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- Winner of the OIV award 2020, Wines and Territories Category - Author is respected by the wine community across the region and has received awards from the national wine bodies, enabling her to gain a unique view denied to many outsiders - A uniquely authoritative work on the wines of three Eastern European wine countries Eastern Europe is the last undiscovered gem of the wine world. Over the last thirty years three countries, Bulgaria, Romania and Moldova have been working hard to escape the legacy of communism. For all three the regimes that took hold after the Second World War affected their wine industries profoundly, with state farms favouring mechanization and mass production over care and quality. Recent decades have seen a huge switch in attitudes following privatization, with more focus on quality and reconnecting people with the land to rebuild these historic wine industries for today's wine drinkers. Bulgarian wine's fall in sales in the West due to the rising popularity of New World wines, Moldova's economic crisis at the hands of a Russian ban on Moldovan wine and Romania's need to counter imports from foreign producers as tastes in wine change have forced wineries to rethink their approaches to viticulture and winemaking. Instead of production lines of anonymous wines, makers now focus on creating authentic regional wines using local and international varieties and modern techniques. In The wines of Bulgaria, Romania and Moldova, Eastern European wine expert Caroline Gilby MW presents the wine stories of these three connected but distinct countries as one who has witnessed the vast changes as they happened. The cultures of the three countries, their complex and troubled histories and their roads to recovery are profiled here along with details of the geography, climate, grapes grown and, most importantly, the producers working to revive and reinvent their respective wine industries. For those who seek something new beyond the traditional wines of Western Europe or who find New World wines losing their thrill The Wines of Bulgaria, Romania and Moldova is an inspirational introduction to a wine world waiting to be explored.
This book introduces grape varieties and wine in Romania. Large amount of traditional local varieties such as FETEASCĂ REGALĂ and FETEASCĂ ALBĂ are grown in Romania as well as some international varieties like MERLOT and SAUVIGNON BLANC. They have the fourth largest vineyard in the EU. However, their wines are not recognized as wines produced by top three countries who has the largest vineyard in the EU namely Spain, France and Italy. In the 19th century before Phylloxera damaged vineyard in Europe, Romanian wines used to be rated high in the world. Wine produced in Cotnari area used to be precious in Western Europe. Quality of Romanian wine once declined and came into disrepute from 1940's. Even after Romanian revolution, their qualities could not be recovered until the 21st century. After joining the EU in 2007, quality of Romanian wine drastically improved through investments from people in overseas as well as efforts of existing wineries in Romania. This book describes the characters of top 50 grape varieties which has the large size of vineyard in Romania including promising varieties such as FETEASCĂ NEAGRĂ and NEGRU DE DRĂGĂȘANI. Thirty excellent wineries were selected from eight major wine regions in Romania and their characteristic wines which represent wines of Romania are also introduced. Foods in Romania are also discussed by focusing on a history of home cooking. Through this book, the authors try to introduce modern wine production in Romania.
„Nu pot decât să-i fiu recunoscător dnei Marinela V. Ardelean pentru efortul său, mereu reiterat, de a face cunoscut profilul românesc al oenologiei europene. Cititorul, localnic sau străin, află tot ce nu ştia, sau ştia vag, despre un patrimoniu care îşi merită locul printre valorile protejate ale civilizaţiei noastre. Inventarul e amplu şi alcătuit cu acribie, autoarea are toate calităţile unui comunicator eficient: expertiză (globală şi circumstanţială), hărnicie inteligentă, profesionalitate pragmatică, farmec personal. Mai în glumă, mai în serios, ea reuşeşte, prin acest volum, ceea ce nu reu¬şeşte istoria contemporană: unificarea spaţiului românesc, consemnarea continuităţii dintre spaţiul de dincoace de Prut şi cel al Republicii Moldova. Avem ce bea, avem ce citi, avem ce visa. Un cuvânt de laudă şi pentru ţinuta grafică a cărţii: avem şi ce privi! Lectură plăcută! Noroc!“ – Andrei Pleșu „I can only thank Mrs Marinela V. Ardelean for her effort, always reiterated, to make the Romanian profile of European oenology known. The reader, local or foreign, finds out everything he did not know, or he barely knew, about a patrimony that deserves its place among the protected values of our civilization. The inventory is extensive and rigurous, the author has all the qualities of an efficient communicator: expertize (global and circumstantial), intelligent workmanship, pragmatic professionalism, personal charm. As a joke, but not really, she succeeds, through this volume, where contemporary history fails: the unification of the Romanian space, marking the continuity of the space between this side of the Prut and the Republic of Moldova. We have what to drink, we have what to read, we have what to dream of. A word of praise for the graphic outfit of the book too: we also have what to look at! Enjoy your reading! Cheers!“ - Andrei Pleșu
In Extreme Wine, wine economist and best-selling author Mike Veseth circles the globe searching for the best, worst, cheapest, most expensive, and most over-priced wines. Mike seeks out the most outrageous wine people and places and probes the biggest wine booms and busts. Along the way he applauds celebrity wines, tries to find wine at the movies, and discovers wines that are so scarce that they are almost invisible. Why go to such extremes? Because, Mike argues, the world of wine is growing and changing, and if you want to find out what’s really happening you can’t be afraid to step over the edge. Written with verve and appreciation for all things wine, Extreme Wine will surprise and delight readers.
