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This provocative volume takes a critical look at how the social sciences and psychology in particular have been applied to the lives of children, particularly in education, parenting, and child welfare. Contributions by senior scholars and promising new voices offer fresh, balanced perspectives on key questions: What role has science played in perpetuating discrimination and inequality among different groups of children? How has science been employed in the politics of program formulation, advocacy, and funding? How has science been used to justify the practices of child professionals? How have parents and children responded to scientific ventures designed to “help” them? Co-edited by a historian of education, a historian of childhood, and a developmental psychologist, this book features: An overview of the last century’s efforts to understand children by means of scientific methods. A cogent examination of how scientific research was translated into programs and policies (such as Universal Pre–K and the No Child Left Behind Act) in response to social needs. Enlightening case studies of the intersection of the child sciences with professional and lay practices, children and families, and social reformers. Voices of teachers, social workers, and other professionals working with children.
TABLE OF CONTENTS. 1. Basic perspectives: biases and format / S. D. Dixon and M. T. Stein. 2. Setting the stage: theories and concepts of child development / S. D. Dixon. 3. Interviewing in a pediatric setting / M. T. Stein. 4. Designing an office with a developmental perspective / M. T. Stein. 5. The prenatal visit: making an alliance with the family / S. D. Dixon. 6. The newborn examination: innate readiness for interaction with the environment / S. D. Dixon. 7. The hospital discharge examination: getting to know the individual child / M. T. Stein. 8. The special care nursery: unlocking the behavior of the vulnerable neonate / S. D. Dixon and P. Gorski. 9. Five days to four weeks: making a place in the family / P. Kaiser and S. D. Dixon. 10. Five weeks to two months: getting on track / M. T. Stein. 11. Three to four months: having fun with the picture book baby / S. D. Dixon. 12. Five to Six months: reaching out to play / S. D. Dixon, M. J. Hennessy, and P. Kaiser. 13. Seven to eight months: separation and strangers / P. Kaiser and S. D. Dixon. 14. Nine to ten months: active exploration in a safe environment / P. Kaiser and S. D. Dixon. 15. One year: one giant step forward / S. D. Dixon and M. J. Hennessy. 16. Eighteen months: asserting oneself, a push-pull process / M. T. Stein. 17. Two years: learning the rules language and cognition / S. D. Dixon, H. Feldman, and E. Bates. 18. Two and one-half to Three years: emergence of magic / S. D. Dixon. 19. Four years: clearer sense of self / N. Putnam and S. D. Dixon. 20. Five years: entering school / P. Nader. 21. Six years: Learning to use symbols / N. Putnam and M. T. Stein. 22. Seven to ten years: growth and competency / N. Putnam. 23. Seven to Ten years: the world of the elementary school child / R. D. Wells and M. T. Stein. 24. Overview of adolescence / M. E. Felice. 25. Eleven to thirteen years: early adolescence - age of rapid changes / M. E. Felice. 26. Fourteen to sixteen years: mid-adolescence the dating game / M. E. Felice. 27. Seventeen to twenty-one years: late adolescence / L. I. Rice and M. E. Felice. 28. Special Families / R. D. Wells, N. Putnam, and M. T. Stein. 29. Childrens encounters with illness: hospitalization and procedures / M. T. Stein. 30. Child advocacy: a pediatric perspective / M. T. Stein, S. D. Dixon, and J. E. Schanberger. 31. The use of drawings by children in the pediatric office / J. B. Welsh. 32. Books for parents, videos for kids: an annotated bibliography / P. Kaiser, M. Caffery, H. J. Brehm, S. D. Dixon, M. T. Stein, and M. E. Felice.
Electronic version of 2000 text.
