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This Book Scrutinizes The Processes That Have Been Set In Motion Through The Demand For A 33 Per Cent Reservation For Women In Rural Local Governments In India. Among The Issues Discussed Is The Socio Economic Composition Of The New Panchayati Raj, The Question Whether The Women Are Really Present And Active In Local Bodies, Whether They Have Gained Any Power And How They Dealt With Corruption. Also Makes An Assessment Of How Far The Women Have Become Empowered And Gained Confidence Along With The The Degree To Which The Quota Empowers Them As A Group.
Indian democracy is more than 50 years old low yet ideals of democracy are far from destination specially for women in India. Women play a marginal role in politics. Their political participation is almost invisible, however, importance of women s political participation for a viable democratic polity is being increasing realized in all the corners of the world, women section of society almost form help of the population in any country and to think of a democratic government without their participation is unthinkable. To empower them socially, economically, educationally and politically will require there decision making capabilities. The present study has been conducted in the regional context of composite Bihar. The study seriously examines and analyses that how with lowest female literacy, poverty, poor health, socio-economic and educational status, women of Bihar can play a vital role in state and national politics. The quality of the study have been also examine at all India level and the results are stunning. The study will be of great value to political students, research school are in particular and to all who have interest in women empowerment and their political participation.
Recent years have witnessed a concern at the marginal presence of women in Politics. The concern has been voiced through international for a on the one hand and national and local level women groups and academics on the other. The involvement of women in politics in now regarded as an important factor for a healthy democracy. No democracy can be termed as healthy, if half on the population does not participate in the political process. It is also being increasingly realized that participation as mere voters is not enough. It has to be followed by large scale participation in the policy-formulation and decision making process. This book is an attempt at analyzing the problems related to women's political participation in the Indian context. Gender and patriarchy have been used as the conceptual framework. The environmental factors-socio-economic, political and cultural-are in some way or the other, directly related to the norms of gender and patriarchy . About The Author: - Dr. Niroj Sinha, presently Principal of M.M. College, Patna University. She has been engaged in women studies since 1981 and has undertaken research on various aspects of women's life. She has completed two projects, funded by Union Ministry of Welfare and Ministry of Human Resources Development. She has also worked for two international projects-Women in Public Admin., International Perspectives and Women and Politics World-Wide, which have published in book form from Haywarth and Yale, in USA. She has been attending the World Congresses of Political Science since 1979 regularly and has widely travelled in North America, South America, Europe and erstwhile USSR. She has also visited some of the South Asian countries. Contents: - List of Tables List of Contributors Introduction Demystifying Gender: A Step to Social Equity Patriarchy, Politics and Women Women and Political Participation Women's Participation in National Freedom Struggle The Political Scenario in India and Women
Quotas for women in government have swept the globe. Yet we know little about their capacity to upend entrenched social, political, and economic hierarchies. Women, Power, and Property explores this question within the context of India, the world's largest democracy. Brulé employs a research design that maximizes causal inference alongside extensive field research to explain the relationship between political representation, backlash, and economic empowerment. Her findings show that women in government – gatekeepers – catalyze access to fundamental economic rights to property. Women in politics have the power to support constituent rights at critical junctures, such as marriage negotiations, when they can strike integrative solutions to intrahousehold bargaining. Yet there is a paradox: quotas are essential for enforcement of rights, but they generate backlash against women who gain rights without bargaining leverage. In this groundbreaking study, Brulé shows how well-designed quotas can operate as a crucial tool to foster equality and benefit the women they are meant to empower.
The extent of empowerment of women in a nation is largely determined by three factors - economic, social, and political identity. India's Tenth Five Year Plan (2002-07) called for a three-pronged strategy of social empowerment, economic empowerment, and providing gender justice to create a positive environment of economic, and social policies for women, and eliminating all forms of discrimination against them. The government of India has initiated various schemes spread across a broad spectrum, such as women's need for shelter, security, safety, legal aid, justice, information, maternal health, food, nutrition etc., as well as their need for economic sustenance through skill development, education, and access to credit and marketing. In order to address the phenomenon of domestic violence, which is widely prevalent but remains largely invisible in the public domain, the Protection from Domestic Violence Act, 2006 was enacted by the Indian Parliament. This collection of 35 papers examines various areas of interest including socio-economic status, women entrepreneurship, women in politics, role of information and communication technology in empowering women, and domestic violence.
