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Modern industry faces complex and 'wicked' problems that require engineering professionals to go beyond traditional natural science-based linear problem-solving approaches and adopt collaborative, multidisciplinary, and iterative problem-solving strategies. To tackle these kinds of problems, organizations are increasingly turning to design problem- solving methods based on the designer’s way of thinking, acting, and doing. Designers have a distinctive ability to deal with poorly defined, ambiguous, or "wicked" problems by emphasizing iterative exploration of both the problem and the solution spaces. They do this through design reasoning patterns that involve constant iteration and temporary solutions. This shift towards designerly ways of problem-solving has, in turn, had an effect on engineering education, where there has been a significant shift towards educational models that utilize design methodologies to engage students in immersive problem-solving experiences. One challenge for educators who utilize models based on designerly thinking is to create structures that actually support the learning objectives, and the development of student skills that are rooted in design reasoning and acting, and not merely in design tools. Another challenge is to support collaboration across multiple areas that traditionally had clear boundaries. This thesis studies practices utilized by educators in problem-based designerly education to understand the underlying mechanisms and theoretical underpinnings of problem exploration in multidisciplinary education. Additionally, this thesis aims to explore and discuss the same processes and methods in the context of multidisciplinary education and design objects that can support collaboration across boundaries. This thesis's key contributions are the exploration and discussion of aspects of problem exploration, framing, and reframing in a designerly problem-based multidisciplinary educational environment, as well as the challenges and difficulties that educators and students encounter in the process of exploring problems and collaborating and crossing disciplinary boundaries with participants from multiple disciplines. To do so, this thesis first explores the importance that (the framing of the) design brief has in the problem-solving process. Furthermore, the design briefs are discussed as boundary objects that serve a crucial role in negotiation, communication, and coordination tools between stakeholders. Second, the importance of the reflective process that follows the idea generation and prototype-building activities are discussed as an aspect of an educational model that allows participants to explore problems and avoid design fixation. Moreover, these objects are discussed based on their function as disciplinary boundary crossing objects and as an aid in negotiation, and collaboration objects in problem exploration. Thirdly, methods and processes for assessment of student characteristics and skills are discussed, where tensions and trade-offs between self-reporting and observer-based methods are studied and explored. These methods then serve as boundary objects in the discussions between teaching teams in the student team formation process. Furthermore, team building and specifically the process of trust-building and objects that aid in boundary-crossing collaboration and communication to develop trust between students are also discussed. Den moderna industrin står inför komplexa och så kallade "lömska"(eng. wicked) problem som kräver att ingenjörer går längre än traditionella naturvetenskapsbaserade linjära problemlösningsmetoder och antar samarbetande, multidisciplinära och iterativa problemlösningsstrategier. För att ta itu med den här typen av problem vänder sig organisationer i allt högre grad till designproblemlösningsmetoder baserade på designerns sätt att tänka, agera och göra. Designers har en utmärkande förmåga att hantera dåligt definierade, tvetydiga och "lömska" problem genom att betona iterativ utforskning av både problemet och lösningsutrymmena. De gör detta genom designresonemangsmönster som involverar konstant iteration och tillfälliga lösningar. Denna förändring mot designmässiga sätt att lösa problem har i sin tur haft en effekt på ingenjörsutbildningen, där det har skett en betydande förändring mot utbildningsmodeller som använder designmetoder för att engagera studenter i verklighetsnära problemlösningsupplevelser. En utmaning för pedagoger som använder modeller baserade på designtänkande är att skapa strukturer som faktiskt stödjer lärandemålen och utvecklingen av studenters färdigheter som är förankrade i designresonemang och agerande, och inte bara i designverktyg. En annan utmaning är att stödja samarbete över flera områden som traditionellt har haft tydliga gränser. Denna avhandling studerar den praxis som används av lärare i problembaserad designutbildning för att förstå de underliggande mekanismerna och teoretiska grunderna för problemutforskning i multidisciplinär utbildning. Dessutom syftar denna avhandling till att utforska och diskutera samma processer och metoder inom ramen för multidisciplinär utbildning och skapa designobjekt som kan stödja samarbete över gränser. Den här avhandlingens nyckelbidrag är utforskandet och diskussionen av aspekter av problemutforskning, inramning och omformulering i en designmässigt problembaserad multidisciplinär pedagogisk miljö, såväl som de utmaningar och svårigheter som lärare och studenter möter i processen att utforska problem och samarbeta när disciplinära gränser korsas med deltagare från flera discipliner. För att göra det undersöker denna avhandling först vilken betydelse (utformningen av) "designbriefs" har i problemlösningsprocessen. Vidare diskuteras "designbriefs" som gränsobjekt som har en avgörande roll i förhandlings-, kommunikations- och samordningsverktyg mellan intressenter. För det andra diskuteras vikten av den reflekterande process som följer på idégenereringen och prototypbyggande aktiviteter som en aspekt av en utbildningsmodell som tillåter deltagarna att utforska problem och undvika designfixering. Dessa objekt diskuteras också utifrån sin funktion som disciplinära gränsöverskridande objekt och som hjälpmedel vid förhandling, och samverkansobjekt vid problemutforskning. För det tredje diskuteras metoder och processer för bedömning av studenters egenskaper och färdigheter, där spänningar och avvägningar mellan självrapportering och observatörsbaserade metoder studeras och utforskas. Dessa metoder fungerar sedan som gränsobjekt i diskussionerna mellan lärarlag i teamformeringsprocessen. Vidare diskuteras teambuilding och specifikt processen att bygga upp tillit och objekt som hjälper till i gränsöverskridande samarbete och kommunikation för att utveckla tillit mellan studenterna.
