book, Gary Renard and his Ascended Master Teachers, Arten and Pursah, teach you how to integrate advanced spiritual principles into your everyday life. Doing so leads beyond theory to an experience of the Divine and the undoing of the ego. Your progress will be accelerated to such a degree that, with continued practice, you can’t help but stop the need to reincarnate . . . once and for all. Like Gary’s first book, The Disappearance of the Universe, this work elaborates on the teachings of two spiritual classics, The Gospel of Thomas and A Course in Miracles. By focusing on a unique brand of quantum forgiveness, rather than the old-fashioned kind, and taking the understanding of the importance of thought up to a whole new level, your goal will become nothing less than to break the cycle of birth and death.
Discover the Secret Paradigm to Achieve Immortality and Spiritual Rehabilitation in "Immortality: The Key to Eternal Life" Are you fascinated by the idea of living forever? Have you ever wondered if there is a way to achieve immortality? Look no further! "Immortality: The Key to Eternal Life" unveils the hidden truths about immortality and presents a revolutionary approach to attaining everlasting life. Throughout history, humanity has pursued various means of achieving immortality. From ancient rituals to modern-day manipulation of public opinion, the quest for eternal youth has driven us to extreme measures. But true immortality lies not in external sources, but within ourselves. In this thought-provoking book, we delve into the realm of the spirit and explore its infinite nature. The spirit, the true immortal element within us, transcends time, inhabiting different realities and experiencing countless lives. It assumes different roles - the master and the disciple, the king and the slave, the lover and the hated - all to gain a deeper understanding of self and discard the ego. Embracing the immortality of the spirit is the ultimate goal of this book. Through insightful guidance and profound teachings, you will gain a new perspective on life and death. You will come to realize that your spirit is on an eternal journey of expansion and self-discovery. Key Features of "Immortality: The Key to Eternal Life": - Unveils the secret paradigm to achieving immortality and spiritual rehabilitation - Explores the immortal nature of the human spirit and its journey through time - Provides transformative teachings to help you gain a clear perspective of self - Addresses the limitations of external sources and emphasizes the power within - Challenges traditional beliefs and offers a revolutionary approach to immortality This book is a must-read for those who seek a deeper understanding of their existence, who yearn for immortality beyond physical boundaries. It is for individuals on a spiritual path, eager to explore the hidden truths of life and gain a profound sense of self. Whether you are a seeker of ultimate truth or simply curious about the mysteries of immortality, "Immortality: The Key to Eternal Life" will captivate and enlighten you. Don't miss this opportunity to embark on a transformative journey towards eternal life. Awaken the immortal spirit within you and experience life in a new, profound way. Buy "Immortality: The Key to Eternal Life" today and discover the secret to everlasting existence.
Selfishness, envy, revenge, and malice are mankind’s deadliest curses. Selfishness is love misdirected to, and jealously kept for one’s little self at the expense of his Spiritual Self and of all other selves, who are transient rays of One Universal Self. Selfishness and ambition are mankind’s deadliest curses. Great intellect and too much knowledge is a two-edged weapon in life, and instruments for evil, as well as for good. When combined with Selfishness, they will make of the whole of Humanity a footstool for the elevation of him who possesses them, and a means for the attainment of his objects; while, applied to altruistic and humanitarian purposes, they may become the means of salvation of the many. Pride and Presumption, the two chief prompters of Selfishness and Egotism, are the causes that emptied heaven of one third of its divine dwellers (mystically) and of another third, of the stars (astronomically). The first statement is an allegory intimately connected with humanity; the second, a fact. Our age is criminal in its frightful selfishness, in its scepticism which grimaces at the very idea of anything beyond the material, and in its idiotic indifference to all that does not pertain to the personal self — more than any of the past ages of ignorant barbarism and intellectual darkness. The paths are many but Wisdom is One. Artistic souls envision it, those who suffer dream of it, the pure in heart know it. Only light and empty heads, egotistical and vain drones, confused by their own buzzing, will remain ignorant of the supreme ideal. They will continue existing until life becomes a grievous burden to them. Pride and conceit are the two malignant cancers devouring the heart of “civilized” nations. Selfishness is the sword of Damocles dangling by evanescent personality over the golden thread that links it with its Spiritual Centre and Life Eternal. One never ceases to be astonished by the egoism, vanity, and “self-sufficiency” of the majority. There are some for whom their little personality constitutes the whole universe. The vices and illusions of lower minds are typical of egotistical mediocrities. Overfed by the sweet delicacies of ambition and personal life, man accumulates gravitas. Kipling says that he is gathering “too much ego in his cosmos.” His “little personality constitutes the whole universe,” says Madame Blavatsky. Every veil of illusion that creates a sense of personal isolation, a feeling of separateness from All, must be torn asunder; and those who, through vanity and