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We are delighted to introduce the proceedings of the first edition of the Workshop on Multimedia Education, Learning, Assessment and its Implementation in Game and Gamification. This Workshop has brought researchers, developers and practitioners around the world who are leveraging and developing the education, media learning and scientific technology. We strongly believe that this Joint Workshop on Multimedia Education, Learning, Assessment and its Implementation in Game and Gamification provides a good forum for all researcher, developers and practitioners to discuss all scientific and technological aspects that are relevant to Digital Society. We also expect that the future Workshop will be as successful and stimulating, as indicated by the contributions presented in this volume.
The 1th Seminar and Workshop for Education, Social Science, Art and Humanities (SEWORD FRESSH#1)-2019 has been held on April 27, 2019 in Universitas Sebelas Maret in Surakarta, Indonesia. SEWORD FRESSH#1-2019 is a conference to promote scientific information interchange between researchers, students, and practitioners, who are working all around the world in the field of education, social science, arts, and humanities to a common forum.
Zusammenfassung: This is an open access book. Research and teaching activities in the fields of language, literature and culture are still being carried out even during the Covid -19 era that hit the world. It is undeniable that the results of research and learning of language, literature and culture at this time were a bit hindered because most activities were carried out from home. During the Covid-19 period, which started in early 2020, practically more activities were done at home. Likewise, institutions during the Covid-19 era were carried out online. For example, the Language Agency continues to carry out activities, but it is carried out online, such as online webinars that contribute to the wider community in accordance with the duties and functions of the Language Agency, carried out using a hybrid method or completely online. Various events are packaged creatively and innovatively to produce a new spirit in speaking. Research and teaching of language, literature and culture during the Covid-19 period resulted in many amazing innovations and creativity in line with technological developments. Covid-19 has inspired many in research on language, literature and culture. In the field of language, you can see research on the language used in Covid-19, such as said cases of suspected respiratory tract infection, ODP (People Under Monitoring), confirmed cases (a person who is late known to be infected with Covid-19, etc. That's the content -Content on YouTube about the use of language is a hot object of research to research. In terms of culture, the Government is making various efforts to break the chain of the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic in a massive and systematic manner. Covid-19 is not only a deadly virus, but has a domino effect that is also terrible. One of the policies used by the government in preventing and controlling the spread of Covid-19 is implementing the Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB)policy As an investment, culture also requires strategies and enablers so that it is able to achieve the target of the happiness and welfare of the Indonesian people. This strategy is implemented through providing for a diversity of cultural expressions, developing cultural practices, utilizing cultural promotion objects, accelerating institutional reform, and increasing the government's role as a facilitator. Teaching issues, especially teaching methods of language, literature and culture, need to be highlighted in terms of IT-based innovation and creativity after Covid-19. How especially teaching methods in applying the material. Research on learning methods has also been carried out a lot, especially methods that focus on students entering the new normal era or the new era after Covid-19 with innovative research and learning of language, literature and culture. It is interesting to reveal a major event, namely the 3rd International Conference on Linguistics and Cultural Studies sponsored by the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Hasanuddin University, Makassar
This book brings together the expertise of two authors involved in initiating the development of Online Family Dispute Resolution (OFDR), while also examining the unique Australian system. The family arena generally comprises property or child-related disputes arising between parents, whether married or not, and whether the parties have lived together or not. A special feature of Australia’s OFDR system is that it deals with children’s issues rather than focusing on property distribution. The book first discusses how technological innovations have transformed dispute resolution services to families. It explores the need for OFDR and how such systems can potentially be implemented. In turn, the coverage shifts to screening tools used prior to a Family Dispute Resolution session to ensure that online systems are appropriate for the case under dispute and the people involved. Readers will then learn about the necessary training required – for administrators, practitioners and clients alike - for OFDR to be successful. In addition, the book offers a comprehensive evaluation of the system and reflects on the lessons learned to date. In closing, it suggests ways in which OFDR could be further developed and applied to family disputes around the world.
Digital marketing now represents 25% of the marketing spend in the UK and this is predicted to move to 50% or higher within the next three years. Understanding Digital Marketing looks at the world of digital marketing: how it got started, how it got to where it is today, and where the thought leaders in the industry believe it is headed in the future. This authoritative title demonstrates how to harness the power of digital media and use it to achieve the utmost success in business, now and in the future.Understanding Digital Marketing deals with every key topic in detail, including:search marketing,social media, Google, mobile marketing, affiliate marketing, e-mail marketing, customer engagement and digital marketing strategies. Essential reading for both practitioners and students alike, and including real-world examples of digital marketing successes and expert opinions, Understanding Digital Marketing provides you with tools to utilize the power of the internet to take your company wherever you want it to go.
Online Consumer Psychology addresses many of the issues created by the Internet and goes beyond the topic of advertising and the Web to include topics such as customization, site design, word of mouth processes, and the study of consumer decision making while online. The theories and research methods help provide greater insight into the processes underlying consumer behavior in online environments. Broken into six sections, this book: focuses on community and looks at the Internet's ability to bring like-minded individuals from around the world into one forum; examines issues related to advertising, specifically click-through rates and advertising content placed within gaming online and wireless networks; provides readers with reasons why consumers customize products and the benefits of customization; discusses the psychological effects of site design; asks the question of whether the Internet empowers consumers to make better decisions; and discusses research tools that can be used online.
How design for disabled people and mainstream design could inspire, provoke, and radically change each other. Eyeglasses have been transformed from medical necessity to fashion accessory. This revolution has come about through embracing the design culture of the fashion industry. Why shouldn't design sensibilities also be applied to hearing aids, prosthetic limbs, and communication aids? In return, disability can provoke radical new directions in mainstream design. Charles and Ray Eames's iconic furniture was inspired by a molded plywood leg splint that they designed for injured and disabled servicemen. Designers today could be similarly inspired by disability. In Design Meets Disability, Graham Pullin shows us how design and disability can inspire each other. In the Eameses' work there was a healthy tension between cut-to-the-chase problem solving and more playful explorations. Pullin offers examples of how design can meet disability today. Why, he asks, shouldn't hearing aids be as fashionable as eyewear? What new forms of braille signage might proliferate if designers kept both sighted and visually impaired people in mind? Can simple designs avoid the need for complicated accessibility features? Can such emerging design methods as “experience prototyping” and “critical design” complement clinical trials? Pullin also presents a series of interviews with leading designers about specific disability design projects, including stepstools for people with restricted growth, prosthetic legs (and whether they can be both honest and beautifully designed), and text-to-speech technology with tone of voice. When design meets disability, the diversity of complementary, even contradictory, approaches can enrich each field.
Indonesia comprises more than 17,000 islands stretching on either side of the equator for nearly 4,000 miles and hundreds of ethnic groups. This book reveals the remarkable social, religious, and geographical differences that exist from island to island. It also reveals local people's own ideas of their identities and pasts.
a disused power station is converted into a cultural centre, an old barn is made into a residential house. All around us we encounter buildings whose original purpose has rendered them obsolete, and which now offer space for new uses. The construction and building requirements confronting the architect are as varied and individual as the buildings themselves. This publication examines a wide range of realized examples, highlighting successful and innovative solutions, from the rehabilitation of preserved monuments to the renovation or renewal of existing buildings, from the reuse of a gothic monastery or the former industrial buildings of Fiat Lingotto to the renovation of structures made of pre-cast concrete panels. Introductory essays by specialist authors examine the economical, technical, historical aspects of the topic, and the projects presented are documented fully with illustrations, plans and details which have been specially produced by the editorial department of DETAIL.