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From distant lands they hear the cry, to take up arms against or die. With weapons forged of bones as blade, the Devil's armory's been paid. A lone rider must use them well, to rid this realm of blackest Hell. Others trade their soul in place of powers endowed to knife or mace. What earnest follows - good or bad - is as HE had hoped from such evil bag. For trade now plyed from regal throne gifts deceitful prince his new-found home. - Nathan J.D.L. Rowark Join the authors of Barbwire Butterfly Books for high adventure tales from long lost realms, in an anthology of sword and sorcery forged from the Devil's armory.
The Song of Shabbos is a sefer, not a book, that presents an in-depth understanding of the tefillos and zemiros of Shabbos, arranged chronologically, from sunset to sunset. The various treatises present the secrets and sanctity of Shabbos in a new light. This light, the light of the ohr ha’ganuz (the hidden light) was originally revealed in the sifrei Maharal. After centuries of neglect, it was rekindled for the Torah world by the appearance of the famous maamarim of Hagaon Harav Yitzchak Hutner, zt”l, and recorded in his sefarim, Pachad Yitzchak. It is said that the Maharal had the keys to Chazal, and Rav Hutner had the keys to the understanding of the Maharal, not to exclude his uncanny insights into the words of the Ramban, the Gra, and many others. Today, forty years after his passing — the years necessary to understand the mind and ways of the Rav (“adatai d’rabbai”) — his inspiration has brought about a crescendo of interest in his Torah, the maamarim. The light he brought to the world continues to shine brightly.
This book analyzes the use of symbolism and theurgy in two sections of the Zohar, the central text of the kabbalah. These compositions, Tiqqunei ha-Zohar and Ra'aya Meheimna have been particularly loved by kabbalists. Giller demonstrates the significance of their contributions to theosophical kabbalah.