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This convenient handbook offers readers an innovative clinical approach using 100 different Kundalini Yoga meditation techniques that are specific for various psychiatric disorders.
Desarrollar la Resistencia Mental en el Yoga mediante el uso de la meditacion es una de las mejores formas de alcanzar su verdadero potencial. Comer bien y entrenar son dos de las piezas del rompecabezas, pero necesita la tercera pieza para alcanzar su verdadero máximo de rendimiento. La tercera pieza es dureza mental y puedes obtenerlo a través de la meditación.Si observa a los atletas que practican meditación regularmente encontrará que son, o poseen:-Más seguridad durante la competición.-Estrés reducido.-Mejor capacidad de concentración durante largos períodos de tiempo.-Menor fatiga muscular.-Tiempos más veloces de recuperación después de competir o entrenar.-Mayor resiliencia.-Mayor y más equilibrio en el desempeño bajo presión.¿Qué más se puede pedir?Cuando se considera desbloquear el verdadero potencial, son muchos los atletas que se centran en el aspecto físico y nutricional.Los objetivos de una preparación profesional, a menudo, pasan por alto el potencial interno, capaz de conseguirse a través de prácticas como la meditación y la visualización. Es común ver beneficios o mejoras físicas debido a entrenamientos físicos, pero lo que muchos atletas no saben es que la meditación ha demostrado también, elevar significativamente el rendimiento y la salud física.Alcanzar su máximo rendimiento requiere de un entrenamiento y estimulación en el ámbito físico y mental. Si estos puntos no se tienen en cuenta conjuntamente, ocurre lo que a muchos deportistas, a los cuales se les dificulta conseguir un equilibrio dentro de un nivel de profesionalismo superior. Con el fin de dar lo mejor de ti, debes aceptar que el cuerpo y la mente son complementos de una sola cosa, y que trabajándolos conjuntamente lograrás alcanzar tus metas.La meditación como ejercicio, ayuda a fortalecer tu mente de la misma manera en que impacta positivamente en tu cuerpo, en constante evolución a medida que tú practicas.El acondicionamiento físico, la nutrición y meditación son las tres claves para lograr un estado de óptimo rendimiento. La mayoría de los atletas no ponen tanta atención a la meditación como deberían, ya que su preocupación se centra en la apariencia física y en la percepción de otros sobre ellos mismos.En la meditación los resultados, no son algo que verás físicamente, sino más bien en cómo te sientes y en tu nueva habilidad para controlar tus pensamientos y emociones. Al comenzar tus sesiones de meditación y ser disciplinado y constante, notarás mejoras significativas en cómo respondes ante la ansiedad, la presión y el estrés, tres de los principales problemas en que la mayoría de los atletas tienen inconvenientes de superación, todo intentando alcanzar tu verdadero potencial.Cambia tu vida y comienza a usar la meditación para sobrepasar tus límites y liberarte.(c) 2015 Correa Media Group
This book attempts to bridge the considerable gaps that exist between spiritual philosophies and evidence-based medicine and between the psychotherapeutic models of the East and the West. Based on the insights of both the ancient wisdom and modern medicine, this book presents Yogic science not just as a set of physical exercises or religious rituals but as theories about the mind that have bio-psycho-social implications in relation to health and illness. Drawing on his years of monastic training and his extensive experiential, clinical and research knowledge on the utility of Yoga meditation in standardized and evidence-based medicine protocols, the author describes symptom-specific clinical applications of Yogic/meditative techniques using standardized protocols for the various psychiatric and psychosomatic conditions. In addition, he explains the value of these techniques in reducing stress and improving quality of life in healthy populations. Dr. Pradhan names the proposed integrative model of psychotherapy Yoga and Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (Y-MBCT). Unlike other models, Y-MBCT uses Yoga in its entirety (all eight limbs, including meditation) rather than piecemeal. The standardized and evidence-based format of Yoga meditation described in this book will help all aspiring Yoga practitioners and will hopefully also provide the impetus for multicenter research studies on the value of this ancient wisdom.
