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PAUL'S exhortation to the younger preacher, Timothy, has come home to many with great power in recent years. As a result, there has been a return to more ancient methods of Bible study, which had been largely neglected during the centuries of the Church's drift from apostolic testimony. Augustine's words have had a re-affirmation: "Distinguish the ages, and the Scriptures are plain." And so there has been great emphasis put in many quarters, and rightly so, upon the study of what is commonly known as "dispensational" truth.
The Reverend Clarence Larkin was one of the most widely influential pop theologians of the early twentieth century: his works are the source of many of the "prophecies" and "truths" end-times Christians hold to even today. This stupendous 1918 book-perhaps his greatest work-is the result of more than 30 years' worth of, the author informs us, "careful and patient study of the Prophetic Scriptures."Fully illustrated by charts describing God's plan for humanity, Dispensational Truth covers: Pre-Millennialism the Second Coming of Christ the present evil world the Satanic trinity the world's seven great crises prophetical chronology the threefold nature of man the Book of Revelation five fingers pointing to Christ the False Prophet and much more.American Baptist pastor and author CLARENCE LARKIN (1850-1924) was born in Pennsylvania, and later set up his ministry there. He wrote extensively and popularly on a wide range of Biblical and theological matters.
In this work H. A. Ironside tackles E. W. Bullinger's so-called Hyper-Dispensationalism. The word "dispensation" is found several times in the pages of our English Bible and is a translation of the Greek word "oikonomia." This word, strictly speaking, means "house order." It might be translated "administration," "order," or "stewardship." In each successive age, God gives to men of faith a certain stewardship, or makes known to them a certain order or administration, in accordance with which they are responsible to behave. A dispensation then is a period of time in which God is dealing with men in some way in which He has not dealt with them before. Only when a new revelation from God is given, does a dispensation change. Moreover, there may be degrees of revelation in one dispensation; all, however, having to do with a fuller unfolding of the will of God for that particular age. This was very definitely true in the dispensation of law, from Moses to Christ. We have the various revelations: of Sinai, both the first and second giving of the law; then added instructions during the wilderness years; the covenant with David; and the revelations given to the prophets. The circumstances in which God's people were found changed frequently during this age of law, but the dispensation itself continued from Sinai until Jesus cried, "It is finished." It is important to have this in mind, otherwise the vast scope of an ever unfolding dispensation may be lost sight of, and one might get the idea that every additional revelation of truth in a given age changed the dispensation, whereas it only enlarges it.
"Every Bible college, seminary, and church should avail itself of this work as a key textbook and reference tool."--Dr. Jerry L. Rockwell, Sword of the Lord Publishers. Includes 90 charts and 1,475 fully indexed Scriptures.
Have you ever wondered how so many religious groups, even those who claim to be "bible-based," have so many interpretations of the Bible's meaning? They can't all be right, so what to do? One course is to give up, and consider the Bible too confusing or contradictory. Another would be to let the church you like tell you what the Scriptures mean without question and assume all the others must be wrong. However, if you would much rather find out how to properly interpret the Bible, with the help of independent and objective scholarship, this book is for you!