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Golf Fitness with Yoga "No thank you!" That would have been the smiling denial of Dorothee Haering two years ago. "Me and yoga; sitting on the floor twisting my limbs into knots?" Unimaginable! But things tend to take their own way. Her physiotherapist sent her to yoga and she discovered all the benefits for her game. A yoga book written by a golfer is, of course, not a run-of-the-mill yoga book with mainly traditional asanas, the physical yoga poses. On the contrary, this special exercise program is tailored specifically to golfers' needs. With a balanced mix of traditional techniques and modern training principles as well as the easy-to-follow instructions described step-by-step, this book is eminently suitable for non-yogis. The subjects "Golfer's Elbow: No thanks" might as interest many afflicted golfers as the training tips to more mobility of the hip. Freshly edited and with numerous photographs specially taken for these exercises, this book reflects Dorothee Haering's great passion for golf. A book by a golfer for those golfers who want to work on their physical and mental attitudes in an easy-going fashion. * Set-up & Balance * Arms & Hands * Footwork & Strain * Rotation & Back * Playing in the Flow and mental Strength * Background Knowledge Golf & Health * Warm Up for the Driving Range, Golfers I & II Roll out your mat! Your age is of no consequence. If you can play golf then you can practice yoga, irrespective of your individual constitution and physical condition. All you need is motivation and perseverance in order to discover yoga as a new source of energy for your golf game. Move your game!
A yoga book written by a golfer is, of course, not a run-of-the-mill yoga book with mainly traditional asanas, the physical yoga poses. On the contrary, this special exercise program is tailored specifically to golfers' needs. With a balanced mix of traditional techniques and modern training principles as well as the easy-to-follow instructions described step-by-step, this book is eminently suitable for non-yogis. You will be stronger, more flexible, and balanced with easy yoga stretches and strength training. Illustrated, easy-to-follow yoga fitness, focus, and relaxation exercises help golfers find "The Zone" and stay there. Yoga can make you a better golfer by improving concentration and enjoyment of the game, no matter what your level. For years, more and more athletes have been participating in all kinds of yoga practice to strengthen and improve their balance, physical mental performance in elite sports. Even for casual golfers, yoga can have an immediate and dramatic impact on one's game: helping prevent injuries & strain, reducing strokes, and improving overall control of ball flight.
From the unquestioned expert in the field, the authoritative guide to yoga for golfers "Working with Katherine for the last couple of years has allowed me to compete at a very high level." --Gary McCord, CBS golf commentator and Senior PGA Tour player Katherine Roberts, founder and host of the "Yoga for Golfers" program on the Golf Channel, offers her unique educational methods in this groundbreaking book, providing instruction to the millions of golfers--including many top tour professionals--who have turned to the art of yoga to improve their game. Based on 20 years of expertise, Yoga for Golfers connects the mind and body to create a powerful fitness regimen, including: Yoga postures specifically selected for a golfer's needs Proper breathing techniques Mind-relaxation methods Injury-reducing stretches Visualization tools--for success on and off the course
Vielleicht ergeht es Ihnen beim Gedanken an Yoga ebenso wie Dorothee Haering. Sie sagte auch lachend: "Ich und Yoga, auf dem Boden sitzend und meine Körperteile verrenkend? Nein danke, unvorstellbar!" Solange jedenfalls, bis ihr Physiotherapeut sie zu Yoga schickte und sie all die Vorteile für ihr Spiel entdeckte. Ähnlich ist es wahrscheinlich auch den Jungs der deutschen Fußball-Nationalmannschaft ergangen, doch mittlerweile liegen sie ebenfalls auf der Yogamatte. Und wann rollen Sie diese Matte aus? Golfer lassen doch sonst nichts unversucht, um ihr Handicap zu verbessern! Ein Yoga-Buch von einer Golferin ist freilich kein gängiges Yoga-Projekt. Vielmehr ist dieses Übungsprogramm speziell auf die Bedürfnisse von Golfern zugeschnitten. Durch den ausgewogenen Mix aus traditionellen Techniken und modernen Trainingsprinzipien und die einfachen Schritt für Schritt Anleitungen eignet es sich auch bestens für Nicht-Yogis. Themen wie "Golferarm: Nein danke" dürfte wahrscheinlich viele geplagte Golfer ebenso interessieren wie Trainingstipps für mehr Beweglichkeit, Kraft und Feinkoordination. Und Yoga ist das perfekte Energy-Management, um Körper und Geist zu synchronisieren. Da ist es kaum überraschend, dass viele der besten Golfer der Welt mittlerweile Yoga praktizieren. Frisch aufbereitet und mit vielen, speziell für die Übungen aufgenommen Fotos versehen, spiegelt das Buch die große Leidenschaft von Dorothee Haering für Golf wieder. Das Buch einer Golferin für Golfer, die unverkrampft an ihrer Körper- und Geisteshaltung arbeiten möchten. Move your Game! * Set-up & Balance * Arme & Hände * Beinarbeit & Dehnung * Rotation & Rücken * Spielen im Flow & mentale Stärke * Hintergrundswissen Golf & Gesundheit * Warm Up für die Driving Range, Golfer I & II
"Golf meets Mind" is unusual golf book in all respects. Not only because it is prepared fresh and lively writing with numerous photographs and the themes unite mental training and nutrition of the golf; plus it also describes in humorous and self-deprecating anecdotes Dorothee Haering's five-year plan to reach her single handicap. In her book she has combined all the information that she would have loved to have had at the beginning of her golf career to make her five-year plan to a single handicap even more effective and would have helped her avoid so many beginner's mistakes. A book for golfers by a golfer. Move your Game! Written in collaboration with the PGA and mental trainer Justin Walsh, this book is a treasure trove for golfers of all levels of performance. In "Golf meets Mind," you will find much useful information and very practical hints for the game in your mind. A mental mixture of cognitive psychology, sport psychology, relaxation techniques, neurolinguistic programming (NLP) and perceptual psychology. This book reflects Dorothee Haering's great passion for golf and also her serious search for pithy answers and approaches to solutions for the mental game. * Setting Goals, Achieving Goals: The Sat-Nav for Success * The Champion's Spirit: Mindfulness & Concentration * Breathing: Anti-Stress Program & Power for Your Swing * Visualizing: Playing Golf in Your Head * From World Training Champ to Master Golfer * Become an Old-Hand: Pre-Shot- & Post-Shot-Routine * Mental Reset: Don't Get Uptight! * The In-Between Time: Time out * Job Description: Golf Analyst * Eating & Drinking: Handicap or Source of Energy? * Mental Score Cards & Mental Check
