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Today’s Terrorism Against America May Have Beginnings Going Back Over 100 Years. When America drove its modernized fleet into Asian Pacific waters, prior to 1900, that action became a catalyst starting a chain reaction. A legacy of America’s subsequent imperialism may well have been the springboard to terrorist activities in America today. Following the wake of America’s Navy, Christian missionaries flooded into Pacific Rim countries, not unlike the missionaries who accompanied the Spanish conquistadors. The sacrosanct policy of “Manifest Destiny,” may have provided the moral principle for America to impose its will upon its own non-Christian people, as well as the peoples of the Asian Pacific, but it also sent a thinly veiled message, demeaning in nature, that unified the peoples who resisted us. America’s intentions may have been noble and caring, but they were also insulting. Shortly, the consequences of that international policy resulted in America’s involvement in the Boxer Rebellion in China and the Moro Insurrection in the Philippines. The term “benevolent assimilation” was the euphemistic label given by President William McKinley to America’s rationale for the mission of transforming the Pacific Rim peoples of Asia into Christians. In spite of strong opposition to America’s imperialistic Asian Pacific policy, headed by none other than Mark Twain, the movement had little restraint upon America’s quest to “civilize the heathen peoples,” a phrase frequently used by America’s press to describe its foreign mission. Andrew DiConti, in two of a trilogy of sequential novels, reveals that world through the eyes of a young sailor aboard the Boston, a modern man of war. The novels tell a succession of unique tales in each of the Boston’s ports of call, which demonstrate how America’s social order impacted its own non-white peoples, as well as the peoples of the Asian Pacific Rim. Due to a taboo romance with an American of Chinese ancestry by the protagonist, the reader is exposed to the prejudice in America in 1900 and the resultant consequences in a society that was both temperamentally and legally biased against non-white people. Could a society that would not treat its own citizens equally be expected to deal with people in its imperialistic adventures more benevolently? The author’s background as a teacher, an historian, a student of Asian culture and a former sailor gives authority to a novel that depicts how peoples throughout the Asian Pacific Rim were impacted by the influences of America’s leadership, as well as its military establishment. Web Page.
"Yankee Tsunami: An Engulfing Wave" by Andrew R. DiConti is a historical novel that covers a period of a year (1898-99) aboard the USS Boston, an innovative warship for the period. The adventures and exploits of Gamble Crane, a newly billeted crewmember, is a continuation of "Yankee Tsunami: The Ocean Erupts," which began his adventures in exotic ports. Crane's taboo romance with Emily Chan, a girl of Chinese ancestry from Monterey, California, becomes complicated. Both lovers are American citizens, yet the mixing of the races in 1899 is viewed as scandalous. Crane's love for Emily is precipitated by their adventure that frees two young girls forced into the slavery of prostitution. This event begins Crane's metamorphosis of understanding. Learning of Emily's struggle to gain acceptance in the white community of Monterey begins the conversion of Crane into an advocate for human rights of non-white peoples in each port visited by the Boston. Gamble now empathizes with the struggle of people living on the rim of the Pacific, called "heathens" by whites. With Gamble Crane as our guide, we learn what the world was like as told by the Pacific Rim peoples. We are exposed to the unsettling effects brought to bear by Manifest Destiny, America's governing principle seen by many in the region as racist. From that point, Crane views his encounters from a different perspective. Be it Okumura-san, an important Japanese government official in Nagasaki; Lanakila, the Kahuna Nui of Honolulu; Donaldina Cameron, the avenging angel of Chinatown; Agamemnon Asher, a shipmate who's like a brother; or Montague, a retired shipmate and expert in Asian culture - they all have an indelible impact upon the life of Gamble Crane.
Yankee Tsunami: An Engulfing Wave by Andrew R. DiConti is a historical novel that covers a period of a year (1898-99) aboard the USS Boston, an innovative warship for the period. The adventures and exploits of Gamble Crane, a newly billeted crewmember, is a continuation of Yankee Tsunami: The Ocean Erupts, which began his adventures in exotic ports. Crane's taboo romance with Emily Chan, a girl of Chinese ancestry from Monterey, California, becomes complicated. Both lovers are American citizens, yet the mixing of the races in 1899 is viewed as scandalous. Crane's love for Emily is precipitated by their adventure that frees two young girls forced into the slavery of prostitution. This event begins Crane's metamorphosis of understanding. Learning of Emily's struggle to gain acceptance in the white community of Monterey begins the conversion of Crane into an advocate for human rights of non-white peoples in each port visited by the Boston. Gamble now empathizes with the struggle of people living on the rim of the Pacific, called "heathens" by whites. With Gamble Crane as our guide, we learn what the world was like as told by the Pacific Rim peoples. We are exposed to the unsettling effects brought to bear by Manifest Destiny, America's governing principle seen by many in the region as racist. From that point, Crane views his encounters from a different perspective. Be it Okumura-san, an important Japanese government official in Nagasaki; Lanakila, the Kahuna Nui of Honolulu; Donaldina Cameron, the avenging angel of Chinatown; Agamemnon Asher, a shipmate who's like a brother; or Montague, a retired shipmate and expert in Asian culture - they all have an indelible impact upon the life of Gamble Crane.
The danger and damage caused by the wall of water known as a tsunami are examined in this full-color book about an extraordinary demonstration of the earth's power. Students learn about the causes and wide-ranging effects of tsunamis, including earthquakes, landslides, volcanic eruptions, and even meteorites.
This book discusses the science behind tsunamis. The chapters describe destructive tsunamis and their aftermath, explain why tsunamis occur, and explore scientists' efforts to predict these disasters. Diagrams, charts, and photos provide opportunities to evaluate and understand the scientific concepts involved.
A revised series provides detailed overviews of devastating world disasters, weaving together important background information with gripping accounts from survivors and victims.
Every year that passes without a tsunami means that we're just that much closer to our next one. What can we do to ensure we're prepared when the next catastrophic tsunami strikes? The ferocious waves of a tsunami can travel across oceans at the speed of a jet airplane. They can kill families, destroy entire cultures, and even gut nations. To understand these beasts in our waters well enough to survive them, we must understand how they're created and learn from the past. In this book, tsunami specialists James Goff and Walter Dudley arm readers with everything they need to survive a tsunami and maybe even avoid the next one. The book takes readers on a historical journey through some of the most devastating tsunamis in human history, some of the quirky ones, and even some that may not even be what most of us think of as tsunamis. Diving into personal and scientific stories of disasters, Tsunami pulls readers into the many ways these waves can be generated, ranging from earthquakes and volcanic eruptions to explosions, landslides, and beyond. The book provides overviews of some of the great historical events - the 1755 Lisbon, 1946 Aleutian, 1960 Chile, and 2004 Indian Ocean tsunamis, but also some of the less well-known as well such as the 1958 Lituya Bay, 563 CE Lake Geneva, a 6,000 year old Papua New Guinean mystery, and even a 2.5 Million year old asteroid. This is not straight science, though. Each event is brought to life in a variety of ways through stories of survival, human folly, and echoes of past disasters etched in oral traditions and the environment. The book combines research from oceanography, biogeography, geology, history, archaeology and more, with data collected from over 400 survivor interviews. Alongside carefully selected images and the scientific measurements of these tsunamis, the book offers tales of survival, heroism, and tragic loss. Through a balanced combination of personal experience, the Earth's changing environment, tales of tragedy, and a recount of oral traditions, Tsunami allows readers to engage with a new scientific approach to these overwhelming waves. The resulting book unveils the science of disaster like never before.
Discusses the cause of tsunamis, the destruction they cause, and what is being done to help people be safe.