Women, who constitute almost half of the world’s population, perform nearly two thirds of all working hours, receives one tenth of world’s income and own less than 1 percent of world’s property are identified as most vulnerable subaltern group. The subordinate status of women as second fiddle to their male counterpart has been legitimized in the psycho-socio-economic-cultural domain/tradition. Women, cutting across caste, class, wellbeing and culture are denied of their own ontology/autonomy, being and becoming, a clear image or self esteem. Back home, in India the position of women in just as an image of domestic doulas, a prisoner of the comfortable concentration camp. The Indian women suffer from lack of self and space, disempowerment, disprivilege, disadvantage, sexist discrimination, gender inequality, invisibility, asymmetries and marginalization. Despite of the principles of gender equality being enshrined in our constitution and despite the state being empowered to adopt measure of positive discrimination in favour of women, still in India they continue to bear the brunt of societal discrimination. It we look at any development parameters say it is health, education, employment, mortality rate; we find the women in India are on very weak footing. The low social status of women in India is clearly visible from global Human Development Index, which ranks India as 118 among 177 nations on gender equality. To address the issue of gender inequality and for attainment of a gender just society, ‘empowerment of women’ appeared to be significant social and political developments of 20th century, marked a turning point in the history of unequal gender relations, paving the way for a major civilizational transformation. Today, in 21st century the concept of empowerment of women has become central to every development received wide acclamation in the 4th World conference on women held in Beijing in 1995, which observed that “women empowerment and their full participation on the basis of equality in all spheres of society, including participation in the decision making process and access to power, are fundamental for the advancement of equality, development and peace.” However, the campaign for women empowerment became foremost feminist agenda since mid 1980s. The concept of ‘women empowerment’, as looked by Prof. Amartya Sen, is a process by which a woman is ensured with access and choice. It is a process of equipping the women with power, opportunities to assert for her rights and identity in the society. It is against the practice of segregation and subjugation of women and makes an advocacy or the integration of women and identity formation by the women in the local, national and the global forum. However, the entire process of women’s journey from endowment to empowerment, the picture looks quite gloomy, as if their century’s long struggle finds them in whithertheir position. To achieve genuine empowerment, women of India have to swim upstream so as to be able to defeat the traditional forces of logo centrism of the norm-based society. This edited volume is concerned with issues pertaining to gender inequality and women empowerment. One of the most urgent challenges now facing human kind is to halt and reverse the growing deterioration in the gender relations that has augmented social disharmony and imbalances. Every country, large and small irrespective of its richness and culture is confronted with this basic human question of gender equality and gender justice. With the emergence of globalization, with free market economy, gender issues effecting status of women and their empowerment question has taken a changed dimension attracting research concern and scholarly attention. Since many issues and current developments concerning status of women are now in the history of gender relations, more research is needed to unfold the myth and reality. This edited volume, aims at and ready to tell how women empowerment has reached to its present state. This volume also examines the rapid changes in gender relations since the 4th International conference on women at Beijing in 1995 and defines the important shifts in the domain of gender equality and women’s empowerment. Even in India, the elite patriarch monopolizing state power, once considered the driving force for gender equality are moving away from their commitment, which was very much proved with the defeat of the women reservation bill in the Parliament. This exposes the approach of grand Indian political patriarch to the whole question of gender equality and women empowerment leaving the space for civil society to intervene and act towards its defence. In this volume, attempt has been made to include and accommodate various issue and dimensions of gender relations, gender inequality and gender gap, national and international initiative to address growing societal insensitiveness towards the women, the changing realities pertaining gender equality and women empowerment impacting their present status. This volume, however sought response to some fundamental question on the issue such as, Do women adequately figure in the development retaining their identity? Have the women came out of the cultural and environmental constraints to take effective roles in public domain. At this backdrop the editors hope that this volume through empirical findings and theoretical insights of different authors/ contributors may provide answers to some aspects of these questions.
Seven decades after India’s independence women members occupy 1 in 10 seats in the Lok Sabha, the lower house of the Indian Parliament. In analysing women’s limited presence in the Indian Parliament, Performing Representation breaks new ground in scholarship on gender and politics. It explores the possibilities and limits of parliamentary democracy and the participation of women in its institutional performances. This book offers new insights into the gendered nature of the performance, aesthetics, and norms of parliamentary life through an examination of electoral data, legislative debates, and life stories of women MPs. The authors avoid both the framing of women MPs either simply as challengers of masculinized institutional politics or only as docile actors in a gendered institution. Making a strong case for taking parliamentary politics seriously in these times of populism, the book raises critical questions about the politics of difference, claim-making, representation, and intersectionality and addresses these as part of global feminist debates on the importance of the women’s representation in political institutions.