Download Free Why Is Unemployment So High At Full Capacity The Persistence Of Unemployment The Natural Rate And Potential Output In The Federal Republic Of Germany Book in PDF and EPUB Free Download. You can read online Why Is Unemployment So High At Full Capacity The Persistence Of Unemployment The Natural Rate And Potential Output In The Federal Republic Of Germany and write the review.

The empirical analysis indicates that in the Federal Republic the unemployed primarily influence the relationship between the level of real wages and productivity, rather than the growth of wages. This result suggests a distinction between an equilibrium natural rate of unemployment, which is estimated to have been 3-4 percent in the 1980s, and a quasi-equilibrium unemployment rate closer to actual rates of 7-8 percent. Corresponding to these two concepts of equilibrium unemployment, estimates are presented of alternative concepts of potential output that differ according to whether labor input is consistent with the quasi-equilibrium rate of unemployment or with the natural rate of unemployment.
This papers reviews economic and financial developments in Germany since its reunification nearly five years ago; and analyzes some critical issues that have featured prominently in the policy debate over this period and are likely to continue attracting attention in the years ahead.
This paper discusses comparison of economic and social indicators in the year 1988 between Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) and German Democratic Republic (GDR). The budgetary costs of unification will be substantially larger than initially envisaged. Moreover, if one adds to the budget the increases in government debt related to equalization paper, a portion of the old enterprise debt on the books of the banks. The Trust Fund has been assigned a task or enormous scope and complexity: the privatization, restructuring, and in some cases, liquidation of 8000 enterprises with 4 million employees. Even taking care of the short-run financial problems of these enterprises has proved daunting; the more fundamental task will be near impossible to achieve with any rapidity. It is clearly essential to the success of economic integration that capital allow east rather than labor flowing west and that income growth and new opportunities arc enough to meet reasonable aspirations on the pan of the residents of East Germany.
Since the mid-1980s, New Zealand has been engaged in a broad-ranging economic reform program--involving liberalization of key sectors of the economy, reduction in trade protection, and trimming of the public sector--in order to restructure its economy and stimulate growth. With growth performance having been rather lackluster in recent years, questions have been raised as to whether a more interventionist approach--such as that followed by some Asian countries--might be warranted in order to place the economy on a higher growth path. A review of the empirical literature dealing with the experience of the dynamic Asian economies does not suggest that their success can be attributed to any significant degree to selective government interventions.
The IBSS is the essential tool for librarians, university departments, research institutions and any public or private institution whose work requires access to up-to-date and comprehenisve knowledge of the social sciences.
This paper assesses alternative auction techniques for pricing and allocating various financial instruments, such as government securities, central bank refinance credit, and foreign exchange. Before recommending appropriate formats for auctioning these items, the paper discusses basic auction formats, assessing the advantages and disadvantages of each, based on the existing, mostly theoretical, literature. It is noted that auction techniques can be usefully employed for a broad range of items and that their application is of particular relevance to the impetus in many parts of the world toward establishing market-oriented economies.
Weder empirische Daten noch die ökonomische Theorie geben klare Anhaltspunkte, wie sich regionale Disparitäten entwickeln und welche politischen Maßnahmen angebracht sind, um diese zu reduzieren. Dies gilt insbesondere für Deutschland, wo die Wiedervereinigung zwischen West- und Ostdeutschland im Jahr 1990 die regionalen Arbeitslosigkeitsunterschiede deutlich verstärkt hat. Vor diesem Hintergrund stellt Marcus Kunz drei zentrale Fragen: 1. Zeigen Arbeitslosenquoten in den Kreisen und Regionen Deutschlands regionale Konvergenz oder Divergenz? 2. Wie erfolgt die Anpassung von Kreisen und Regionen nach einem regionalen Arbeitsmarktschock? 3. Welche Faktoren sind für die regionalen Arbeitslosigkeitsunterschiede in Westdeutschland verantwortlich? Im Gegensatz zu anderen Studien über regionale Arbeitslosenquoten in Deutschland, die sich ausschließlich auf größere Regionen konzentrieren, zeichnet die Studie von Kunz ein detaillierteres empirisches Bild, da der Fokus auf der Entwicklung der Kreisebene liegt, wo die Unterschiede besonders ausgeprägt sind. Publikationssprache: Englisch
The sustained rise in German unemployment since 1973 poses a problem of critical importance for the world economy. Fewer than two decades ago, Germany boasted an average unemployment rate of under 1% and imported labor to relieve chronic labor shortages. By the mid-1980s, unemployment had risen to over 8 percent of the labor force. This paper investigates some of the reasons for the secular rise in unemployment. We find that while deficient aggregate demand can probably explain some of the current joblessness, the secular rise in unemployment has consisted primarily of an increase in the equilibrium rate of unemployment. We also find little evidence that this increase is due to changes in frictional unemployment. Rather, after reviewing institutional details of the labor market in Germany, we identify various impediments to the kinds of structural adjustments that have operated to maintain a fairly constant equilibrium rate of unemployment in the United States.