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Writing Grants for Faith-Based Organizations and Community Non-ProfitsSection 1“Identifying Sources for Grants”Grants are a different type of fundraising. Within any community, small town, or major city there are businesses and industries that are part of a franchise, or owned by a national chain. These businesses have foundations. Foundations give money. In Section 1, you'll understand about funding from local foundations, corporate support, and community foundations. This book does not address the large federal grants, but the basic information can be applied to any type grant.Section 2“Key Areas of the Application”Virtually all grants require detailed information in certain key areas. A rule of thumb: Always follow the prescribed format, and place the requested information within the appropriate section. Different foundations use basic headings and subheadings—however, follow the guidelines for specific grants. Section 3“Tips for Being Funded”Knowing what works—and what doesn't—often determines if your grant is funded or rejected. Simple, common sense practices “can” make a difference!Section 4“Selecting a Grant-Writing Committee”Selecting a group of creative people who can work together, complete a project, and follow-up with a final report are crucial to the success of a grant. This section offers advice on finding those people within your organization.Bonus!To simplify grant writing, I've included examples of forms that will make the process easier. Understanding how to fill out forms will remove some of the anxiety of this process. When faced with a difficult project, I've discovered that if I do a “task analysis,” I can break it down into manageable parts. This removes some of the fear of a new or unknown undertaking.A glossary of terms associated with grant writing will prove helpful as you work with funders who represent individual foundations and corporations.The Appendix also contains a published article on “Funding Your Ministry Through Grants” that was published online space provides pages for notes as you research grants to fund your project. In your search, identify the gap in what your organization has and what it needs to run an effective program. Where is the gap? How can a funder fulfill that gap? And then, match the need to the funder. When you've answered these questions, you're on your way to securing funds for specific needs.I believe that writing is a gift from God. He gives us the talent and it's up to us to learn the mechanics of putting words on paper. A Bible verse that has given me hope follows: “But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint” (Isaiah 40:31).
Section I"Getting Started in the Magazine Market"In the first part of this book, I'll show you how you can start writing for magazines. I'll answer questions, such as: "How can I make my time count?" "How can I use writing to inform, educate, inspire and entertain readers?" "How and where can I find ideas?" "What are some common hindrances to writing?" "How can I use my God-given creativity to generate article ideas?" "Can I use my 'reason to write' as a ministry?" These ideas work for me. They'll work for you, also. Personally, I've published over 4,000 magazine articles and worked with hundreds of editors.Section II"The Magazine Market-Tools of the Trade"In the second section of this book, I'll focus on over 3,500 secular and 1,200 Christian markets that need writers to fill their pages. New markets appear each year and many companies are going to online publications. I will discuss, "Exploring the Christian and secular market, explain common symbols and basic information." "What are the steps to publishing in these markets?" "Do photos make a difference in obtaining a contract?" "Query letters: catching an editor's attention." Let me help you learn the basics of writing for magazines and realize the passion of putting words on paper while getting paid.Section III"How to Identify Your Audience"In the third section of this book, I'll share two critical points for being published. Knowing the audience/reader of each magazine and understanding the focus of each publication makes a difference in receiving a rejection letter or a contract. Learn how to: "Recognize the social, educational, and economic level of the audience." "What information can a writer learn from the articles, advertisements, and photos about the magazine?" "Article titles that sell." And, "Writing tips that bring success." Let me share my love for writing and introduce you to a career that can change your life!Section IV"Knowing the Magazine"Section IV, includes a vital part of successful writing-to-publish. Knowing the magazine for which you write is vital to receiving a contract. With many magazines online, it's easy to research back copies in the archives. Check the table of contents. If a topic has been used in the last several years, the editor will not use it again. However, be creative and suggest a different slant. Some editors say they do not repeat a topic within 10 years; other 6. Check to be sure. Look at the format, photos, sidebars, question and answer articles. Use these as guidelines to write your own article. As an added bonus, I have included enrichment activities you can do at home or with a writing friend. Practice these activities and develop your skills as a writer. The book also has pages to write down your thoughts and ideas. I believe that writing is a gift given by God. He gives us this talent and it's up to us to learn the mechanics of putting words on paper. A Bible verse that has given me hope is Isaiah 40:31: "But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."
