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This book is the fourth in the “Spiritual Living” series. The first three books are “Wisdom for Spiritual Living”, “Wisdom for Living as Spiritual Beings”, and “Wisdom for Living as Spiritual Masters”. In this book, young Tom continues his exploration with Guru Harry on how to live spiritually in the physical world. Guru Harry epitomizes someone from a spiritual society and offers a way of living that can lead to peace, love, joy and harmony. In their discussion on how to live physically with a body and a soul, it includes the following deep questions: (1) Why are there so many problems in the physical world? (2) What is the purpose for a soul to incarnate into a body? (3) How can we tell if we are evolving spiritually? May this wisdom enable you to live spiritually in the physical!
How to live spiritually in our worldly society? In the “Wisdom on How to Live Life” book series, Guru Harry, through six conversations with the young man Tom, shared his wisdom on how to live a life of peace, love, joy and harmony. In this book, from the conversations, wisdom that is related to spiritual living has been extracted and arranged under nine chapters. The chapters are (1) living as souls, (2) living spiritually, (3) purpose in life, (4) kindness and help, (5) pleasures and pains, (6) attachments and detachments, (7) peace and dying, (8) spiritual evolution, and (9) key concepts in spiritual living.
While it is easy to live spiritually in a spiritual society, it is undoubtedly challenging to live spiritually in a non-spiritual society. Hence, this book explores the deep questions: (1) How to use beliefs for spiritual living? (2) How do spiritual beings cope with money in a non-spiritual society? (3) What are the characteristics of spiritual beings as compared to physical beings? This book contains a conversation between a young man, Tom, and Guru Harry, who epitomizes someone from a spiritual society and offers a way of living that can lead to peace, love, joy and harmony. In the conversation, they explore all the above questions and other issues related to living spiritually in a non-spiritual society. May this wisdom enable you to live as a spiritual being everywhere!
For almost three hundred years, almost every American college was run by a minister or prominent Christian thinker. Although representing many denominations, they collectively developed an enormously popular student seminar on how to find spiritual satisfaction in the larger world beyond home and church—a discipline that eventually inspired the entire country through a series of bestselling books. Combining historical research with the insights of modern psychology and his own experience as therapist and teacher, Dr. Andrews makes the insights of the early college president assessable to today’s Christian seekers. “Before shelves were warping under the weight of self-help books, before the caring industries were promising happiness via therapy or pills, many Americans sought guidance and wisdom from—of all people—Christian college presidents. Lewis Andrews unearths the story of how these religious, educational, and social leaders came to be spiritual instructors, and he shows how their advice can still help us lead lives of greater courage, resilience, and grace.”—Adam Keiper, Books & Arts editor, The Weekly Standard “Living Spiritually in the Material World is a surprising and delightful book. Lewis Andrews has done us a great service by discovering and reflecting on classic insights that will help us, even today, to live with spiritual meaning in our everyday lives.” —Dr. Mark Roberts, executive director, Max De Pree Center for Leadership, Fuller Theological Seminary “Few appreciate the connection between higher education and the higher authority of the divine, but now comes Lewis Andrews with this fascinating study of early college presidents in U.S. history and how their deep faith nurtured their work as our nation’s top educators. They not only educated our Founders; they also provided useful guidance for spiritual wisdom which Andrews translates for today’s modern audience.” —Mike McCurry, professor/director, Wesley Theological Seminary and former State Department/White House spokesman (1993-98)
Humans having lived with the old spirituality for thousands of years, and yet, there is no peace on Earth. This book, the fifth in the “Spiritual Living” series, continues the exploration by young Tom with Guru Harry on how to live spiritually in the physical world. Guru Harry epitomizes someone from a spiritual society, who offers a way of living that can lead to peace, love, joy and harmony. In this book, Tom and Guru Harry discuss the old and new spiritualities which includes the following deep questions: (1) What is the old spirituality? (2) What are the problems with the old spirituality? (3) What is the new spirituality? (4) How can the new spirituality bring peace to Earth? May this wisdom on the new spirituality enable you to become a better soul, a better human and create a better world!
Money is an essential part of life when we live physically on Earth. So, how can we live spiritually with money? In this sixth book in the “Spiritual Living” series, a young man, Tom, discusses this soul searching question with Guru Harry, who is a spirit and practices spirituality that is not religious. In their discussion, they explore the following deep questions: (1) How does money relate to the physical needs of a body? (2) How important is money to the poor and to the rich? (3) How come the spiritual masters can say “no” to money so easily? (4) How can we give kindness for free? (5) What are the characteristics of money as compared with those of morality? May this wisdom enable you to live spiritually with money in a physical, practical society!
