Download Free When Will These Events Happen The 1000 Years Reign Of The Lord Jesus Christ The Resurrection Of The Perfect Church 7 Years Reign Of Anti Christ The Pouring Of The Wrath Of The God Upon The Earth Book in PDF and EPUB Free Download. You can read online When Will These Events Happen The 1000 Years Reign Of The Lord Jesus Christ The Resurrection Of The Perfect Church 7 Years Reign Of Anti Christ The Pouring Of The Wrath Of The God Upon The Earth and write the review.

Many professing believers understand we are living in the last days before the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ to take up His perfect church and the coming of the anti-Christ to rule the earth for 7 years and the coming out-pouring of the wrath of the God upon the earth and finally the coming 1000 years reign of the Lord Jesus Christ. Signs of the times are showing that we are living in stressful times and economic upheaval. Such events have much effect on the lives of peoples and will surely be of great distraction to true believers. The intent of the writer is to lead believers back to the biblical signs of the times so that true believers are not distracted from the important events as foretold in Bible that WILL SURELY HAPPEN and that believers devote their lives to what are everlasting and set their remaining days that they may finish their pilgrimage being found acceptable to the Lord Jesus Christ so that they may have confidence in the day of judgement(1 John 4:17), either as dead in Christ to be taken up first(1 Thessalonians 4:16) or as the living to be caught up together to meet the Lord in the air(1 Thessalonians 4:17) or as the prudent virgins whom the Lord comes to take them to the wedding banquet(Matthew 25:10). On the above premise, the writer searched intensely the word of the God to see if it is possible that the God might allow timelines be known to believers of any of the four biblical events such as the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ to take up His spotless and blameless church, or the appearance of the anti-Christ to rule the earth for 7 years or the coming of the out-pouring of the wrath of the God upon the whole earth or the 1000 years reign of the Lord Jesus Christ over the whole earth. If it is possible to have knowledge of timelines of these forth coming events as foretold in the Bible, this will be the impetus for all true believers not to waste the remaining precious time given to them on affairs and things of this earth or for things of selves(flesh), but to set their hearts and minds on things above(Colossians 3:2) or set their eyes on the Lord Jesus Christ, the Chief Leader and Perfecter of the faith(Hebrews 12:2). This is the reason for the release of this Book to reveal the timelines arrived at by the writer concerning [1] the coming appearance of the anti-Christ to rule the earth for 7 years, [2] the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ to take up His perfect church, [3] the coming out-pouring of the wrath of the God upon the whole earth and [4] the 1000 years reign of the Lord Jesus Christ over the whole earth. This is the reason for the release of this Book to bring a sense of urgency to all true believers concerning the ends of the days - because the time lines arrived at of the above four forth coming biblical events are very close, which should take place within the next 24-36 years from now (2020 AD) according the writer's understanding of the biblical significance of the 1000 years reign of the Lord Jesus Christ on the earth. Many believers who are less than 60 years old may live to see these four biblical events unfolding before their eyes. Therefore, believers must give urgent attention to their salvation walk on earth now to ensure that they are ready to face such forth coming events and be triumphant. Readers are urged to test the content in this Book with the unadulterated word of the God to accept and/or to reject the veracity of the content in this Book. 13th. April 2020.
The final book of the Bible, Revelation prophesies the ultimate judgement of mankind in a series of allegorical visions, grisly images and numerological predictions. According to these, empires will fall, the "Beast" will be destroyed and Christ will rule a new Jerusalem. With an introduction by Will Self.
Maranatha: Our Lord, Come! is an in-depth study of matters related to the Rapture of the church. It addresses such issues as the birth-pang concept in the Bible and ancient Judaism, the biblical concept of the Day of the Lord, the relationship of the Day of the Lord to the Time of Jacob's Trouble and the Great Tribulation, the identification of the sealed scroll of Revelation 5, the significance of the seals, the imminent coming of Christ, the analogy of John 14:2-3, the relationship of the Rapture to the coming of Christ with His holy angels, the relationship of church saints to the wrath of God, the significance of 2 Thessalonians 2, the implications of both the 70-weeks prophecy of Daniel 9 and the references to Israel and the church in the book of the Revelation, the meaning of the last trump, and why the timing of the Rapture has practical implications for daily living and ministry.
