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This book emphasizes the fact that a true faith in God can be accompanied through good works and wisdom heart from above. Let me point out that goods works do not prove a person’s belief in God or relationship with Him, but having faith and a wisdom heart always leads to good works. Faith and a wisdom heart have to come first because when good works are done with wisdom heart from God, God always gets the glory. Every step in our lives is for the purpose of drawing us closer, conforming us to the image of Christ. Hardship is the tool which seems to best accomplish this goal. We all might prefer that God would shape us through praise and blessings, but we seem to respond best to hardship, It all part of the processes to grow in the Lord. It is hardship which reminds us of our dependence on God when we’ve begun to trust in our own abilities and understanding. It’s hardship which brings us back to our knees in prayer after long seasons of silence. Its hardship which develops the character of a mature believer: remember James said “Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything” (James 1:2-4). As difficult as this truth may be to accept and understand, part of God’s plan is for us to experience some hardship. Not all hardship can be said to come from God, but in our lost and fallen world where we come to God filled with pride and arrogance, hardship is often the only way to humble our spirit and soften our heart. Our Heavenly Father loves us enough to do whatever it takes to draw us closer to His side – even when this means being strengthened by hardship. Watch out for the Part II of this book (MY GOD, MY LIFE). Coming out soon!!
Heart and Home is a short devotional book with daily devotions for 90 days. The devotionals seek to draw clear connection between the basics of interior design and scripture that encourages spiritual growth within our hearts. The devotionals inspire women to have a captivating heart and home. Included in each devotional is an applicable design tip and photographs. Example devotional topics include unity and harmony, negative space, flow, focal point, and balance. This devotional includes four-color photographs of home interiors throughout the book.
Christians believe many myths about emotions: Emotions lead you astray. Emotions aren’t spiritual. And the biggest myth: God is not emotional. The truth is emotions are a God-given source of wisdom when we know how to interpret them. Marc Alan Schelske explores: How to notice our emotions and hear their truth Brain research that gives unexpected insight into emotions’ purpose Why denying our emotions hurts couples, families, and even the church Why no one can mature spiritually without maturing emotionally The Wisdom of Your Heart provides a path for listening to the spiritual insights that your emotions offer every day.
Seeking God's Heart is filled with 365, 3-minute daily devotionals. Each scripture based devotional is written real-time from Boyd Bailey's daily walk with the Lord. Join us as a fellow "wisdom hunter" as we seek to apply unchanging Truth in a changing world. "I read at least two devotionals a year, but these Wisdom Hunters writings are at the top of my most favorite list. Boyd is a modern day Oswald Chambers. What truth and what depth." - Johnny Hunt, First Baptist Church Woodstock, Past President Southern Baptist Convention
Why Do We Act Like There Is An Age Restriction on Spiritual Growth? For the last several decades, Western churches have focused the bulk of their resources on the early stages of discipleship—children’s Sunday school, youth group, college ministry. While these are all important, we have neglected the spiritual growth of those in the second half of life. In fact, an outside observer might think that after the growth of the college years, the goal is simply to coast through the rest of your Christian life. Michelle Van Loon has a different idea. In Becoming Sage, she challenges those in midlife and beyond to continue pursuing radical spiritual growth, and she’ll help you get started. She explores what the unique challenges of midlife can teach us about Jesus and how to think about everything from church, friends, and family, to money, bodies, and meaning. Don’t settle for a life of coasting. Revitalize your spiritual growth today.