Here’s the inside scoop on the wine world. Globalization has pushed back the borders of the wine world, creating a complex, interconnected market where Old World and New World wines and producers compete head to head. Writing with wit and verve, Mike Veseth (a.k.a. the Wine Economist) tells the compelling story of the war between the market forces that are redrawing the world wine map and the terroirists who resist them. This is the battle for the future of wine—and for its soul. The fight isn't just over bottles bought and sold, however; power and taste are also at stake. Who will call the shots in the wine market of the future? Who will set the price? Whose palate will prevail? Veseth masterfully brings all of these questions together in the only book on the wine business written for all lovers of wine. Wine Wars II begins by exploring wine globalization, where readers follow “Missionaries, Migrants, and Market Reforms” to faraway New Zealand and learn how to unlock the secrets of their local retail “Wine Wall” by mastering the “DaVino Code.” Globalization brings a world of wine to our doorsteps. Commodification helps us make sense of the resulting embarrassment of riches, but at a cost. Readers must decide if they are Martians or Wagnerians, consider why “They Always Buy the Ten Cent Wine,” and then probe the puzzle of “Outlaws, Prisoners, and the Great Escape.” Who stands in the way of the global wine market's assault on wine's very soul? The“Revenge of the Terroirists!” Resistance is not futile, because 'We Are All Terroirists Now,” but that doesn't mean the future of wine is secure. A final section explores “Wine's Triple Crisis,” environmental crisis plus economic crisis, plus identity crisis. Taken together these crises pose the most serious threat to wine as we know and love it. Each section of Wine Wars II ends with a suggested wine tasting that invites readers to experience the book's ideas and arguments with all their senses by sampling a few carefully chosen wines. Can the soul of wine survive – and thrive – in this unfriendly environment? You'll have to read Wine Wars II to find out!
Inspired by Jules Verne’s classic adventure tale, celebrated editor-in-chief of The Wine Economist Mike Veseth takes his readers Around the World in Eighty Wines. The journey starts in London, Phileas Fogg’s home base, and follows Fogg’s itinerary to France and Italy before veering off in search of compelling wine stories in Syria, Georgia, and Lebanon. Every glass of wine tells a story, and so each of the eighty wines must tell an important tale. We head back across Northern Africa to Algeria, once the world’s leading wine exporter, before hopping across the sea to Spain and Portugal. We follow Portuguese trade routes to Madeira and then South Africa with a short detour to taste Kenya’s most famous Pinot Noir. Kenya? Pinot Noir? Really! The route loops around, visiting Bali, Thailand, and India before heading north to China to visit Shangri-La. Shangri-La? Does that even exist? It does, and there is wine there. Then it is off to Australia, with a detour in Tasmania, which is so cool that it is hot. The stars of the Southern Cross (and the title of a familiar song) guide us to New Zealand, Chile, and Argentina. We ride a wine train in California and rendezvous with Planet Riesling in Seattle before getting into fast cars for a race across North America, collecting more wine as we go. Pause for lunch in Virginia to honor Thomas Jefferson, then it’s time to jet back to London to tally our wines and see what we have learned. Why these particular places? What are the eighty wines and what do they reveal? And what is the surprise plot twist that guarantees a happy ending for every wine lover? Come with us on a journey of discovery that will inspire, inform, and entertain anyone who loves travel, adventure, or wine.
An instant classic and a breathtaking achievement. Originally published in 1998, this is the fully revised and updated edition of the outstanding tour de force by the world's leading sparkling wine expert. It is the ultimate reference work for all fizz fans. Beautifully illustrated and stylishly designed, with over 600 full-colour photographs, labels and maps, it has become and will continue to be an indispensable part of any true wine lover's library. Winner of the Noble Cuve du Champagne Lanson; the Salon International du Livre; Gourmand 'Best Wine Book'; and was shortlisted for the Andre Simon Award.