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Sometimes life just hurts. Out of nowhere, death, illness, unemployment, or a difficult relationship can change our lives and challenge everything we thought we knew—leaving us feeling unable to cope. But, in the midst if all this pain and confusion, we are not alone. Weaving together his personal story, pastoral ministry experience, and biblical insights, best-selling author Paul David Tripp helps us trust God in the midst of suffering. He identifies traps to avoid in our suffering and points us instead to comforts to embrace. This raw yet hope-filled book will help you cling to God's promises when trials come and move forward with the hope of the gospel.
God’s world is full of good things. Ice-cold lemonade. The laughter of children. College football. Scrambled eggs and crispy bacon. A late night with old friends around a blazing campfire. God certainly knows how to give good gifts to his children. But where is the line when it comes to enjoying all the pleasurable things our world affords? In The Things of Earth, professor Joe Rigney offers perplexed Christians a breath of fresh air by lifting the burden of false standards and impossible expectations related to the Christian life—freeing readers to gratefully embrace every good thing we receive from the hand of God. Helping us avoid our tendency to forget the Giver on the one hand and neglect his gifts on the other, this much-needed book reminds us that God’s blessings should drive us to worship and that a passion for God’s glory can be as wide as the world itself.
DIV Pastor Karen Jensen knows firsthand what it is like to experience personal tragedy. In this book she shares with readers that it’s OK to ask why, but it’s not OK to “camp out” there./div
The author embarks on a pilgrimage to investigate how the national obessession with happiness infiltrates all areas of life, from religion to parenting, from the workplace to academia. She attends a Landmark Forum self-help course, visits Zappos headquarters in Las Vegas (a "happiness city"), looks into the academic "positive psychology movement" and spends time in Utah with Mormons, officially America's happiest people.
This book is about my crises of faith and God's ultimate destiny for my life.
"This is a book I'll be recommending for years to come." -- Lysa TerKeurst, New York Times bestselling author Do you believe God is just not fair? If you're like Jennifer Rothschild, you wrestle with questions when you experience painful circumstances. Does God care? Does he hear my prayers? Is he even there? Blinded as a teenager, Jennifer overcame daunting obstacles, found strength in God, and launched a successful speaking and writing ministry. Then in her 40s, everything changed. Jennifer hit a wall of depression and discontent that shook her to her core, undermining many of her past assumptions about her faith. She wondered who God was and why he continued to allow her to struggle and doubt. Where, she pleaded, is his hand of healing and hope in my life now? This is a book about finding more than just answers. It's for anyone who needs hope when life doesn't make sense--for all who reach for a God who feels distant. As Jennifer tackles the six big questions of faith, she will help you: Trust God more than your feelings. Strengthen your faith when you feel beat up by life. Embrace your obstacles and start experiencing their purpose. Face your disappointment and grow stronger from your loss.
Author Russell D. Ward delves into the reasons readers feel adrift from God and how Christians can create or renew a power-filled relationship with Him. Learn more at Loss has brought change into your lap. You are looking for perspective. Perhaps you are asking God, what is the meaning of my pain? or Is there meaning in my pain? WLDMS 90 Day Devotional Book’s approach will penetrate your heart and illuminate your journey. Each devotional entry is designed to stir prayerful thought and reflection as you travel through the Wilderness. When you return to the devotional book time and time again, you will have a better sense what has changed and how God has moved in your life. As you journey through the Wilderness, you learn to acquire different “tools” and put them in your spiritual toolbox. These tools are traits such as courage, endurance, prayer, fasting, obedience, patience, etc. You will return often to the toolbox to make use of them. These traits are the heartbeat of the devotional book. Devotional Outline: Day 1 – 11 Why Are You Here? Day 12 – 25 Specific Purposes Present to Your Situation Day 26 – 55 Pushed to Change Day 56 – 77 Becoming a Courageous Person Day 78 – 90 God’s Ways are Not Always Direct, But on Course Key questions or thoughts highlighted: How am I coping with this strange way of life? Initially, the path is filled with change, pain, and struggle. Don’t allow loss to distract you from your relationship with God. God will bring your life to order. God knows what He’s doing. He’s allowing this event to happen for a reason. Remain committed to The Lord during this difficult season. As time unfolds, the focus lessons on the loss. God is bringing something fresh, full of hope. Am I allowing The Lord to order my steps? God’s relentless love protects and directs you. The journey changed me on the inside. Do I have an unselfish concern for others? I will share the wonderful things God does. Being in the Wilderness can be overwhelming, as one grapples with dead ends, setbacks, detours and delays. God DOES have a plan of escape. Moses, Joshua, David, Job, Jesus and Paul were not exempt from experiencing a Desert time in their life – and they would call themselves blessed that they did! The measure [of thought and study] you give [to the truth you hear] will be the measure [of virtue and knowledge] that comes back to you—and more [besides] will be given to you who hear. (Mark 4:24b AMPC).