Discover the Life-Changing Relevance of the Old Testament Developing a Heart for God There are some things in this life that always seem to be in high demand but short supply. Wisdom is one of them. In our fast-paced world of sound bites and canned answers, we need a source of deep wisdom that does not change with each new fad and trend. The Wisdom Books of the Bible offer rivers of truth that will refresh thirsting hearts and souls. Part of the Old Testament Challenge series, this teaching guide and resource book helps you craft eight messages on what the Wisdom Books have to say about developing a heart for God. As never before, your congregation will discover God's passion for loving his children and teaching them to grow in an authentic love for him and others. A Communicator's Toolkit for Teaching the Old Testament Having the right resources gives you a powerful edge in communicating the message of the Old Testament effectively in this media-driven, sensory-intensive culture. The Developing a Heart for God Teaching Guide helps you connect with minds, imaginations, and hearts. Designed to maximize your connection and impact, it is a communicator's toolbox for teaching your congregation lessons from the four-part Old Testament Challenge series. *Historical, cultural, and geographical backgrounds unlock the meanings of Bible passages. Transport your listeners thousands of years into the past so they can see, hear, smell, taste, and touch the ancient world. *Illustrations, humorous stories, and word pictures engage the imagination and emotions, bringing home the timeless message of the Old Testament with clarity and freshness. *Creative applications help listeners make the leap from learning Old Testament lessons to living the Christian life. The genius of this teaching guide is its flexibility. Customize your messages from a treasury of resources. This revolutionary tool provides up to sixteen categories of material for each message. No need to spend countless hours doing research---a wealth of ideas and resources lies at your fingertips! Developing a Heart for God Teaching Guide includes: *Creative Message Ideas *Heart of the Message *Heart of the Messenger *Historical Context Notes *Illustrations *Interpretive Insights *Life Applications *Narrative on Life *Narrative on the Text *New Testament Connections *On the Lighter Side *Pause for Prayer *Pause for Reflection *Quotable Quotes *Significant Scriptures *Word Studies Other Old Testament Challenge Teaching Guides 1---Creating a New Community: Life-Changing Stories from the Pentateuch (9 Sessions) 2---Stepping Out in Faith: Life-Changing Examples from the History of Israel (7 Sessions) 4---Pursuing Spiritual Authenticity: Life-Changing Words from the Prophets (8 Sessions)
A.W. Tozer on Living in God's Wisdom We were created by God and for God, and the only way to find true joy, peace, and contentment is by understanding and embracing his wisdom. Wisdom is not some highbrow philosophical concept, but rather a highly practical tool for living the best possible life. The Wisdom of God captures Tozer's teaching on this topic as a way to understand the well-lived Christian life. God's wisdom is a part of his character, inseparable from his love and grace, and knowing this wisdom means drawing closer to him. It will change your decisions, attitudes, and relationships, setting you on the path to becoming all God wants you to be.
Heart of Wisdom is a book designed to empower the believer to overcome life's many obstacles by the wisdom of God. This book will locate where you are spiritually and reveal to the reader why they may not be progressing in their walk with God. It is intended that wisdom clear the path to a blessed outcome. As you read Heart of Wisdom eventually you will come to your page with your issue and God will speak to you. He will bring in His light and truth. Let wisdom pave the way through your circumstance as you honor, receive and delight in Wisdom's counsel, instruction and perhaps correction. Wisdom has a path you see, and she is calling to you. Do you hear her? She is entreating you right now to draw near. She calls and calls from the rooftops of life saying, "Listen, for I will speak of excellent things." (Prov. 8:6, NKJV)
Take advantage of the wisdom and power of intimacy from Catching God’s Heart as you read decades’ worth of combined experience from well-known and respected Christians: Ché Ahn, Sam Hinn, Christy Wimber, S.J. Hill, Ed Piorek, Stephanus W. Vosloo, Gary Wiens, Marc A. Dupont, Peter Fitch, Steve Long, David Ravenhill All you do as a Christian springs forth from an intimate relationship with God, and it’s in His presence that you receive His love and His direction for your life and ministry. The main objective of a Christian’s life is to love God with all of your heart, soul, mind, and strength. Catching God’s Heart tells you how to accomplish that objective. As you become the Bride of Christ, you must leave your old ways and your old loves behind, and cleave to your Bridegroom—Jesus Christ. This thought-provoking compilation of messages about intimacy with God instructs and encourages you to catch God’s heart and become an heir to the unfathomable riches that accompany a lifestyle of such delectable intimacy.