It feels like our world is spinning out of control. We see poverty, disease, and destruction all around us, and as we search for ways to make sense of the chaos, we're turning to new disciplines for answers and solutions. New, creative innovations are needed, and these new approaches demand different methods and different theories. This book is presented as a handbook for teaching and learning how to design for impact. In it, you'll learn how to apply the process of design to large, wicked problems, and how to gain control over complexity by acting as a social entrepreneur. You'll learn an argument for why design is a powerful agent of change, and you'll read practical methods for engaging with large-scale social problems. You can read this entire book online for free at
A synthesis of nearly 2,000 articles to help make engineers better educators While a significant body of knowledge has evolved in the field of engineering education over the years, much of the published information has been restricted to scholarly journals and has not found a broad audience. This publication rectifies that situation by reviewing the findings of nearly 2,000 scholarly articles to help engineers become better educators, devise more effective curricula, and be more effective leaders and advocates in curriculum and research development. The author's first objective is to provide an illustrative review of research and development in engineering education since 1960. His second objective is, with the examples given, to encourage the practice of classroom assessment and research, and his third objective is to promote the idea of curriculum leadership. The publication is divided into four main parts: Part I demonstrates how the underpinnings of education—history, philosophy, psychology, sociology—determine the aims and objectives of the curriculum and the curriculum's internal structure, which integrates assessment, content, teaching, and learning Part II focuses on the curriculum itself, considering such key issues as content organization, trends, and change. A chapter on interdisciplinary and integrated study and a chapter on project and problem-based models of curriculum are included Part III examines problem solving, creativity, and design Part IV delves into teaching, assessment, and evaluation, beginning with a chapter on the lecture, cooperative learning, and teamwork The book ends with a brief, insightful forecast of the future of engineering education. Because this is a practical tool and reference for engineers, each chapter is self-contained and may be read independently of the others. Unlike other works in engineering education, which are generally intended for educational researchers, this publication is written not only for researchers in the field of engineering education, but also for all engineers who teach. All readers acquire a host of practical skills and knowledge in the fields of learning, philosophy, sociology, and history as they specifically apply to the process of engineering curriculum improvement and evaluation.
This comprehensive handbook offers a broad overview of contemporary research on engineering education and its practical application. Over the past two decades, the field of engineering education research (EER) has become a vibrant and impactful community with new journals, conferences, and doctoral and research programs established across the globe. The increased interest in this area has helped improve the education and training of the next generation of engineers, as well as supporting growth in the use of technology for teaching and learning, increased attention to broadening participation, diversity and inclusion in the field, and a wide international expansion of the field. Drawing on the work of 100 expert contributors from over 20 countries, this volume covers both emergent and established areas of research within engineering education, giving voice to newcomers to the field as well as perspectives from established experts. Contents include: Sociocognitive and affective perspectives on engineering education. Technology and online learning in engineering education. Cultural and ethical issues including diversity, equity, and inclusion in engineering education. Curriculum design, teaching practices, and teacher education at all levels. Research methods and assessment in engineering education. This book offers an innovative and in-depth overview of engineering education scholarship and practice, which will be of use to researchers in engineering education, engineering educators and faculty, teacher educators in engineering education or STEM education, and other engineering and STEM-related professional organizations. The Open Access version of this book, available at, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND) 4.0 license.