The Millennial Kingdom is a comprehensive biblical and historical treatment of the doctrine of the millennium written for the pastor, students, scholar, or layperson. The three leading millennial views -- postmillennialism, amillennialism, and premillennialism -- are presented in the context of their history, their theology, and their biblical interpretation. Dr. Walvoord presents postmillennialism first and then discusses amillennialism. However, the subject of premillenialism forms the main body of the work. The author introduces premillennialism with a survey of its historical background in the Old and New Testaments and in the history of the church. Its theological setting and methods of interpretation are discussed. A presentation of the character of the millennium concludes the volume.
The idea of "The Rapture" -- the return of Christ to rescue and deliver Christians off the earth -- is an extremely popular interpretation of the Bible's Book of Revelation and a jumping-off point for the best-selling "Left Behind" series of books. This interpretation, based on a psychology of fear and destruction, guides the daily acts of thousands if not millions of people worldwide. In The Rapture Exposed, Barbara Rossing argues that this script for the world's future is nothing more than a disingenuous distortion of the Bible. The truth, Rossing argues, is that Revelation offers a vision of God's healing love for the world. The Rapture Exposed reclaims Christianity from fundamentalists' destructive reading of the biblical story and back into God's beloved community.
Award-winning author and Bible teacher David Jeremiah says this is no time for the church to panic, to become distracted, to be confused by prophetic rabbit trails, or to miss priceless opportunities. In fact, these may be the best days to proclaim Christ since the first century. Previously titled "Until I Come," this book helps readers listen for, and hear, the masters voice even in the midst of chaos. (Practical Life)
The great tribulation is soon coming upon us. The four horsemen are described in the Bible: the white horse represents the false prophets, red horse represents war, black horse represents famine, and the pale horse, death, and Hades represents pestilence. All prophecies about the great tribulation thousands of years ago, approximately two thousand years ago or more, and some Bible prophecies have come to pass and some are in the process now right before our eyes. For instance, now the Euphrates river in the Middle East is drying up, which was spoken in the book of Revelation. This is setup for the two hundred million soldiers crossing over to do battle in World War III to fight the Antichrist and his armies in the great Euphrates River around the Persian Gulf region. Bible prophecies are coming to pass week by week right before our eyes according to Matthew 24, but the major events will happen sometime in the near future World War III and Armageddon nuclear war, before the millennium and the new heaven and earth will happen. Matthews 24:22 states and excepts those days should be shortened. There should no flesh to be saved, but for the elects' sake, those days shall be shortened. Yes, Jesus Christ shall intervene in mankind's deadly situation. Jesus Christ will stop mankind from destroying all people's lives from a nuclear holocaust. I explained some of this in the beginning of my book. The people who are left on earth, this is when Jesus Christ will start the millennium with his saints. Jerusalem will be the place where Jesus Christ and his saints, who will become kings and priest, will teach the nations how to live in peace; and the people will be taught God's commandments, laws, and statutes they should obey. All the prophets and saints from the ancient times in the Bible will be resurrected, teaching the nations how to live for Christ (Revelation 5:10, 3:21, 22:5, 2:27, 1:6, 20:6; Ezekiel 44:23; Zechariah 14:16-19; Isaiah 2:1-4). After the millennium is over, the second resurrection will take place. This is called the great white throne, where those from centuries ago who never had a chance to hear about Jesus Christ will get their chance to accept him as there Lord and Savior to have eternal life with him. They will have one hundred years to serve Jesus Christ (Isaiah 65:20). After this, judgment seat will happen. Those who would not accept God and our Lord Jesus Christ will perish in the lake of fire (2 Peter 3:10-13). God will burn up the heaven and earth. Revelation 21 says there will be a new heaven and earth. Jerusalem will be the center place of where Jesus Christ will reign. The Bible indicates that we will have an increase of disasters to prove that we are in the last days and an increase of crime, tornadoes, and hurricane disasters. Earthquakes in diver places race wars (riots) will happen more and more during the latter days. The world will be in completely disobedience toward God. Men will be wicked and coldhearted toward other men. It's very important to read Luke 21:36-38 and pray that you will be worthy to escape these things. Finally, watch the world news and read the newspapers that will give you some sort of indication on what events has happened and what is about to take place next by comparing everything by studying your Bible. This will give the person an idea where we are and how close we are for the great tribulation. Get close to God by staying in prayer, and he will tell you what to do to prepare for the great tribulation. The Bible indicates in the latter days (end times), which we are in now. God bless the reader!