The art of meditation is not a job to be performed as one does the duties of one’s profession in life, for all activities of life are in the form of a function of one’s individuality or personality which is to a large extent extraneous to one’s nature, due to which there is a fatigue after work and there are times when one gets fed up with work, altogether. But meditation is not such a function and it differs from activities with which man is usually familiar. If sometimes one is tired of meditation, we have only to conclude one has only engaged oneself in another kind of activity, calling it meditation, while really it was not so.
Astanga is a dynamic and energetic way of utilizing self-control techniques in breathing (vinyasa) and movement to harmoniously flow from one posture (asana) to the next. With this guide, readers will improve their physical and mental health with a series of yoga routines adapted for all skill levels--from beginner to expert. These routines, when practiced consistently, cleanse the body, calm the mind, and create a high energy level as well as a better overall fitness level. Astanga es una pr�ctica din�mica y en�rgica que utiliza t�cnicas de control para la respiraci�n (vinyasa), el movimiento y para fluir arm�nicamente desde una postura (asana) hacia la siguiente. Con esta gu�a, los lectores mejorar�n su salud f�sica y mental con estas rutinas adaptadas para todos los niveles, desde principiantes a expertos. La pr�ctica continua limpia el cuerpo, tranquiliza la mente y proporciona gran energ�a y un buen estado f�sico.
The Neuroscience of Yoga and Meditation presents a comprehensive review of scientific research on the effects of yoga and meditation on the brain. The author offers tools for interpreting scientific literature and explores the current limitations in studying these practices. She also includes examples of mediations and movement routines that activate the brain to decrease stress and improve well-being. The Neuroscience of Yoga and Meditation is a must-have for any yoga teacher, yoga therapist, or yoga student who is interested in how contemplative practices affect the brain. Topics Include: - Anatomy of the brain - How the senses work - Movement and proprioception - Breathing science - Styles of Meditation - Stress, inflammation, and trauma - Psychological disorders and neurological conditions - Brain Plasticity and aging
A longtime yoga teacher and Buddhist meditation practitioner, Charlotte Bell describes in passionate detail how she applied the eightfold path of the Yoga Sutras and the Buddha’s heed for mindfulness to her hectic Western life—with practicality and precision, grace and guts.Her insights honor these timeless teachings while staying relevant to contemporary life. She recounts personal stories that depict her commitment to practice in her own life: in relationships, music, asana, meditation, teaching, and even writing this book. And it's not all rosy. She writes about self-doubt and struggles, all while welcoming, time and again, the life she has, imperfections and all.Charlotte Bell shows by example how to be a yogi in the particularity of your own life. Her suggestions about how to bring mindfulness into asana will deepen your practice; her recommended daily practices, or Reflections, will reveal new inner landscapes. Mindful Yoga, Mindful Life is an inspiring guide for anyone seeking to live a yogic life.
If you have always wanted to live more peacefully, love more fully, and discover a deeper, more meaningful spiritual life, yoga is the path. Heartfelt and deeply practical, Strong, Calm and Free brings alive the possibility of a life of inner peace, compassion and joy. Grounded in both modern science and ancient wisdom, this beautiful and inspiring book demystifies the philosophy and psychology of yoga, making the 4000-year old practice accessible for modern life. Whether you've never stepped foot on a yoga mat before or want to deepen your home practice, this beautifully-illustrated book is suitable for all abilities, gently guiding you through a ten-week journey of yoga sequences, meditations and mindful living practices that will build strength, bring insight and offer a path to healing and freedom. Written by holistic counsellor and international yoga and meditation teacher Nicola Jane Hobbs, Strong, Calm and Free shares the tools to help you navigate the peaks and valleys of modern life, to dispel the “I'm not good enough” myth that holds so many of us back and to experience the miracle of being yourself. By sharing her gentle wisdom alongside simple, practical exercises, Nicola invites you on a path of inner transformation. A mindful adventure of self-discovery. A journey towards health, happiness and wholeness. Towards strength, peace and freedom. Towards becoming fully and fearlessly who you are.