Conducting ethnographic fieldwork with children presents anthropologists with particular challenges and limitations, as well as rewards and insights. Children: Ethnographic Encounters presents ten vivid accounts of researchers' experiences of working with children across a variety of cultural contexts. Part of the Ethnographic Encounters series, the book offers honest reflections on successes as well as failures and shows that in all cases – even those that 'failed' – anthropologists can learn something about children's position in their social world. Going beyond the usual focus on North America and Europe, the text offers comparative insights into the nature of childhood in different societies. The chapters provide first-hand accounts of fieldwork with children in diverse geographical places such as Mexico, the Ecuadorian Amazon, Rwanda, central India, Thailand, Malaysia, and China. The book provides hope, encouragement and inspiration to anyone planning to undertake ethnographic fieldwork with children and provides important insights to students and researchers working in the growing field of anthropology of children and childhood, in childhood studies, and related fields.
This thesis explores preschool class children’s meaning making processes when they encounter evolution. By adopting social semiotic and sociocultural perspectives on meaning making, three group-based tasks were designed. Video data from the activities were analysed using a multimodal approach. The analysis focuses on how the communicated science content affects the science focus of the tasks, how different materials function as semiotic resources and influence meaning making, and interactive aspects of doing science in the meaning-making processes. The findings reveal that, by using the provided materials and their previous experiences, the children argue for different reasons for animal diversity and evolution. Throughout the tasks, a child-centric view of life emerged in a salient manner. This means that, apart from the science focus, the children also emphasise other aspects that they find important. The child-centric perspective is suggested to be a strength that enables children to engage in science activities. The results show that the provided materials had three functions. Children use materials as resources providing meaning. This means that the children draw on the meaning potential of the materials, a process that is influenced by their previous experiences. Moreover, in interaction with peers, the materials also serve as communicative and argumentative tools. Thus, access to materials influences the children’s meaning making and enables them to discuss evolution and “do science”. The findings also reveal an intimate relationship between task context and interaction. More scripted tasks convey more child–adult interaction (scaffolding) while less scripted tasks, during which children build on previous experiences instead of communicated science content, stimulates child–child interaction (mutual collaboration). In scaffolding interactions, a greater emphasis is placed on the science topic of the task due to guidance from the adult. Consequently, meanings made by children in more scripted tasks are more likely to be “scientifically correct”. However, if the teacher or the adult steps back and allows the children to engage in mutual collaboration, they engage in multiple ways of doing science through evaluating, observing, describing and comparing. Overall, the research reported in this thesis suggests that task contexts and materials have a great impact on children’s meaning making and how science is done. Den här avhandlingen utforskar förskolebarns meningsskapandeprocesser kring evolution. Tre gruppbaserade aktiviteter har designats. Videodata har analyserats utifrån ett multimodalt perspektiv på kommunikation. Analysen fokuserar på hur kommunicerade naturvetenskapliga beskrivningar av evolution påverkar aktiviteternas naturvetenskapliga fokus, materials funktion som semiotiska resurser och påverkan på meningsskapande och interaktiva aspekter av att göra naturvetenskap. Avhandlingens resultat visar att barnen, genom att använda material och sina tidigare erfarenheter, för olika resonemang kring varför djur utvecklas och blir olika. Genomgående har barnens syn på världen en betydande roll för meningsskapandeprocessen. Det betyder att barnen, förutom att fokusera på det naturvetenskapliga innehållet i aktiviteterna, också lägger stor vikt vid andra aspekter som är viktiga för dem. Det barncentrerade perspektivet förslås vara en styrka som möjliggör för barn att delta i och engageras av naturvetenskapliga aktiviteter. De material som barnen har tillgång till de i de olika aktiviteterna har tre funktioner. Barnen använder material som meningsgivande resurser, vilket betyder att barnen använder materialens meningspotential. Denna process påverkas av barnens tidigare erfarenheter. Vidare används materialen som kommunikativa- och argumentativa redskap i interaktion med andra. Tillgången till material påverkar således barnens meningsskapande och möjliggör att de kan diskutera evolution påverkar barnens naturvetenskapliga handlande. Avhandlingens resultat visar på en nära relation mellan uppgifters kontext och interaktion. Mer styrda aktiviteter medför mer interaktion mellan barn och vuxna (scaffolding). Mindre styrda aktiviteter, där barnen bygger på sina tidigare erfarenheter, stimulerar istället interaktion mellan barnen (mutual collaboration). Som ett resultat av den vuxnes agerande, läggs det större vikt vid det naturvetenskapliga innehållet (evolution) i scaffolding-interaktioner. Följaktligen är de meningar som skapas i mer styrda aktiviteter mer i linje med naturvetenskapliga förklaringar till evolution. Samtidigt finns det ett samband mellan att den vuxne kliver åt sidan och att barnen kliver fram och gör naturvetenskapliga handlingar som att utvärdera, observera, beskriva och jämföra. Sammanfattningsvis visar den här avhandlingen att uppgifters kontext och material har stor påverkan på barns meningsskapande och hur de gör naturvetenskap.
