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A work that will lift the mind and heart of every reader. --Dr. Norman Vincent Peale
The believer in Christ must learn to continually come to God in prayers, with faith in his or her heart - not in panic or fear, but in faith and assurance that God will hear him or her. Again, Apostle Paul writes: "But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him." (Hebrews 11:6)Yes, God rewards those that are diligent in seeking Him in prayer. He delights to have a close fellowship or relationship with us, who have put our trust in Him for all our affairs. Our God never gets tired hearing our voices or rescuing us from the evil one and from ourselves.Every time I hear praise reports from God's children as they give testimonies about the goodness of God in their lives, I greatly rejoice. Miracles are in our DNA as children of God. God's word states that He will supply all our needs according to His riches in glory by Jesus Christ. We can depend on these words and go about our lives' missions confidently. "And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:19)God is our Provider and will meet all our needs without fail, whatever those needs are - whether spiritual or physical needs. We can always rely on Him. Our God still works miracles. And as we say, "Miracles are the hobbies of the Lord!"
"The text of The God memorandum itself first appeared in The greatest miracle in the world, by Og Mandino copyright 1975, published by Frederick Fell Publishers, Inc."--T.p. verso
Do miracles still happen today? This book demonstrates that miraculous works of God, which have been part of the experience of the church around the world since Christianity began, continue into the present. Leading New Testament scholar Craig Keener addresses common questions about miracles and provides compelling reasons to believe in them today, including many accounts that offer evidence of verifiable miracles. This book gives an accessible and concise overview of one of Keener's most significant research topics. His earlier two-volume work on miracles stands as the definitive word on the topic, but its size and scope are daunting to many readers. This new book summarizes Keener's basic argument but contains substantial new material, including new accounts of the miraculous. It is suitable as a textbook but also accessible to church leaders and laypeople.
The Lord God spoke expressly to author Donald Ogolo, saying, "These are the end of days," indicating that we are in fact in the very last minute of the church dispensation. In a world of raging global disasters, economic and political upheavals, and great surges in crime and other unimaginable sinful vices, God urgently calls everyone to prepare for His coming. The Lord Jesus said that unless a man is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. There is good news for you-you too can experience the greatest miracle in the entire universe. You too can be born again. In The Greatest Miracle, Ogolo outlines seven key steps towards partaking of this miracle: - Acknowledgment - Repentance - Confession - Forsake - Believe - Receive - Consecration He also shows you how you can practically lead others to this miracle and yield much harvest for the kingdom of heaven-a very useful tool for soul winners. As you practically follow the steps and principles in The Greatest Miracle, you will be translated into the miraculous and learn to live and operate in divine presence and power as a child of the Most High God.
“Captivating reading that builds the faith while it fills the mind with greatness.”—Sherwood Wirt, former editor, DECISION Magazine One of this century's greatest writers of fact, fiction, and fantasy explores, in utterly beautiful terms, questions of faith in the modern world: • On the experience of miracles • On silence and religious belief • On the assumed conflict between work and prayer • On the error of trying to lead “a good life” without Christ • On the necessity of dogma to religion • On the dangers of national repentance • On the commercialization of Christmas . . . and more “The searching mind and the poetic spirit of C.S. Lewis are readily evident in this collection of essays edited by his one-time secretary, Walter Hopper. Here the reader finds the tough-mind polemicist relishing the debate; here too the kindly teacher explaining a complex abstraction by means of clarifying analogies; here the public speaker addressing his varied audience with all the humility and grace of a man who knows how much more remains to be unknown.”—The New York Times Book Review
Start seeing miracles! You did not encounter this book by accident. God is directing your steps, and he wants you to witness the miracles that continue to take place today. Miracles Happen! explores the miracles of Jesus as told in the Bible and shares stories of God’s miracles today. Filled with inspiring Scripture, spiritual insight, and guided prayers, Miracles Happen! will immerse you in real-life accounts of miracles of healing, salvation, provision, protection, and more. Raise your level of expectancy and open your eyes to God’s miraculous work.
New York Times bestselling author Danielle Steel shares her favorite words of wisdom, sayings, and quotes that she has turned to time and time again for inspiration and comfort. When Danielle Steel was a young girl, her grandmother gave her a beautiful antique book with blank pages inside. She wasn’t quite sure what to do with it. Draw? Write? Soon, she began to discover quotes she liked—words from other people that she wanted to keep and hold on to. She started to write them down on those smooth ivory pages. That habit of gathering sayings has stayed with Danielle throughout the years. And now, after a lifetime of collecting, she shares the quotations that have meant the most to her—lines from books and magazines, pieces of poetry, short passages from the Bible, and quotes gathered from the world around her. These are the words that bring her wisdom and humor, inspiration and comfort, and, above all, joy. May Expect a Miracle bring the same to you, too.
The silent swish of paddles in the darkness told Karsatoa that his enemies had him surrounded. Suddenly his canoe began to fly over the wateratop a giant stingray. The God of the Bible is still in the miracle business. These thrilling reports from around the world show that He still reveals His power and care today.You will read of dollar bills that multiplied. A prayer written on a kite. Prison doors that opened. A self-healing radiator, and a self-filling gas tank. Rain that fell only on mission property. A book that refused to burn. A clock that struck 13. Manna from heaven--in Africa. A gentle ride inside a tornado. Invisible hands that lift a car. And lots mysterious strangers, sometimes visible only to some and not others. But always protecting, guiding, saving.
#1 New York Times bestselling author Karen Kingsbury shares a collection of inspiring true stories from women whose faith has sustained them through monumental trials. For mothers, wives, sisters, and friends, this book will uplift the hearts of its readers through accounts of faith proving triumphant over any obstacle.