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The forces of fascism have overwhelmed Europe. Britain fights on desperately, and every man and woman must do what is necessary to avoid defeat. In forgotten corners, darkness stirs. The cycles of the ancient god-things are measured in millennia, but those who serve them plot to take advantage of the chaos of conflict to advance their own schemes. For an unlucky few, the war collides with evils out of time, and they see and learn things that humanity is ill-prepared to encounter. The truly unlucky survive, and come to the attention of a certain spymaster, code letter N, who has plans for them. Pressed into service with British intelligence, they are thrown into a desperate two-front war against the Axis forces and the insidious menace of the Cthulhu Mythos. World War Cthulhu: The Darkest Hour is a World War 2 setting book for Call of Cthulhu from the multi-award-winning team of Dominic McDowall, Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan, Jason Durall, Stuart Boon, Martin Dougherty & Ken Spencer (writers) and Jon Hodgson, Paul Bourne, Scott Neil, Scott Purdy & Steffon Worthington (artists). You'll need a copy of the Call of Cthulhu rules to make full use of this setting.
The world is at war against things that slink and gibber in the darkness, and titans that stride from world to world, sowing madness and death. War has existed in one form or another since the dawn of human civilization, and before then, Elder terrors battled it out across this planet and this known universe in ways unimaginable.It has always been a losing battle for our side since time began. Incidents like the Innsmouth raid, chronicled by H.P. Lovecraft, mere blips of victory against an insurmountable foe. Still we fight, against these incredible odds, in an unending nightmare, we fight, and why? For victory, for land, for a political ideal? No, mankind fights for survival.Our authors, John Shirley, Mark Rainey, Wilum Pugmire, William Meikle, Tim Curran, Jeffrey Thomas and many others have gathered here to share war stories from the eternal struggle against the darkness. This book chronicles these desperate battles from across the ages, including Roman Britain, The American Civil War, World War Two, The Vietnam Conflict, and even into the far future.
From the Patriots' raid on the necromancer Joseph Curwen to the Special Forces' assault on Leng in 2007, this unique document reveals the secret and terrible struggle between the United States and the supernatural forces of Cthulhu. In this war, immortal cultists worship other-dimensional entities and plot to raise an army of the dead. Incomprehensible undersea intelligences infiltrate and colonize American seaports, and alien races lurk beneath the ice of Antarctica and high in the mountains of Afghanistan. It is only through constant vigilance and violence that the earth has survived. Also included are threat reports describing the indescribable – humanity's deadliest foes serving Cthulhu and the other Great Old Ones. Strange times are upon us, the world is changing, and even death may die – but, until then, the war continues. This product is not associated with the Cthulhu Wars tabletop game by Petersen Games, LLC;
"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown." --H. P. LOVECRAFT, "Supernatural Horror in Literature" Howard Phillips Lovecraft forever changed the face of horror, fantasy, and science fiction with a remarkable series of stories as influential as the works of Poe, Tolkien, and Edgar Rice Burroughs. His chilling mythology established a gateway between the known universe and an ancient dimension of otherworldly terror, whose unspeakable denizens and monstrous landscapes--dread Cthulhu, Yog-Sothoth, the Plateau of Leng, the Mountains of Madness--have earned him a permanent place in the history of the macabre. In Tales of the Cthulhu Mythos, a pantheon of horror and fantasy's finest authors pay tribute to the master of the macabre with a collection of original stories set in the fearsome Lovecraft tradition: ¸ The Call of Cthulhu by H. P. Lovecraft: The slumbering monster-gods return to the world of mortals. ¸ Notebook Found in a Deserted House by Robert Bloch: A lone farmboy chronicles his last stand against a hungering backwoods evil. ¸ Cold Print by Ramsey Campbell: An avid reader of forbidden books finds a treasure trove of deadly volumes--available for a bloodcurdling price. ¸ The Freshman by Philip José Farmer: A student of the black arts receives an education in horror at notorious Miskatonic University. PLUS EIGHTEEN MORE SPINE-TINGLING TALES!
