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Growing up on a small family farm in the shadows of Yellowstone National Park, Clyde Glen Seely learned the importance of hard work, strong family ties and making the best of any circumstance. His first childhood responsibility was feeding bum lambs on the farm in Twin Groves, Idaho. Then opportunity knocked. Follow Clyde's first-hand experiences as he relives the conflicts, challenges, and successes that transformed the young farm boy into a successful businessman who helped influence the future of West Yellowstone, Montana. Whether it was increasing tourism with the Painted Buffalo project, leading the massive effort of fighting the 1988 fires of Yellowstone, keeping public winter access open to Yellowstone, or a variety of community improvements, Clyde's innovative solutions, optimism and faith helped to change the course of this region. Like a pebble tossed in a pond causes ripples to spread across the entire surface, key people have had a positive influence on Clyde's life. He has cast his own pebbles, as he has strived to make life better for others who pause to know him or the great town of West Yellowstone.
By 1883 when the rail lines of the Northern Pacific reached the tiny town of Cinnabar, Montana Territory, newspaper and magazine stories of the wonders to be found in Yellowstone National Park had been firing the imaginations of eager potential visitors around the world for a decade. Once the railroad completed that critical bit of their route, the world was poised to actually see the magic of Yellowstone, and the prospect of a trip was no longer just exciting—it was a possibility. It seemed like everyone who could afford the ticket—from middle class residents of New York City to Army Generals William Tecumseh Sherman and Philip Sheridan to President Chester A. Arthur—wanted to ride the train to see Yellowstone . Their jumping off point for their journey into “Wonderland” was the town envisioned by Hugo Hoppe, a raucous Wild West town poised for greatness as the Gateway to all of Yellowstone’s offerings. The town of Cinnabar, Montana, no longer exists, but when it did, it served as the immediate railroad gateway for a generation of visitors to Yellowstone National Park. Visitors passed through its streets from September 1, 1883, through June 15, 1903 This book tells the story of its place in the West, and the legend of the town and its promoters. Its story is one of aspiration and dreams in the American West and its place in the legend and lore of Yellowstone has kept the spirit of Cinnabar alive for more than a hundred years since the town itself faded away.
Yet there isn't a train goes by all day But I hear its whistle shrieking.... Yet there isn't a train I wouldn't take, No matter where it's going. —Edna St. Vincent Millay, "Travel" "Yet there isn't a train I wouldn't take" is a collection of stories about favorite train journeys by an inveterate railway enthusiast and train traveler. A half century career as an engineer, Naval officer, and university administrator took Bill Middleton to almost every part of the globe, and everywhere he took with him an abiding interest in railways, and a notebook and camera to record his experiences. His North American journeys have included experiences as diverse as the long journey north through Manitoba to polar bear country on Hudson Bay, a trip to Minnesota's Mesabi Range to haul a boatload of iron ore to Lake Superior behind a giant Yellowstone articulated steam locomotive, and the trip between Costa Rica's Atlantic and Pacific coasts by narrow gauge railway. His European travels have ranged from a Pullman seat on the crack London-Paris Golden Arrow to the slow trip across Thrace on one of the last runs of the celebrated Simplon-Orient Express. In Asia he traveled through the Toros Mountains of Turkey on the famous Istanbul-Baghdad Toros Express, experienced modern high-speed railroading in the cab of Japan's Bullet Train, and rode to Asia's highest mountain east of the Himalayas on the little trains of Taiwan's Ali Shan Forestry Railway.
"Yellowstone is one of America's best known national parks.... Steeped in history, this national treasure is brought to life through the photography of I-Ting Chiang, whose work has been paired with historic postcards to showcase the enduring qualities of America's first national park. Scenes include the parks's famous geysers and mud pots, canyon waterfalls, lakes, valleys, and wildlife, plus the most renowned of all the lodges in the national park system, Old Faithful Inn. Where stagecoaches were once the primary mode of transportation and luxury hotels were built to serve wealthy train travelers, this book shows how the automobile and the park's Grand Loop Road system expanded the park's accessibility and affordability. Here too, the resurgence of the largest free-range buffalo herd is celebrated while paying homage to the U.S. Calvary that restored order in the park after rampant poaching and vandalism."--Jacket.
In the summer of 1883 Belgian travel writer Jules Leclercq spent ten days on horseback in Yellowstone, the world's first national park, exploring myriad natural wonders: astonishing geysers, majestic waterfalls, the vast lake, and the breathtaking canyon. He also recorded the considerable human activity, including the rampant vandalism. Leclercq's account of his travels is itself a small marvel blending natural history, firsthand impressions, scientific lore, and anecdote. Along with his observations on the park's long-rumored fountains of boiling water and mountains of glass, Leclercq describes camping near geysers, washing clothes in a bubbling hot spring, and meeting such diverse characters as local guides and tourists from the United States and Europe. Notables including former president Ulysses S. Grant and then-president Chester A. Arthur were also in the park that summer to inaugurate the newly completed leg of the Northern Pacific Railroad. A sensation in Europe, the book was never published in English. This deft translation at long last makes available to English-speaking readers a masterpiece of western American travel writing that is a fascinating historical document in its own right.