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When Pedro Menéndez de Avilés founded St. Augustine in 1565, his New World survival kit included gambling, liquor and ladies for hire. For the next four hundred years, these three industries were vital in keeping the city financially afloat. With the cooperation of law enforcement and politicians, St. Augustine's madams, bootleggers and high-rollers created a veritable Riviera where tourists, especially the wealthy, could indulge in almost every vice and still bring the family along for a wholesome vacation picking oranges and gawking at alligators. Join historian Ann Colby's tour of spots not on the standard tourist map to discover hidden-in-plain-sight bordellos, speakeasies, casinos and the occasional opium den.
The true story of the long-unsolved killing of a celebrity in northern Florida: “A page-turner.” —First Coast Living The murder of Athalia Ponsell Lindsley, a former model and television hostess who was once engaged to Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr., is still notorious more than four decades after it occurred. The only eyewitness said a man attacked Lindsley with a machete in broad daylight on the front steps of her mansion. Gossip swirled that neighbor Frances Bemis knew who killed Lindsley and would notify authorities—and then Bemis was later murdered on her nightly walk. Police arrested only one suspect for Lindsley’s murder, which remains unsolved to this day. Here, Elizabeth Randall replaces the rumors with research, and draws from over one thousand pages of depositions, records, official county documentation, and interviews to reveal the story behind this shocking crime. Includes photos
With St. Augustine s 450th anniversary comes this new collection of seldom-heard stories from the Ancient City s past. Discover how a single guard boat thwarted a pirate fleet attack with a diversionary fife-and-drum performance and how the mere act of a Spanish ship captain lopping off the ear of a British merchant sparked the War of Jenkins Ear. From Spanish dons to barking Methodists and all the outrageous characters in between, master storyteller Drew Sappington entertains as he puts the story back in history through this fast and funny tour of Florida s hidden past."
This book is a true story of a ghastly murder in the nation's oldest city in January of 1974. The victim was a former New York City model who in earlier years had moved in the highest social circles, which included the Kennedy family of Massachusetts. The murder investigation and subsequent trial involved many people from the highest echelons of St. Augustine and St. Johns County.
"Hope of the Wicked is about the greatest deception in modern history. The book is packed with hundreds and hundreds of quotes from world leaders themselves showing where they want to bring the world. Nothing is left to guesswork; when you are finished reading, you will understand that what seems to be inconsistent and illogical to you, is not to the global elite who wish to bring the United States under the auspices of the United Nations. The quotes are from established world leaders, past and present, and most are household names. It is laid out for all to see what they have organizedout in the open for all to observe, if one wants to learn what the Masters of the Universe are planning for the New World Order. The book is neither left- nor right-wing politically, but is the view of a scribe observing these trends and issues over a twenty-five year period. It is primarily a resource guide and mini-anthology, with an index and 38 pages of footnotes that will be most difficult for someone to take issue with, principally because the quotes are from the perpetrators themselveswhat they have accomplished, and where they hope to go in the future. When you are done reading the material presented in this book, you'll never look at the news the same way again. It all amounts to control, control of your money, your work, your family, your education, your attitudes, your beliefs, your thoughts. Do you think its impossible? Read Hope of the Wicked and you will know for sure it is not only possible, it is already being done.", 6/30/14
"In this work, traditionally translated as On Christian Doctrine, Augustine combines the pedagogical methods he learned from Greek and Roman writings with the content of the Christian faith to help preachers present biblical teachings in an effective manner. This new translation is lively and accessible." Library Journal
Throughout history, some books have changed the world. They have transformed the way we see ourselves - and each other. They have inspired debate, dissent, war and revolution. They have enlightened, outraged, provoked and comforted. They have enriched lives - and destroyed them. Now Penguin brings you the works of the great thinkers, pioneers, radicals and visionaries whose ideas shook civilization, and helped make us who we are. One of the greatest explorations of sin, epiphany and redemption ever written, the Confessions of Saint Augustine continue to shape our ideas with their passionate declaration of the life-changing power of faith.
This volume covers Augustine's notes and commentaries on Psalms 1 through 29. Augustine's theme is the church, less as an external institution than as the very focus and center of God and Christ.
The book presents human history as being a conflict between what Augustine calls the City of Man and the City of God, a conflict that is destined to end in victory of the latter. The City of God is marked by people who forgot earthly pleasure to dedicate themselves to the eternal truths of God, now revealed fully in the Christian faith. The City of Man, on the other hand, consists of people who have immersed themselves in the cares and pleasures of the present, passing world. Though The City of God follows Christian theology, the main idea of a conflict between good and evil follows from Augustine's former beliefs in Manichaeanism. A philosophy based on the idea of primordial conflict between light and darkness or goodness and evil. In the case of City of God, it is the City of God (representing light) and the City of Man (representing darkness). Though his book follows an ideology of Manichaeanism, he still distances himself from them by calling them heretics: ..". I say, so just and fit, which, when piously and carefully weighed, terminates all the controversies of those who inquire into the origin of the world, has not been recognized by some heretics ..." Later, when Augustine converted to Christianity he at one point accepted Neo-Platonism. He ends up adding an idea of Neo-Platonism with a Christian idea in The City of God when he says: "As for those who own, indeed, that it was made by God, and yet ascribe to it not a temporal but only a creational beginning ..."
The first collection of Saint Augustine's varied writings on human and divine love—chosen to reflect his lifelong preoccupation with ordo amoris, the principle of rightly directed love. "My weight is my love," Saint Augustine writes in The Confessions. He sees our ability to love as disordered by sin, so that we often choose badly what and how to love. Only by recognizing that we are commanded to love God first can any other object of our love be properly ordered, Late Have I Loved Thee draws on the riches found in Augustine's sermons, letters, treatises, and Scripture commentaries, as well as passages from The Confessions and City of God. Augustine (354-430 A.D.) was the most prolific writer of Christian antiquity and the most influential theologian in Church history. In his first encyclical, God Is Love, current Pope Benedict XVI acknowledges his indebtedness to him. When we read Augustine today, we encounter the same direct, eloquent passions his original listeners experienced, infused with his deep sense of human weakness and burning desire for union with God.