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The American government, which had had records of successful intervention on behalf of persecuted Jews in Morocco, Russia, and Romania, as well as on behalf of Armenians in Turkey, failed to act during the Nazi era to save Jews or alleviate their plight. It refused to change the immigration restrictions for refugees from Germany, nor did it protest against the Nazi anti-Jewish policies, not even against the deportation of German Jews in 1940-41. It failed to do anything to prevent the murder of six million Jews, even after it received reliable information on Nazi mass murders of Jews. The passive stance of the U.S. government was seconded by the anti-refugee sentiments of many lower rank officials and of the American populace. The reluctance of the U.S. government to act on behalf of the Jews of Europe was noted by the Nazis and used in their propaganda. Dwells on the successful activities of the War Refugee Board, established in 1944. Paradoxically, the WRB activities, as well as other rescue initiatives, were sometimes obstructed by U.S. diplomats abroad. Concludes that the WRB represented a small gesture of atonement by a nation which, during 1933-44, showed apathy toward the victims. Contrasts the inaction of the United States with the active stance of one man - Raoul Wallenberg - who actually rescued thousands of Hungarian Jews.
In January 1944 President Roosevelt was shown the startling conclusions of a secret memorandum. Its title: Acquiescence of this Government in the Murder of the Jews. The untold and shocking story behind this report--never before described in full-- exposes the appalling apathy and callousness of our Government, particularly the State Department, in the face of Nazi genocide. This report finally forced the President to take the first steps to rescue the Jews--but why had it taken so long to act? This book details, through documents, official papers and interviews with participants and research in archives in key world cities the true narrative of what was known, and the unconscionable delay of active response to the Nazi declaration that they "intended to destroy every Jew in Europe." How this challenge was met is the subject of this book. If genocide is to be prevented in the future, we must understand how it happened, not only in terms of the killers, but of the bystanders.
Draws attention to the United States' response to the plight of European Jews
Comprised of a wide breadth of scholarly materials and diverse articulations, The Holocaust: Memories, Research, Reference will help you guide others in Holocaust research and show you how you can avoid contributing to the popularization and trivialization of the Holocaust. You’ll find in it poems by the prolific American poet, Lyn Lifshin; an essay by Arnost Lustig; work by Roselle Chartock; commentary by Howard Israel on the controversial Pernkopf Atlas; writing on the historian’s role by Michael Marrus, a top Holocaust scholar; and views on linguistic distortions by Sanford Berman, the well-known cataloger. In addition, you’ll read about: the U.S. Memorial Holocaust Museum preparing a Holocaust unit for high school students incorporating contemporary Holocaust articles into Holocaust study Holocaust “webliographies” comparative genocide studies and the future of Holocaust research Holocaust denial literature Holocaust reference work in its preferred form doesn’t substitute method, empiricism, and quantification for substance, emotion, and qualitative discussion. This form is captured and preserved for the benefit of future survivors and scholars in The Holocaust: Memories, Research, Reference. Informed by years of experience and suffering, it will take you and your library visitors to the heart of research and allow you to re-search the human heart.
Theologian Richard L. Rubenstein writes of the Holocaust, why it happened, why it happened when it did, and why it may happen again and again. "Few books possess the power to leave the reader with the feeling of awareness that we call a sense of revelation. The Cunning of History seems to me to be one of these . . . Rubenstein is forcing us to reinterpret the meaning of Auschwitz—especially, though not exclusively, from the standpoint of its existence as part of a continuum of slavery that has been engrafted for centuries onto the very body of Western civilization. Therefore, in the process of destroying the myth and the preconception, he is making us see that that encampment of death and suffering may have been more horrible than we had ever imagined. It was slavery in its ultimate embodiment. He is making us understand that the etiology of Auschwitz—to some, a diabolical, perhaps freakish excrescence, which vanished from the face of the earth with the destruction of the crematoria in 1945—is actually embedded deeply in a cultural tradition that stretches back to the Middle Passage from the coast of Africa, and beyond, to the enforced servitude in ancient Greece and Rome. Rubenstein is saying that we ignore this linkage, and the existence of the sleeping virus in the bloodstream of civilization, at risk of our future." — William Styron, from the Introduction.
2019 National Jewish Book Award Finalist for Biography. Ben Hecht had seen his share of death-row psychopaths, crooked ward bosses, and Capone gun thugs by the time he had come of age as a crime reporter in gangland Chicago. His grim experience with what he called “the soul of man” gave him a kind of uncanny foresight a decade later, when a loose cannon named Adolf Hitler began to rise to power in central Europe. In 1932, Hecht solidified his legend as "the Shakespeare of Hollywood" with his thriller Scarface, the Howard Hughes epic considered the gangster movie to end all gangster movies. But Hecht rebelled against his Jewish bosses at the movie studios when they refused to make films about the Nazi menace. Leveraging his talents and celebrity connections to orchestrate a spectacular one-man publicity campaign, he mobilized pressure on the Roosevelt administration for an Allied plan to rescue Europe’s Jews. Then after the war, Hecht became notorious, embracing the labels “gangster” and “terrorist” in partnering with the mobster Mickey Cohen to smuggle weapons to Palestine in the fight for a Jewish state. The Notorious Ben Hecht: Iconoclastic Writer and Militant Zionist is a biography of a great twentieth-century writer that treats his activism during the 1940s as the central drama of his life. It details the story of how Hecht earned admiration as a humanitarian and vilification as an extremist at this pivotal moment in history, about the origins of his beliefs in his varied experiences in American media, and about the consequences. Who else but Hecht could have drawn the admiration of Ezra Pound, clowned around with Harpo Marx, written Notorious and Spellbound with Alfred Hitchcock, launched Marlon Brando’s career, ghosted Marilyn Monroe’s memoirs, hosted Jack Kerouac and Salvador Dalí on his television talk show, and plotted revolt with Menachem Begin? Any lover of modern history who follows this journey through the worlds of gangsters, reporters, Jazz Age artists, Hollywood stars, movie moguls, political radicals, and guerrilla fighters will never look at the twentieth century in the same way again.
Based on recently discovered documents, The Jews Should Keep Quiet reassesses the hows and whys behind the Franklin D. Roosevelt administration's fateful policies during the Holocaust. Rafael Medoff delves into difficult truths: With FDR's consent, the administration deliberately suppressed European immigration far below the limits set by U.S. law. His administration also refused to admit Jewish refugees to the U.S. Virgin Islands, dismissed proposals to use empty Liberty ships returning from Europe to carry refugees, and rejected pleas to drop bombs on the railways leading to Auschwitz, even while American planes were bombing targets only a few miles away--actions that would not have conflicted with the larger goal of winning the war. What motivated FDR? Medoff explores the sensitive question of the president's private sentiments toward Jews. Unmasking strong parallels between Roosevelt's statements regarding Jews and Asians, he connects the administration's policies of excluding Jewish refugees and interning Japanese Americans. The Jews Should Keep Quiet further reveals how FDR's personal relationship with Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, American Jewry's foremost leader in the 1930s and 1940s, swayed the U.S. response to the Holocaust. Documenting how Roosevelt and others pressured Wise to stifle American Jewish criticism of FDR's policies, Medoff chronicles how and why the American Jewish community largely fell in line with Wise. Ultimately Medoff weighs the administration's realistic options for rescue action, which, if taken, would have saved many lives.