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If you have seasonal affective disorder (SAD), take heart. A range of effective treatments and preventive measures can help you feel healthy and productive, even on the darkest days. Yet when depression kicks in, it's tough to mobilize yourself to find and use the information you need to feel better. That's where this skillfully crafted workbook comes in. Leading SAD expert Dr. Norman E. Rosenthal guides you step by step to: *Record your symptoms, such as low moods, fatigue, sleep problems, and food cravings. *Gain awareness of your seasonal patterns--to anticipate problems before they arise. *Determine which remedies to try, including light therapy, meditation, lifestyle changes, antidepressants, and psychotherapy. *Keep track of what works and how long it takes for symptoms to improve. *Spend your high-energy months equipping yourself for the times when energy is low. By working through the book's simple checklists and fill-in-the-blank forms (you can download and print additional copies as needed), you'll create your own blueprint for greater well-being all year long. Let there be light! See also Dr. Rosenthal's Winter Blues, Fourth Edition, which provides a comprehensive overview of SAD and its treatment.
The one thing all northwesterners can agree on is that winters are long, dark, and wet.If the weather's got you down, this spunky little book will guide you out of a winter funk with equal parts of humour, advice, and panache. There is no need to move to Los Angeles or check into a sanatorium. Learn how to devise a Winter Disaster Plan with tips on stockpiling food and finding a hibermate.If you're sick in bed with yet another winter cold, entertain yourself with a variety of bedside crafts, from Tissue Sculpture to Vitamin C Beadwork. When spring finally comes along, be ready for it by following the 12 Steps to Reemergence.
SAD is depression caused by lack of natural light. People who have limited exposure to light, and people who live in northern climates are most likely to suffer from SAD, though many people undergo seasonal variations in mood, energy, appetite and sleep. With SAD, sufferers experience an exaggerated version of these changes. Full-blown SAD can be extremely debilitating; the sufferer finds it difficult to carry out normal activities. The disease is often undiagnosed because the symptoms are general enough that they can be attributed to a variety of causes. SAD can be treated with or without medicine, depending on the severity. The book describes helpful changes to eating patterns and vitamin and mineral supplements, ways of adapting your lifestyle to take advantage of the daylight, as well as lightbox therapies. The book distinguishes SAD from classic depression, chronic fatigue, and other illnesses with similar symptoms. It also explains the alarming physical effects of lack of sunlight, which include a greater risk of heart disease, osteoporosis, and even cancer. Written in an informal style, with helpful tips and advice, this book is important for anyone who ever questioned their feelings on a cloudy day or during the winter months.
"A 'landmark book.'"--The New York Times *When the dark days of winter approach, do you feel sluggish and slow? Is it a struggle to get out of bed each morning? *Do you have difficulty focusing at work or in relationships, feel down in the dumps, or, worse still, get really depressed? *Does it get harder than ever to stick to a healthy diet and control your weight? If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, you may be one of the millions of people who suffer from seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Picking up this book is the first step toward feeling more energized, productive, and alive--all year long. Dr. Norman E. Rosenthal's engaging, compassionate style and rich store of scientific wisdom have made this trusted guide a perennial bestseller. Dr. Rosenthal explains how to evaluate your own level of seasonality, get the most out of light boxes and other effective self-help options, and make informed decisions about antidepressants and psychotherapy. The thoroughly updated fourth edition features a new chapter on different meditation practices and their benefits. Packed with information and insights, this is a tried-and-true survival kit for weathering the winter blues. See also Dr. Rosenthal's Winter Blues Survival Guide, a step-by-step workbook that helps you craft a customized SAD treatment plan.
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) affects a significant number of individuals, with an even greater percentage of population suffering from a milder version of the "winter blues." Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) has long been recognized as an effective treatment for depression and now there is evidence that CBT can also benefit those with SAD. The group program outlined in this therapist guide tailors CBT for depression to the special needs of the SAD population. It can be easily adapted for use in individual therapy, as well as be combined with light therapy. This therapist guide details twelve sessions to be completed over a six-week period. It gives step-by-step instruction for session activities and discussion. SAD-specific examples, sample dialogues, and diagrams help illustrate the points to be covered. Participants are provided with psychoeducation to further their understanding and awareness of SAD. They learn techniques to reduce symptoms, such as pleasant activity scheduling and cognitive restructuring. By increasing the amount of pleasant activities and changing thoughts and beliefs to be more adaptive, participants reverse the downward spiral of inactivity, negative thoughts and beliefs, and depressed mood. Relapse prevention helps participants maintain their gains and prepare for future winter seasons. With proven CBT techniques and a strong focus on SAD, this guide is a valuable addition to the clinician's toolbox. A chapter on group logistics and an appendix with fidelity checklists will assist clinicians in successfully implementing the program. Home practice is an important part of the program and the corresponding workbook includes forms for each session. TreatmentsThatWorkTM represents the gold standard of behavioral healthcare interventions! · All programs have been rigorously tested in clinical trials and are backed by years of research · A prestigious scientific advisory board, led by series Editor-In-Chief David H. Barlow, reviews and evaluates each intervention to ensure that it meets the highest standard of evidence so you can be confident that you are using the most effective treatment available to date · Our books are reliable and effective and make it easy for you to provide your clients with the best care available · Our corresponding workbooks contain psychoeducational information, forms and worksheets, and homework assignments to keep clients engaged and motivated · A companion website ( offers downloadable clinical tools and helpful resources · Continuing Education (CE) Credits are now available on select titles in collaboration with PsychoEducational Resources, Inc. (PER)
Seasonal affective disorder: what it is and how to overcome it.