Michael Steinhardt left a stellar career on Wall Street and spent the next three decades launching revolutionary philanthropic programs like Birthright Israel and OneTable that offer a proud, rich future for the next generation of secular American Jews. What are the keys to a proud Jewish life? Part memoir, part manifesto, Michael Steinhardt’s Jewish Pride offers a compelling vision for a rich, rewarding future for Jews in America and around the world. From his middle class beginnings in Brooklyn to a spectacular Wall Street career, Steinhardt understood that apathy and assimilation were threatening the Jewish future in America. Meanwhile established Jewish institutions were failing in the urgent task of strengthening secular Jewish identity. Using his own capital and the wisdom and connections he’d gained in his successful business career, Steinhardt recruited partners, focused on data and results, and even got the Israeli government to help launch the revolutionary Birthright program. By turns provocative, inspiring, revealing, and outright hilarious, Jewish Pride captures its author’s unique personality and outlook and offers honest talk about the Jewish world today, along with a bold prescription for revitalizing Jewish life in the future.
This book is a guide to getting your faith-based program from the dream stage to a working community program. Take advantage of the professional experience of grant writers Jeff and Jenai Morehead's years of experience in developing neighborhood and economic development programs. Discover how the federal grants process works. Find out how your church and faith based organization can work together. Discover the inside of grants contracts and what you have to do after you sign the contract to keep your grant funds flowing. Learn how to deal with your critics. Find out how long it will take to get your money and study our grant writing suggestions for winning grants! The personal testimonies in this book are inspiring and encouraging to the faith community that understands the unique call to operate outside of the four walls of the religious institution and into the neighborhoods where the heart of the community is.
Start and Grow Your Faith-Based Nonprofit offers clear guidance on how to fund and manage a faith-based social ministry. If you have been called by God to fulfill a mission through a nonprofit organization, this is the book for you. Written specifically for grassroots faith-based groups, this important book is a tool for the thousands of individuals and churches that heal emotional, physical, and spiritual wounds through faith-based social service programming. In this much-needed resource, Jill C. Esau, founder of We Care Northwest--a nonprofit designed to build capacity in and advocate on behalf of faith-based organizations, provides professional step-by-step guidance. Start and Grow Your Faith-Based Nonprofit addresses vital issues such as church sponsorship, volunteer management, the grant making process, observing government regulations and certification, fiscal responsibilities, partnering with complementary programs, and much more.
Both church or ministry leaders and their members are under the impression that the President and Congress have allocated millions and millions of public funds for faithbased organizations?for any purpose, religious or non-religious and that the faithbased grant tree is full of unrestricted, no strings attached ?ready to pick? fruits?also known as grant awards. In this book, my goal is to help churches and ministries across the United States?large and small, denominational and non-denominational?understand how to align institutions and congregations to receive the abundance intended under the Federal government?s faithbased grants initiative.
Grant Writing For Dummies, 3rd Edition serves as a one-stop reference for readers who are new to the grant writing process or who have applied for grants in the past but had difficulties. It offers 25 percent new and revised material covering the latest changes to the grant writing process as well as a listing of where to apply for grants. Grant writers will find: The latest language, terms, and phrases to use on the job or in proposals. Ways to target the best websites to upload and download the latest and user-friendly application forms and writing guidelines. Major expansion on the peer review process and how it helps improve one's grant writing skills and successes. One-stop funding websites, and state agencies that publish grant funding opportunity announcements for seekers who struggle to find opportunities. New to third edition.
Ministry leaders possess the compassion, creativity, and knowledge about community needs that grant funders appreciate. Yet ministry groups are often less experienced than other types of nonprofit organizations in discerning which funding to seek, understanding how to build relationships with funders, and putting together proposals. This book offers a pathway to strengthening new and existing ministries. Joy Skjegstad is an experienced grant-proposal writer who has successfully raised money for a variety of nonprofits over the past 20 years, including a number of ministry organizations. She shows how fundraising can be an integral part of ministry--forcing us into deeper conversation with God, expanding our relationships with others, and building both our faith and our discipline. Providing detailed guidance on the practical aspects of seeking grants from foundation and corporate funders, Skjegstad describes approaches for researching potential funders, developing a case statement, putting together an effective grant proposal, and following up with grant makers. She explains the types of grants available and how to determine which are a good fit with your ministry. For faith-based ministries, faith is the groundwork for fundraising--the most important thing to consider while developing fundraising values and strategies. Skjegstad helps faith communities identify their own cultural beliefs, follow spiritual disciplines, and cultivate generous hearts as they work toward integrating their faith and their fundraising.
In Grant Writing for Christian Ministries & Nonprofit Organizations, Mike will help you identify and build upon the three basic sets of foundational statements; purpose, planning and processes. Next, terms will be defined and Mike will teach on the most important to get you started. Yet, even if you've written a few grants, this book will help you refine your vision, encourage you in it and push you forward, forward to successful proposal writing.Grants are not the "magic bullet" to fundraising woes; grants are a wonderful source of revenue to grow your organization or program, to initiate something new, or even to start up a new, well-planned agency. But, healthy fundraising is a lot like healthy investing -- diversity is the key to success.Here, in this book, you'll find the necessary tools for finding funding. Good funding!