The Cthulhu Mythos is one of the 20th century's most singularly recognizable literary creations. Initially created by H. P. Lovecraft and a group of his amorphous contemporaries (the so-called "Lovecraft Circle"), The Cthulhu Mythos story cycle has taken on a convoluted, cyclopean life of its own. Some of the most prodigious writers of the 20th century, and some of the most astounding writers of the 21st century have planted their seeds in this fertile soil. The Book of Cthulhu harvests the weirdest and most corpulent crop of these modern mythos tales. From weird fiction masters to enigmatic rising stars, The Book of Cthulhu demonstrates how Mythos fiction has been a major cultural meme throughout the 20th century, and how this type of story is still salient, and terribly powerful today.
Call of Cthulhu RPG 1930s
[CALL OF CTHULHU ROLEPLAYING] ATOMIC-AGE CTHULHU brings Lovecraftian horror roleplaying into the post-war golden age. Here you find background and history that led to the development of the 1950s world, along with new skills and professions for your investigators. A number of Sinister Seeds are included to help you grow your own 1950s horrors, but seven complete adventures are ready for you to spring on your unsuspecting players.
GUIDELINES FOR PLAYING CALL OF CTHULHU IN SEVEN DIFFERENT ERAS CTHULHU THROUGH THE AGES was created to help players adopt the latest rule-set for the wide range of settings published by Chaosium Inc. Here you will find straight-forward guidance and era-specific rules for investigator creation for seven different settings, along with updated rules for combat for CTHULHU DARK AGES, CTHULHU INVICTUS, and MYTHIS ICELAND, as well as a sprinkling of other topics like scenario seeds, setting-specific monsters, and investigator organizations.
This trade paperback edition features all 22 interior illustrations in striking full color.The world is at war against things that slink and gibber in the darkness, and titans that stride from world to world, sewing madness and death. War has existed in one form or another since the dawn of human civilization, and before then, Elder terrors battled it out across this planet and this known universe in ways unimaginable.It has always been a losing battle for our side since time began. Incidents like the Innsmouth raid, chronicled by H.P. Lovecraft, mere blips of victory against an insurmountable foe. Still we fight, against these incredible odds, in an unending nightmare, we fight, and why? For victory, for land, for a political ideal? No, mankind fights for survival.Our authors, John Shirley, Mark Rainey, Wilum Pugmire, William Meikle, Tim Curran, Jeffrey Thomas and many others have gathered here to share war stories from the eternal struggle against the darkness. This book chronicles these desperate battles from across the ages, including Roman Britain, The American Civil War, World War Two, The Vietnam Conflict, and even into the far future.
World War Cthulhu: Cold War is a Call of Cthulhu setting full of thrilling espionage, tense horror and sudden betrayal set at the height of the Cold War in the 1970s. The tangled webs of the spymasters tear and rejoin, double and triple agents make their moves and counter-moves, and it? hard to be sure which side you?e really working for. Nuclear destruction hangs over everyone, and a few people at the heart of western intelligence continue their personal battle against the insidious influence of a much older enemy?Western intelligence is possessed. Very few have heard of Section 46, and even fewer actually believe it exists, a loose cabal of agents drawn from across the western powers?intelligence and military apparatus. Agents who have had a brush with something unworldly, alien and evil. Agents like you.You work for the shadowy spymaster N against the insidious influence of the Mythos, but the enigmatic H also haunts the dreams of many agents. Active players in the Cold War, you need to maintain the confidence of your ?ome?agency amid an atmosphere of distrust and suspicion. At any one time you might be engaged in multiple missions for multiple agencies, but not really clear as to where any of them have come from. Which mission objectives are valid and which must be kept deniable? Which are right, which are wrong? And can you really tell the difference?You are forced to deal with forces the human mind cannot comprehend ?the balance of power, the threat of nuclear war, and the ever-present danger posed by the Mythos. You don? know who to trust any more ?least of all yourself.