The American Family has undergone and continues to undergo significant change as the twentieth century unfolds. This book of readings from a group of dedicated faculty at one university makes an important contribution to the study of family. The text explores the changing dynamics of the American family, the family and family values, the family and its influence on the health of children, adoption and family formation, justice in the family, grandparents and the family, the family's role in education of young children, psychological perspectives of childrearing in the United States, family policy and the U.S. welfare state, and oral narrative and family roles. These discussions represent valuable ideas and perspectives as contributions to this dynamic field of study. The reader will not only develop a deeper understanding of the American family in the historical sense, but also as it has evolved and continues to evolve in modern times. The cross-disciplinary nature of the text is a strength of this study of the family as it allows for the bringing together of different viewpoints of benefit to professionals, students, and lay-individuals alike. This exceptional text offers remarkable perspective so that the American family may be better understood and, in many ways, better appreciated for its historic, present-day, and no doubt future impact on the American society.
Through detailed readings of a wide variety of accounts, debates, and representations, Encounters with Wild Children explores the many different meanings these children were given and the varied responses they elicited. Adriana Benzaqu n explains why wild children continue to haunt and fascinate Western scientists and shows how the knowledge they have generated in different disciplines, including anthropology, psychology, psychiatry, pedagogy, linguistics, and sociology, has contributed to the shaping and reshaping of the modern understanding of "the child" and affected the social and institutional practices directed at all children in schools, welfare, mental health, and the law.
This book explores how alarmist social discourses about 'cruel' young people fail to recognize the complexity of cruelty and the role it plays in child agency. Examining representations of cruel young people in popular texts and popular culture, the collected essays demonstrate how gender, race, and class influence who gets labeled 'cruel' and which actions are viewed as negative, aggressive, and disruptive. It shows how representations of cruel young people negotiate the violence that shadows polite society, and how narratives of cruelty and aggression are used to affirm, or to deny, young people’s agency.
Sixty years ago, a group of prominent psychoanalysts, developmentalists, pediatricians, and educators at the Yale Child Study Center joined together with the purpose of formulating a general psychoanalytic theory of children’s early development. The group’s members composed detailed narratives about their work with the study’s children, interviewed families regularly and visited them in their homes, and over the course of a decade met monthly for discussion. The contributors to this volume consider the significance of the Child Study Center’s landmark study from various perspectives, focusing particularly on one child’s unfolding sense of herself, her gender, and her relationships.
Young children are intuitive, emergent scientists - they observe, raise hypotheses, experiment and notice patterns. Most of our everyday actions at home and in other settings, inside and outside, have a scientific basis and it is through these early experiences that children formulate their ideas about the world in which we live. This accessible book introduces the simplest form of the principles and the big ideas of science and provides a starting point for encouraging children to have an interest and experiential understanding of basic science and engineering. It shows you how you can support young children in exploring everyday phenomena and develop their scientific language skills through readily available resources and hands-on experiences. Each chapter focuses on a different aspect of science and includes: a summary of the ‘big ideas’ to refresh your own scientific knowledge; numerous activities that encourage young children to observe, question and carry out their own investigations; a usefil list of everyday resources and relevant vocabulary. Providing a wealth of exciting, meaningful ways to promote scientific experiences and learning, this highly practical book will help you to build on children’s natural curiosity about the world and develop their understanding through your everyday provision in early years settings and at home.