This open access book is dedicated to exploring methods and charting the course for enhancing engineering education in and beyond 2023. It delves into the idea that education, coupled with social connections, is indispensable for a more profound comprehension of the world and the creation of an improved quality of life. The book serves as a conduit for incorporating complex problem-solving into engineering education across various formats. It offers a structured approach for tackling complex issues, comparing an array of techniques for managing complexity within the realm of engineering education. Moreover, the book scrutinizes several complex case studies derived from the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals. Additionally, it explores intricate problem-solving and curriculum change case studies specific to engineering education from Harvard University, the University of Technology Sydney, and Aalborg University.
Public interest technologies (PIT) serve to address social needs and challenges in society People working in this space ask communities what their needs are first, without presuming they know what is best for them and generally use a participatory approach to innovation with values in mind and cultural awareness PIT pertain to technologies that may aid not for profits and non government organizations and private industry to achieve their goals These technologies might leverage open source software for collaboration, and open data initiatives to overcome societal challenges, may exercise crowdsourcing and crowd sensing techniques toward collective awareness, and provide open workforce exchanges where Information and Communication Technologies and engineering volunteerism is encouraged towards satisfying the needs of under resourced organizations and citizenry
The Cambridge Handbook of Engineering Education Research is the critical reference source for the growing field of engineering education research, featuring the work of world luminaries writing to define and inform this emerging field. The Handbook draws extensively on contemporary research in the learning sciences, examining how technology affects learners and learning environments, and the role of social context in learning. Since a landmark issue of the Journal of Engineering Education (2005), in which senior scholars argued for a stronger theoretical and empirically driven agenda, engineering education has quickly emerged as a research-driven field increasing in both theoretical and empirical work drawing on many social science disciplines, disciplinary engineering knowledge, and computing. The Handbook is based on the research agenda from a series of interdisciplinary colloquia funded by the US National Science Foundation and published in the Journal of Engineering Education in October 2006.
This book presents the case for Project-Based Learning within Socio-Technical Systems in Engineering Education. The book highlights the importance of projects as Socio-Technical Systems as a means for supporting and enhancing international accreditation of engineering programs. Practical examples illustrate how Socio-Technical Systems are brought into the educational environment through Project-Based Learning. The book goes on to discusses the impact this may have on Engineering Education practice. The work presented will enable engineering educators to develop curricula that can respond to societal needs, while also enhancing teaching and learning. It offers an approach to engineering education that centers on engaging scholars in projects that are located within socio-technical systems. University, government and industry leaders will gain from this book as it provides insight into strategic planning and partnership-building for Engineering Education. We hope this book will further foster deep scholarship of research to ready engineering faculties for engaging responsibly with their surrounding communities. Features: Offers applications of Project-Based Learning (PBL) in Engineering Education Matches elements of Socio-Technical Systems in Higher Engineering Education, with the Exit Level Outcomes (ELOs) required by professional engineering bodies Provides practical examples for the establishment of project environments within an academic faculty Shows examples in the success of execution of projects involving engineering educators, researchers, program developers, government agencies and industry partners Presents a framework to develop Project-Based Learning in Engineering Education that addresses Socio-Technical requirements and will enable engineering educators to collaboratively develop engineering curricula with industry that will respond to societal needs
In Creating Wicked Students, Paul Hanstedt argues that courses can and should be designed to present students with what are known as “wicked problems” because the skills of dealing with such knotty problems are what will best prepare them for life after college. As the author puts it, “this book begins with the assumption that what we all want for our students is that they be capable of changing the world....When a student leaves college, we want them to enter the world not as drones participating mindlessly in activities to which they’ve been appointed, but as thinking, deliberative beings who add something to society.”There’s a lot of talk in education these days about “wicked problems”—problems that defy traditional expectations or knowledge, problems that evolve over time: Zika, ISIS, political discourse in the era of social media. To prepare students for such wicked problems, they need to have wicked competencies, the ability to respond easily and on the fly to complex challenges. Unfortunately, a traditional education that focuses on content and skills often fails to achieve this sense of wickedness. Students memorize for the test, prepare for the paper, practice the various algorithms over and over again—but when the parameters or dynamics of the test or the paper or the equation change, students are often at a loss for how to adjust.This is a course design book centered on the idea that the goal in the college classroom—in all classrooms, all the time—is to develop students who are not just loaded with content, but capable of using that content in thoughtful, deliberate ways to make the world a better place. Achieving this goal requires a top-to-bottom reconsideration of courses, including student learning goals, text selection and course structure, day-to-day pedagogies, and assignment and project design. Creating Wicked Students takes readers through each step of the process, providing multiple examples at each stage, while always encouraging instructors to consider concepts and exercises in light of their own courses and students.