Powerful - Proven - Effective Discover the path to par with easy yoga! Improve balance and body positioning Increase swing distance and accuracy Gain stamina and energy Calm the overactive, "critical" mind Avoid golf-related injuries to joints and spine Enjoy the game more ... even from the rough! Golf pros everywhere are using and recommending yoga to provide a complete, comprehensive workout, aid in mastering the mental game and foster more consistent play. On and off the course, golfers who practice yoga enjoy greater confidence, power, and focus. Learn special breathing techniques to calm the mind and relax the body, leading to tireless, effortless play and greater shot distance and control Strengthen your core, enhance muscle memory and increase flexibility-reducing the risk of golf-related injury and shortening recovery time Join professional golfers like Gary Player, Stewart Cink, Brad Faxon, Aaron Baddley, Jonathan Kyle, J.L. Lewis, Ty Tryon, Andrew Magee, Gary McCord, Julie Inkster, Betsy King and Jill McGill - all of whom have gained the competitive edge with the practice of yoga. Start today! Illustrated, easy-to-follow, yoga-based fitness exercises help you find-and stay in-your zone. Lower your score and your blood pressure ... the easy way. Play Better Golf with Easy Yoga.
The Yoga of Golf provides a gateway to actually move past the limitations of the mind and open the doorway to the Zone. This book provides practical techniques to quiet the mind through meditation and life force control breathing techniques; yoga postures for the golfer to develop greater strength and flexibility; and ancient wisdom to bring a higher, more enlightened perspective to the game of golf.
A lot of golfers fail to make the very beneficial association between golf and Yoga, and you know what? The fact is that Yoga is increasingly being seen as a great way to improve a person?s performance and skill in a number of sports?not just golf. If you are both a golfer and also possess the knowledge of what specific Yoga exercises and poses to do, you are going to be able to dramatically improve your golf game! In addition, you will also have an edge over your fellow golfers who still have not yet discovered the amazing benefits that Yoga can provide to one?s golf game, in which you will read about all sorts of eye-opening golf tips to improve your game. Yoga is a wondrous physical, spiritual and mental discipline because it improves the quality of your life, and that extends even to your golf game! You could also just keep doing what you have been doing without any results. This important foundation is the human body, and, more importantly, various aspects of it, such as its trunk, its hips and its abdominals. With Yoga, you can powerfully build up these integral body areas that are vital to great golf performance!The game of golf is one that is really centered around the golf swing; if you do not swing your golf club properly, you will have no luck at all in getting anywhere in golf! This is where Yoga comes in, let me tell you. First of all, just think about the typical swing of the average golfer: It's all centered on the abdominal/core area of the human body, which is the trunk/torso, essentially. Being able to move this core area of the body with both power and stability is what drives the effectiveness of the golf swing. As such, the success of the swing of an average golfer will be largely dependent on the strength and the stability of this core area of the body. Any time you see a professional golfer who has an absolutely awesome and powerful swing, you should realize that this means that his or her core is highly developed. Yoga is perfect for building up this part of the body. Take, for instance, the Yoga plank poseThe hips are enormously important, too, when it comes to swinging the golf club effectively and with power. If you have ever observed?I mean, really, really observed?a golfer swinging his club, you are going to notice that it is all based on his or her hip rotation. In fact, a golfer without much flexibility or range of motion in his or her hips is going to do very, very poorly at the game! Additionally, a golfer who possesses very good flexibility in his or her hips is also likelier to be able to hit the golf ball with greater amounts of both power and speed! What golfer does not want to hit the golf ball with greater power and speed? There is a multitude of Yoga exercises that can help you develop greater hip flexibility, resulting in greater power and speed in your golf swing. You may have noted that quite a bit of golfers actually suffer from rounded shoulders. Yes, I realize I used the word ?suffer? because rounded shoulders are really a postural defect. What?s more is that said rounded shoulders are actually going to have an adverse effect on the golfer?s golf game. You see, if you have rounded shoulders as a golfer, you are going to be subject to an incomplete rotation on your golf swing. In other words, rounded shoulders will retard your rotation and cause you poorer performance on the golf course! However, this is nothing that Yoga can?t handle, especially the specific pose called the Yoga Cobra Pose, which works to correct this regrettable, postural defect of rounded shoulders in a golfer. In it, you will discover such effective remedies as the Yoga Cobra Pose for potential postural defects that you have that prevent you from reaching the full potential of your golf game.I have talked to golfers, and I know that they constantly want to improve their golf game. You can find a myriad of golf tips that teach you all about using the wondrous, all-natural discipline of Yoga to improve golf!