Very accurate, extremely informative, and certainly understandable. As we all know, the revelation of Jesus Christ as recorded by John the Apostle is one of the most intriguing and fascinating books in the bible. However, Revelation Rightly Revealed (R3) conducts a precise yet comprehensive study of John's apocalypse. R3 analyzes and expounds on fourteen major themes found in the book of Revelation. As a result, you are guaranteed to receive dynamic and tremendous insight into the following concepts: The Four Horsemen, The Great Tribulation, Mystery Babylon, The Resurrections, The 7 Seals, 7 Trumpets, and 7 Vials, Eternity, and much more.
This book explains in great detail and exceptional clarity the issues related to the rapture of the Church, the government of the Antichrist, the great tribulation and all the apocalyptic judgments which God will pour out upon the wicked world. The rapture of the Church will bring about the global collapse of the economic, political and religious institutions of the world. At that moment of monumental crisis, humanity will quickly look for a leader willing to put the world back together, offer them peace and security. The world will host a false prince of peace called the Antichrist. He will elate the masses by telling them what they want to hear. However, he will push humanity to the deepest levels of degradation, vice, immorality, crime, war, violence, and rebellion against God. He will corrupt the social and moral order and as a result, billions of people will die. He will plunge the world into spiritual darkness and lead humanity astray. The Antichrists empire shall devour the whole earth trample it and break it in pieces (Daniel 7:23 NKJV). This will be a period characterized by widespread wars which will bring death to billions of people: For in those days there will be tribulation, such as has not been since the beginning of the creation which God created until this time, nor ever shall be (Mark 13:19 NKJV). During this period, 25 and 33 per cent of the world population will die in two major wars. If these conflicts were to happen in our time, 3.56 billion people would die. However, before the Antichrist begins, God will take out of this world, all those who believe in Christ. Seven years later, the Lord Jesus will return to destroy those who destroy the earth (Rev. 11:18b) and establish His everlasting kingdom on Earth. Then, The wolf and the lamb shall feed together. The lion shall eat straw like the ox, and dust shall be the serpents food. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all My holy mountain, says the LORD (Isaiah 65:25 NKJV).
Is Christ going to return to the earth physically? Will the Rapture of the church occur? The Bible answers these questions in the affirmative. So when will these things take place? After years of studying this, I am convinced that not only will the Lord Jesus be coming to reign on this earth from Jerusalem but He will be doing so very shortly. I believe that the Bible in fact tells us the exact date of His return! Not only that, it also tells us the exact date of the Rapture, or at least the time in which it will occur. Even more, it tells us when the final seven-year period will begin and when the Antichrist will reveal himself—to the day! I know that many might express incredulity at such claims and even shock at the utter audacity to proclaim something so preposterous, and I do not blame you if you do feel this way. I only ask that you read and consider for yourself. The prophetic time line laid out in this book is absolute and can be overlaid onto the Gregorian calendar. I encourage you to read and discover for yourself why I am so confident in my declarations and how those prophetic time stamps align on our modern calendar. When done and when applied to what Scripture says and the history of the church age, it tells us the physical return of Christ to the earth could very well take place on April 9, 2033. Get ready to be shocked as the book of Revelation will be unfolded to you in a way you have probably never seen before.