Download Free Winter Mortality Of Young Of The Year Hudson River Striped Bass Morone Saxatilis Book in PDF and EPUB Free Download. You can read online Winter Mortality Of Young Of The Year Hudson River Striped Bass Morone Saxatilis and write the review.

Commercial fishing for striped bass (Morone saxatilis) is very limited in Canada, therefore there is potential for pond-based aquaculture to fill the consumer market. One impediment to culture is high overwinter mortality among young-of-the-year (YOY) striped bass. In a culture setting, mortality is restricted to YOY bass transferred to cages in constructed freshwater ponds in November; larger bass (>500 g) typically survive well under the ice. Two trials were completed in consecutive winters (2016-2018) to investigate the effect of body size (range ca. 30-50 g), pre-winter diet, and pond characteristics on overwinter survival in 1m3 cages. Mortality rates varied between ponds and years from 10 to 100 % and was inversely related to body size in some cases but not others. Diet had an insignificant effect on survival. Muscle total lipid and triacylglycerol (TAG) and liver TAG proportions on a wet-weight basis were significantly higher when samples from November and March were compared. Phosphoethanolamine (PE) mass in total muscle phospholipid was higher in striped bass sampled in the winter, but proportions of 18:0 and 22:6n-3 in PE and 18:1n-9 and 22:6n-3 in phosphatidylcholine were lower in March samples. Striped bass appear to rely on other lipid classes or body tissues than those analyzed in this study to survive the winter.
The Hudson River Estuary is a comprehensive look at the physical, chemical, biological and environmental management issues that are important to our understanding of the Hudson River. Chapters cover the entire range of fields necessary to understanding the workings of the Hudson River estuary; the physics, bedrock geological setting and sedimentological processes of the estuary; ecosystem-level processes and biological interactions; and environmental issues such as fisheries, toxic substances, and the effect of nutrient input from densely populated areas. This 2006 book places special emphasis on important issues specific to the Hudson, such as the effect of power plants and high concentrations of PCBs. The chapters are written by specialists at a level that is accessible to students, teachers and the interested layperson. The Hudson River Estuary is a fascinating scientific biography of a major estuary, with relevance to the study of any similar natural system in the world.
At least 162 species of fish are known to live or spawn in the freshwaters of the Northeast, representing twenty-eight families and sixteen orders. This diversity springs from an enormous variety of freshwater habitats, including some of the largest lakes in the world; vast and complex river systems; deep, clear lakes in Maine and the Adirondack Mountains; and myriad small lakes, bogs, marshes, and streams that dot the northeast. In the most comprehensive book of its kind, Robert G. Werner offers a thorough survey and analysis, in accessible field guide form, of the region’s abundant freshwater fishes. Werner’s discussion of the geological history of the region serves as a critical background for understanding not only the fascinating habitats of fishes but also the extensive watersheds and drainages of the region. A reference list provides up-to-date sources, and the species descriptions contain the latest relevant data and research on specific fish. In addition, vivid color plates and extensive line drawings illustrate fish morphology and the distinctive natural colors of numerous species. As a standard resource, this guide will attract a wide audience. This book will be useful to biologists, ecologists, and zoologists and will have an indispensable appeal among anglers, environmentalists, and fisheries professionals.
Das zweibändige Werk Fish and Fisheries in Estuaries: A Global Perspective enthält eine Darstellung des aktuellen Wissensstandes über Fische in Ästuaren. In Beiträgen von mehr als fünfzig international anerkannten Forschern und Experten für Ichthyologie in Ästuaren präsentiert dieses wegweisende Übersichtswerk die Themen Fischbestände und funktionelle Gruppen, Rekrutierung und Produktion in Ästuaren, Ernährungsökologie und trophische Dynamik, Erhaltung von Fischen in Ästuaren und viele mehr. In dreizehn ausführlichen Kapiteln werden die wichtigsten Aspekte zu Fischen und Fischerei in Ästuaren rund um die Welt beschrieben. Es wird die Biologie der Fische in Ästuargewässern und ihre Verbindung zu den dortigen Ökosystemen betrachtet, und es wird analysiert, wie sich die menschengemachte Industrialisierung und globale Ereignisse wie der Klimawandel auf einheimische und andere Arten auswirken. Weitere Themen sind die Vielfalt der Lebensräume, das Verhalten von Fischen bei der Nahrungssuche, Instrumente und Modelle der Umwelttechnik, Gefahren und Risiken für Fische und Fischerei in Ästuaren sowie die Gesundheit der Umwelt in Ästuaren. Dieses maßgebliche Referenzwerk enthält detaillierte Informationen über die Biologie und Ökologie von Fischen und Fischerei in Ästuaren und bietet außerdem: * Eine Betrachtung aktueller Ansätze und künftiger Forschungsrichtungen, die darauf abzielen, ein Gleichgewicht zwischen der Nutzung und der Erhaltung von Fischen in Ästuaren zu erreichen * Eine Erörterung der Umweltqualitätsziele sowie der nachhaltigen Fischerei und Bewirtschaftung der Ästuare * Eine Untersuchung, wie sich die zunehmende Nutzung von Ressourcen wie Nahrung, Raum und Wasser durch den Menschen auf die Fischerei in den Ästuaren auswirkt * Zahlreiche internationale Fallstudien zum Fischereimanagement, zu bedrohten Arten, zur Sanierung von Ästuaren, zur Fortpflanzung und Ontogenese und weiteren Themen * Eine Darstellung der Studien- und Probenahmeverfahren, der Feldausrüstung sowie der Verarbeitung, Analyse und Interpretation der Daten Das Werk Fish and Fisheries in Estuaries: A Global Perspective ist ein unverzichtbares Hilfsmittel und eine Referenzquelle für Fischbiologen, Fischereiwissenschaftler, Ökologen und Umweltwissenschaftler, Gewässerökologen, Naturschutzbiologen sowie Studierende der höheren Semester und Dozenten im Bereich Fischbiologie und Fischerei.
This is a revealing glimpse into the life history strategy of Hudson River-origin striped bass (Morrone saxatilis), based on surprising observations carried out over a personal 10-year (1997-2006) tag and release (T/R) study, in which better than 15,000 over-wintering fish were marked for science in the Thames River, CT. Eight other northeast O-W contingents are profiled, seasonal problems are identified, spin, fly and trolling techniques are discussed, and frequently asked questions about the fish and their tagging are addressed. Consequently many related riddles are solved, along with reasons why the author has long been involved with fisheries research. With this information in hand, you won't have to wait till spring to resume your striped bass fishing. Juvenile, as well as adult members of this regions most popular game fish use numerous estuaries to over-winter in. Closer to home than imagined, they offer an Rx for cabin fever symptoms. Their wintertime biology and reasons for it, how to catch them, where summertime travels take them, along with many other secrets are profiled. Much of which is supported by previous fisheries research presented in a "common language" that any angler understands. It's a book filled with surprising insights and relationships all saltwater anglers will enjoy.