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Praise for Windows of the SoulEvery once in a while a book comes along that makes you stop and think—and then think some more—like Ken Gire’s wonderful book Windows of the Soul.—John Trent in Christian Parenting TodayKen Gire has created a book that gently pours forth, like water out of a garden bucket, cleansing our thoughts and opening the petals of our spirits, providing us with a new sense of clarity in our search for God.—Manhattan (KS) MercuryEach word, each phrase, is painstakingly wrought, loaded with thoughts and prayer, and filled with new glimpses of God’s love, grace, and strength.—The Christian AdvocateWindows of the Soul will surprise you with the many and varied windows God uses to speak to us. With the heart of an artist, Ken Gire paints word pictures in prose and poetry that will thrill your heart.—Mature LivingWindows of the Soul is a rare book, resounding with the cry for communion that is both ours and God’s. With passion, honesty, and beauty, Ken Gire calls us to a fresh sensitivity to God’s voice speaking through the unexpected parables that surround us.—Christian Courier
A profound and in-depth dialog of Spirit-guided insights describing the nature of the soul essence and presenting imaginative, practical tools to transform human dramas.Addressing commonly asked questions, Opening a Window to the Soul presents a unique way to understand how the world operates, heal painful emotions, get along with difficult people, and clear unhealthy patterns. With potent examples from the authorâs personal journey as well as client sessions, the messages are compassionate, enlightening and universally applicable.Topics include: the nature of the soul essence; whatâs between lives; soul memories, emotions, ego, and creative thought as aspects of the âEarth Suit;â how past life experiences impact present time; the soul family as relating to childhood and karmic agreements; love relationships and soul mates; working with the Spirit team (soul family guides) and soul purpose.
The Window to My Soul is an empirical experience, essentially aimed to demonstrate how powerful we, as humans, really are and that when we come to terms with our impediments and make decisions to fight, victory finally becomes ours. As I reached the end of my script, I realized that I needed to complete the preface to the book (in the making). Thinking about the past, a past that Ive put behind me, I also realized that I had to bring those experiences into the present in order for me to make sense of what had really happened to me. As I structured and completed my thoughts, I eventually found the courage to put the past back to where it belonged. This book covers my experiences over a period of time, and I felt that I had to make sense of those happenings that took place around me while I was in a state of total confusion. The stroke that I suffered was one of the key issues with which I had to deal; the damage to my brain had been so severe that I could hardly grasp the full severity of what was happening to me or comprehend or come to terms with what was happening to me at the time. But I knew I had to survive in the ever-changing world around me.
The act of creating art can help people explore the deepest recesses of their hearts and change their lives. Sullivan discovered the power of art for himself and has been using simple art projects as a form of prayer and a way of helping others explore what God may be saying to them.
Do we read character in faces? What information do faces actually provide? What are the social and psychological consequences of reading character in faces? Zebrowitz unmasks the face and provides the first systematic, scientific account of our tendency to judge people by their appearance. Offering an in-depth discussion of two appearance qualities that influence our impressions of others—“baby-faceness” and “attractiveness”—and an analysis of these impressions, Zebrowitz has written an accessible and valuable book for professionals and general readers alike.
In Windows into the Soul, Gary T. Marx sums up a lifetime of work on issues of surveillance and social control by disentangling and parsing the empirical richness of watching and being watched. Ultimately, Marx argues, recognizing complexity and asking the right questions is essential to bringing light and accountability to the darker, more iniquitous corners of our emerging surveillance society.
Some four hundred years before Albert Einstein proposed his theory of relativity of the outer universe to the scientific community, a rabbi named Isaac Luria (1534–1572) passed his theory of the inner universe and its evolution to his students. With vision given only to the most gifted of kabbalistic mystics, Luria explained the inner worlds of the spirit and of the evolution that led to the ultimate birth of our cosmos. In a selection of passages from Luria’s Kabbalah that is both universal and stand-alone in transcendental value, Professor James Dunn presents, for the very first time, the essence of the great rabbi’s teachings. According to Luria, the ultimate calling in this lifetime or in future lifetimes is to reharmonize (and hence remove) inherent imperfections through proper heart, and the teachings presented here have just this aim: to help “heal the broken vessel of the world” (tikkun olam). We all long to be healed and whole, and here scholars and lay people alike will find the wisdom they seek.
Have you ever dreamed about.losing something valuable or irreplaceable? Missing an important engagement? Being chased by a nameless, faceless entity? Talking to a deceased loved one? Doing something immoral or totally out of character? Your dreams are probably trying to tell you something.and it may not be what you think. Dr. Paul Meier, and Dr. Robert Wise help you find the clues needed to decipher and discern the hidden meanings of these nightly visitors. Dr. Meier's psychiatric expertise, combined with Dr. Wise's twenty-eight years of ministry experience, offered a unique overview of dream process and the unconscious. Windows of the Soul offers a concrete, proven method for discovering what lies beneath the surface of the nightly phenomenon we call dreams.
Shakespeare's plays, argues Lings, concern far more than the workings of the human psyche; they are sacred, visionary works that, through the use of esoteric symbol and form, mirror the passage the soul must make to reach its final sacred union with the divine.
The novel begins at the Library at Alexandria in ancient Egypt, when a mysterious inscription is found stating an enigmatic riddle about the Soul. In current times, at a major Medical Research Center in North Carolina, a part of the brain is found to have 'blank' tissue in a DNA test. Incredibly, an ancient language Code is found within this tissue. And importantly, this Code always disappears upon the donors death! The Centers relentless geneticist Dr. Eric Rhodes, struggles to make sense of this Discovery, theorizing that it may be related to Human Spirit (ones Soul). In order to prove this theory, he search's for a key to the Code within the Dead Sea Scrolls in Israel. After much trial and error, he finds an ancient document by a librarian at the Library at Alexandria, pertaining to "The Place of the Cure of the Soul!" This leads to the translation of the Code, revealing the central regions of the Soul. Meanwhile, a evolution zealot seeks to stop Eric after realizing that he is about to unravel the Code. He directs his operative to 'barbeque' Eric as the Code is being solved. When Eric's 'head' thuds to the table, the afterlife of ones 'Soul' is observed while in Heaven. Awakening from his coma, Eric prepares a major Paper describing this Discovery, the Code and its translation. Together with his lover, Dr. Janice Westphal, they announce this momentous Discovery at a Conference where he reveals 'A Window on the Soul.' Later, after speaking with many groups on finding the Code and the 'Window on the Soul, ' and much personal turmoil, Eric finally expresses his special 'knowledge' about Eternal Life and Heaven. In his understated way, he does this quietly, within his church and with various other groups. The story ends with Eric contemplating his 'connection' to the unsolved 'riddle.'