On April 8, 1994, Kurt Cobain ended his long struggle with depression and chemical dependency by taking his own life. His suicide profoundly affected millions of fans around the world who identified with the music of Kurt and his band, Nirvana. Bev Cobain is Kurt's cousin, and this powerful book is her way of dealing with his death—and reaching out to teens with a life-saving message: You don't have to be sad, discouraged, or depressed. There is help and hope for you. Full of solid information and straight talk, When Nothing Matters Anymore defines and explains adolescent depression, reveals how common it is, describes the symptoms, and spreads the good news that depression is treatable. Personal stories, photos, and poetry from teens dealing with depression speak directly to readers' feelings, concerns, and experiences. Teens learn how to recognize depression in themselves and others, understand its effects, and take care of themselves by relaxing, exercising, eating right, and talking things over with people who care. For some teens, self-help isn't enough, so Bev also tells about treatment options, presents the facts about therapy, explains the differences between various types of helping professionals (psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, physicians, counselors, etc.), discusses medications, and more. This book isn't just for teens who have been diagnosed with depression. It's for any teen who feels hopeless, helpless, and alone. Clear, encouraging, and matter-of-fact, it's also recommended for parents, teachers, and counselors who want to know more about teen depression.
Cerulean Blues describes the plight of the cerulean warbler, a tiny migratory songbird, and its struggle to survive in ever-shrinking bands of suitable habitat. This elusive creature, a favorite among bird watchers and the fastest-declining warbler species in the United States, has lost 3 percent of its total population each year since 1966. This precipitous decline means that today there are 80 percent fewer ceruleans than 40 years ago, and their numbers continue to drop due to threats including deforestation, global warming, and an ecologically devastating practice -- mountaintop removal coal mining -- that affects not only the cerulean warbler but all residents of the Appalachian mountains, including humans.
Survival in the Canadian Wilderness by Vern D. Seefeldt, Ph.D. Determined to find riches in the Canadian fur trade, Barney accepted an unknown partner, Louie Harris, to assist him as a homesteader in the wilderness of 1925 British Columbia. The two men experienced great success on the trapline, despite the unforeseen challenges brought about by a severe winter of deep snow, bone-chilling temperatures, and risk-taking behavior attributable to both men. Louie’s disappearance, with only three days remaining in the trapping season, turned a great adventure into an outright disaster. Frustrated by the unwillingness of local authorities to accept Louie’s disappearance as an involuntary act, Barney tried numerous times during the ensuing years to locate his missing partner, but Harris was never seen or heard from again. Barney Seefeldt died on December 14, 1973, in Grover Township, northeastern Wisconsin, without ever again visiting the site of his Canadian homestead. Survival in the Canadian Wilderness: The Legend of Louie Harris is a fictionalized explanation of what may have become of the enigmatic Louie Harris.
THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO OVERCOMING WINTER: AN IN-DEPTH GUIDE TO CONQUERING WINTER BLUES, STAYING EXTREMELY HEALTHY AND HAVING THE MOST PRODUCTIVE WINTER OF YOUR LIFE!Crush Winter Blues, Smash Cabin Fever, Say Goodbye to Seasonal Depression and Say Hello to the Most Productive Winter You've Ever Had!Are you tired of winter beating you down? Do you feel sluggish, depressed and unproductive during the winter months? What if I told you there was an extensive guide to overcoming winter? That guide is called "THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO OVERCOMING WINTER" As somebody who has experienced many dreary and depressing winters living in Canada, I eventually decided that enough was enough. I vowed to never let winter get me down again, so I began formulating a personal guide that I could use to overcome winter, and guess what? It worked!Here is a sneak peak of some of the topics that will be covered and what you will learn:-Seasonal Affective Disorders and How to Deal With Them - Defeating Cabin Fever -The Benefits of Staying Active Over the Winter - Light Therapy - Vitamins That Will Help You Stay Healthy -Great Winter Reading Materials - How to Stay Inspired and Productive Over the Long Winter Months - Developing a Healthy Winter Menu -Surviving the Winter Blues AltogetherCountless studies have shown that people who suffer from SAD benefit most from light, exercise, vitamins/supplements and food. All things that one can control themselves. SAD is a common disorder that many suffer from but luckily there are ways to help. this book will be your guide to lifting that winter fog off of your back and living the “light” life— which is the right life. You will learn this and much more upon downloading this book. As somebody who does not yet have the luxury of heading south for the winter, I am here for you to help you overcome these cold, depressing months. Let's stop letting winter hold us down and take our energetic and productive lives back!HURRY BECAUSE FOR A LIMITED TIME YOU CAN DOWNLOAD: "THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO OVERCOMING WINTER" for only $2.99. let's get started!TAGS Weight Loss, Productivity, Healthy Living, Seasonal Affective Disorder, Cabin Fever, Seasonal Depression, Winter Blues