Energy follows thought. Creation on any level is the result of conscious choice, facilitated by mind and brought into physical reality through action, based on the desire to see the idea "realized." The understanding of these spiritual concepts brings extraordinary power and responsibility into the life of the so-called average person. These are not impractical ideas ill-suited to modern life. Spiritual Practicality is the integration of your spiritual life in its totality to practical living. You live spiritually through every experience, because your awareness is changed. When you truly live spiritually, you will find that every aspect of your inner life has a practical application in the modern world. The so called "Success Principles" of our age are the selfsame Spiritual Principles of the ages and the Ageless Wisdom teachings. Equipped with the Seven Keys to the mysteries, we will reveal the beauty, unity, and yes, the practicality of the spiritual life.
For centuries, spiritual teachings have pointed us to the Heart as the source of wisdom, truth, peace, and love. We call it the Heart because these deeper realities are experienced most strongly in the region of the physical heart. However, the spiritual Heart is not limited to a location in your body. The Heart is the totality of your connection with the essential qualities and greater dimensions of your true nature as limitless Being. Any full exploration of the larger truth of your Being must include a discovery of the capacities and qualities of this tender, loving, and wise aspect of your true nature.Living from the Heart consists of three related pieces that explore living from the spiritual Heart. Part One, From the Heart, offers simple ways to drop your awareness into the Heart and thereby shift into a more open, allowing perspective and to more fully experience the world and your true nature as aware space. It goes on to explore dropping awareness into the belly and ultimately into the larger spiritual Heart, which includes the mind, heart and belly. These simple shifts in perspective can profoundly alter your experience of life and its challenges. It turns out it doesn "t matter what you experience; what matters is where you experience it from.Part Two, The Heart "s Wisdom, explains how the Heart is a wise and accurate guide to the truth. The truth is whatever opens your Heart and quiets your mind. This simple definition cuts through any confusing ideas and beliefs to the direct source of wisdom and guidance available in your own Heart.Part Three, Love Is for Giving, points to the true source of love in your own Heart. The essence of love is the spacious, open attention of our awareness. Awareness is the gentlest, kindest, and most intimate force in the world. It touches everything but doesn "t impose or make demands. Surprisingly, this awareness, or love, is experienced most fully when you give it to others, not when you get it from others. The more love you give, the more love you experience. It is by freely giving love that we are filled with love.Throughout, there is a pointing beyond the experience of the Heart and its wisdom, peace, and love to the possibility of recognizing these essential qualities as who and what you are. The Heart with all its joy, satisfaction, peace, love, and wisdom is not just something you can experience more fully; it is what you have always been and always will be. In recognizing your true nature as this fullness of Being, you can ultimately rest from all seeking and effort, and just be who you are.
In spirituality, there is a theory that a Great Spirit hovers around us. It sees what we are doing. It guides us and protects us. It also creates opportunities for us to meet the “right” people and participate in the “right” events so that we grow spiritually. Is this theory true? I don’t know. I’m an ordinary human being without any spiritual power. However, by looking at the events that happened in my present incarnation for the past 70 years, I believe that there were many occasions in which the Great Spirit was active in my life. In this book, in nine chapters, I share the people and events which I believe the Great Spirit has used to shape my life and moved me in directions that I had never dreamt of. The chapters are: (1) On my parents, (2) On my studies, (3) On my working life as an engineer and on my wife, (4) On my working life as an academic, (5) On my sporting achievements, (6) On my working life as an editor and a consultant, (7) On my working life as an author and a speaker, (8) On my life mission and other life stories, and (9) On the Great Spirit. After living this life for seven decades and believing that it has been shaped by the Great Spirit, I like to say that it’s been a truly blessed life – a life that is filled with meaning and fulfillment! I hope this sharing enables you to be more aware of the Great Spirit in your life and you too will see your life as blessed, meaningful, and fulfilling. May the Great Spirit be with you!
Spiritual Living: Eastern Wisdom for Today is not a book about religion and rituals but presents realistic essence of spirituality and spiritual living based on Eastern wisdom of the Sages. It is my deep-felt conviction that spiritual understanding not only facilitates success but also gives a sound philosophical basis for living the purposeful totality of life. It fosters genuine passion to live life fully, work earnestly, achieve success, have a family, help others, meditate regularly, grow spiritually, and strive to feel fulfilled and at peace. Life is an opportunity to realize the matters of the heart and spiritlove, trust, joy, respect, sharing, integrity, compassion, and peace and self-discovery. They are essentials of life that defy reason and description, but without them life largely loses its meaning. We must recognize our totality to enjoy the dance and music of life for fulfillment. The Sages of ancient India intuitively recognized the oneness of existence, the spiritual principles that hold it together, the universality of humanity, and the art of self-realization. Their wisdom formed the forward-looking practical philosophy of oneness, tolerance, acceptance, openness, respect, and freedom for diversity in all its manifestations. They form simple yet profound threads that bind Eastern spirituality in a practical framework of optimism, wisdom, and stimulus for experiencing the wholeness of life. The contents should facilitate the reader to experience the depth, subtlety, wisdom, knowledge, universality, unity, boldness, simplicity, and sincere generosity of the Sages to help us to bear the challenges of life today with a sense of fulfillment. It is for us to know, to understand, and to realize the unified view of life.