selfishness, go against the Divine Plan, cannot but incur the punishment of total annihilation. Life on earth is the result and consequence of that unseen, yet ever present autocrat and despot, called Selfishness and Egotism. The strongest will becomes impotent before the voice and authority of this self-appointed commander. Selfish is the life of a hermit, useless to all, and as useless to himself. “Self-culture” is for the solitary Hatha Yogis who shun the society of their fellow men. Pampering the animal self is triply distilled selfishness. The Hindu Yogi, who isolates himself in an impenetrable forest, and the Christian hermit who retires to the desert, are both accomplished egoists. The one seeks refuge in Nirvana, the other to save his soul from hell. Philosophical pantheism is based upon the correct understanding of the mysteries of being. Modern pessimism is yet another system of evil added by unhealthy fancy to an ever-growing sum of social evils, and a systematic slander of sentient life. Neither good nor evil would exist were it not for the light they throw upon each other. The bundle of Egotism disappears after death, as the costume of the part he played disappears from the actor’s body after he leaves the theatre at the end of the play and goes to bed. The slightest tinge of Selfishness precludes the employment of Spiritual Forces. For, unless the intention is entirely unalloyed, the spiritual will transform itself into the psychic, act on the astral plane, and dire results may be produced by it. The powers and forces of animal nature can equally be used by the selfish and revengeful, as by the unselfish and the all-forgiving. But the powers and forces of spirit lend themselves only to the pure in heart — and this is Divine Magic. The greatest crime that was ever perpetrated upon mankind was committed on that day when the first priest invented the first prayer with a selfish object in view. Prayer is an ennobling action when it is an intense feeling, an ardent desire rushing forth from our very heart for the good of other people, and when entirely detached from any selfish personal object; the craving for “the wilds beyond the heavens” is natural and holy in man, but on the condition of sharing that bliss with others. The heart of the purely selfish man, who cares not if all others rot so he can have pleasure in their pain, is softened for those near and dear to him — his family, relatives, and friends. His affections may even extend to religious fanaticism and even patriotic fervour in his country’s wars and political schemes, in the hope of recognition and reward. However sincere and ardent the faith of a theist, unless, while conforming his life to what he pleases to term “divine laws,” he gives precedence in his thoughts, first to the benefit that accrues from such a moral course of actions to his brother, and then only thinks of himself — he will remain a pious egotist. For belief in and fear of God will develop and grow in exact proportion to his Selfishness, his fear of punishment and bad results only for himself, without the least concern for his brother. Theism and atheism grow and develop together our reasoning powers, and become either fortified or weakened by reflection or deduction of evidence. The only God which Theosophists worship is Truth. The only devil they recognize and which they fight with unabated fury is the Satan of Egotism and unbridled passions. Alone our Western religion stands in its isolation, as a monument of the most gigantic human selfishness ever evolved by human brain, without one word in favour of, or for the protection of, the poor animal. Selfishness, envy, revenge, and malice are the hallmarks of sorcerers. The Roman Catholic “fathers” and clergy, particularly when pursuing their selfish objectives collectively, they have to be ranked among the adepts of the Black Art. In the crypts of the cyclopean Stonehenge in England, and its twin-brother Carnac of Brittany, curious scenes are taking place whenever there is a new convert in view. Stupefying is the power of blind faith in, and veneration of, ecclesiastical teachings. The conscience of the Roman Catholic priest is most likely at peace. He works personally for no selfish purpose, but with the object of “saving a soul” from “eternal damnation.” In his view, if Magic there be in it, it is holy, meritorious, and divine Magic. Whenever those priest-hypnotists want to control an individual, selected by them for conversion, they retire to an underground place, consecrated by them for such purposes and there, forming a circle, throw their combined will-power in the direction of that individual. This is the kind of ceremonial Magic and sorcery practiced at Stonehenge and elsewhere. The modern Symbologist is exceedingly clever only at detecting phallic worship and sexual emblems, even where none were ever meant. But for the true student of Occult Lore, White or Divine Magic could no more exist in Nature without its counterpart Black Magic, than day without night, whether these be of twelve hours or of six months’ duration. Magic is still in full sway amidst mankind, however blind the latter to its silent presence and pernicious influence, however ignorant society may be of its beneficent and maleficent effects. Most of those magicians are sorcerers by reason of their inherent selfishness, their revengeful natures, their envy, and malice. Man accumulates knowledge, invents religions and philosophies, but he himself remains still the same. In his ceaseless chase after wealth and honours and the will-o’-the-wisps of novelty, enjoyment, and ambition, man is ever moved by one chief motor — Vain Selfishness. We live in an era of the most triumphant display of human genius. But what good has all this great civilization and progress done to the millions in the world’s slums, and to the armies of the “great unwashed”? Selfishness is the chief prompter of our age and the boisterous rebel against Nature’s decrees. The student, at the very outset, learns that the alpha and the omega of life is selflessness, and knows that only in the sanctuary of merit and self-forgetfulness can the true meaning of life reveal itself to his eager heart. By sinking his consciousness deep into his heart he can reach that holy place, only when alone in silence and darkness. When the need for silence has grown great enough, he will turn to seek it even in the midst of the struggle with self, and he will find it. Living for self alone is full of pain and sorrow; living for others is full of divine bliss and joy for ever, free from bonds tied by mortal hands. There is no danger to him who is true and sincere, and especially unselfish. For he is thus prepared to meet any temptation. The pure at heart, who study with a view of perfecting themselves, need not have any fear; but rather those who make of the Sacred Science a sinful pretext for worldly motives, who should tremble. Conscience, God’s vicegerent in the soul, speaks no longer in man when the whispers of the still small voice within are stifled by the ever-increasing din and roar of selfishness. Space and time should be given to the self-appointed censors of morality to cleanse themselves of the ferocious selfishness, narrow-mindedness, and conceit which have made their playing at “the higher life” an almost comical travesty. It is that fierce and unashamed personal selfishness, the chief motor in the “struggle for life,” that is the sole cause of human starvation, and it’s vastly more powerful extension — national egoism and vanity — which stirs up wealthy nations and individuals to bury enormous capitals in the unproductive erection of gorgeous churches and temples, and to support a swarm of social drones called Cardinals and Bishops, who parasitize their subordinates and their flocks. Compassion felt but not acted upon is not altruism, it is bare hypocrisy. Spiritual perfection and knowledge can only be reached on the spiritual plane — in that state in which all sense of separateness, all selfishness, all feeling of personal interest and desire, has been merged in the wider consciousness of the humanity at large. No blind submission to the commands of another can be demanded, or would not be of any use. Each individual must learn for himself, through trial and suffering, to discriminate what is beneficial to humanity; and in proportion, as he begins transmuting his materiality to spirituality — lead to gold — his mind will open to receive the guidance of his Immortal Self within. and best friend of the mortal self. Impersonality is the ultimate aim of cosmic evolution. We have to work along with Nature, and not place ourselves in opposition to her inherent impulse, which must ultimately assert itself. To oppose it, must necessitate suffering, since a weaker force, in its egotism, tries to array itself against the mighty Universal Law. Whenever Truth is veiled for the many, it is unveiled for the few. Men had not created evil yet in those hoary days of bliss and purity, for they were more Godlike than human. When Selfishness was born out of desires and passions hitherto unknown, and superhuman knowledge and power were abused, it became necessary to limit the number of those who knew. Thus arose Initiation. The need of veiling Truth to protect it from desecration becoming more apparent with every generation, the thin veil used at first had to be gradually thickened according to the spread of I-ness and Me-ness, Luxury and Lust — and this led to the Mysteries. Our age is pre-eminently materialistic and pietistic. Our literature, our modern thought, and the so-called progress, run on these two parallel lines, so incongruously dissimilar, and yet both so popular and so very orthodox, each in its own way. He who presumes to draw a third line, as a hyphen of reconciliation between the two, has to be fully prepared for the worst. Compassion felt but not acted upon is not altruism, it is mere hypocrisy. Real self-development on esoteric lines requires action. The only way of sacrificing oneself “to the eternal” is by attuning to the collective spirit of life, embodied in and represented in its highest divine aspect by humanity alone. Vice and wickedness are an abnormal, unnatural manifestation, at this period of our human evolution. The fact that mankind was never more selfish and vicious than it is now — civilized nations having succeeded in making of the first an ethical characteristic, and of the second an art — is proof of the of the sorry state we are all in today. The Immortal Titan and True Philanthropist is moved by Compassion-Sacrifice; the mortal man, by Selfishness and Self-adoration in every instance. If man by suppressing, if not destroying, his selfishness and personality, only succeeds in knowing himself as he truly is, he will soon stand beyond all pain and misery, and beyond all the wear and tear of change, which is the chief originator of pain. Such a man will be physically of matter, he will move surrounded by matter, and yet he will live beyond and outside it. His body will be subject to change, but he himself will be entirely above it, and will experience everlasting life even while in temporary bodies of a short span. Happiness cannot exist as long as Egotism reigns supreme, and intellectual progress refuses to accept a subordinate position to ethical progress. And as long as Egotism will not give way to the Altruism, happiness will remain a Utopia. Listen to the voice of the Master: Your motive, being selfish, can only generate a double effect, good and bad, and will either nullify your good action, or turn it to another man’s profit. There is no happiness for one who is ever thinking of his little self and forgetting all other selves.