When Life Doesn’t Make Sense is a timely, immensely practical and compelling book. Believers are trying to process a troubling season of life – grief, unemployment, money problems, divorce, sickness, relationships loss – to name a few. When someone is overwhelmed by loss, a hole is burning in their soul. They ask… What is the meaning of my pain? or is there meaning in my pain? Russell exposes the link between the New Normal and a profound spiritual event – The Wilderness. An unsettling place of emptiness, darkness, and suffering. The Wilderness is unplanned, unscheduled, and unwelcome. Being in the Wilderness can be overwhelming, as one grapples with dead ends, setbacks, detours and delays. God DOES have a plan of escape. Moses, Joshua, David, Job, Jesus and Paul were not exempt from experiencing a Desert time in their life – and they would call themselves blessed that they did! There is hope. God leads you through the pain and pressure of the Wilderness to The Promised Land – a place of peace, fruitfulness, and freedom. As you journey through the Wilderness, you acquire different “tools” and put them in your spiritual toolbox. These tools are traits such as courage, endurance, prayer, fasting, obedience, patience, etc. You will often return to your toolbox to make use of them. When Life Doesn’t Make Sense is an immensely practical book filled with true-to-life stories. Its approach will penetrate your heart and illuminate your journey. Your present trial could be what sets off a great move of God in your life. The Desert is a litmus test to expose what state of mind you are operating under, with the purpose of freeing you from an incorrect mindset. God planned for the Israelites something greater than simply having them travel from one place to another. They were being reprogrammed to accept their new assignment. When you follow their story, there is a misconception that being in the Wilderness is punishment. We are broken and humbled in the Desert. It is there we learn to rely on God’s provision. The longer correction is resisted, the greater the hindrance to spiritual growth. Correction prepares your heart to meet God in a new way. It is the primary means by which God reveals His character in us. There are some who elect to live and die in the Wilderness. If they choose to do so, it leads down a path to immoral and destructive behavior. God brings His people into difficult situations to shape and train them. Adversity is necessary to ready a soldier for battle conditions. The Lord always fulfills His promises, unfolding them when the time is right. Each chapter is written with great respect for the complexity of your situation. Russell delves into the reasons readers feel adrift from God and how Christians can create or renew a power-filled relationship with Him. Learn more at Learn more about Russell at
Well-known author, psychologist ; and priest Fr. Benedict ; Groeschel draws on his own years of personal experiences in ; dealing with people's problems, tragedies and "darkness" as ; he offers help and guidance for any Christian troubled or ; burdened by life. If you are struggling with fear, anxiety, ; grief, loss of loved ones, hurt, anger or anything that ; makes life difficult or the road through it dark, then this ; book was written for you. Fr. Benedict offers practical ; suggestions on how to keep going and even grow with the ; help of God's grace, even when this help seems remote. ; The Christian response to the problem of evil and ; suffering began with the cross of Christ. Our answer is ; inseparable from the cross-from Jesus' own encounter with ; evil and his triumph over it. In this light, Fr. Benedict ; recalls some of our most frequently encountered sorrows and ; griefs: the failure of friends, financial and personal ; insecurity, the failure of some in the Church, our own ; inconsistent behaviors and weaknesses, and the death of ; loved ones. As we examine these painful experiences, he ; shows that we can find solutions in the Gospel and in the ; lives of saints, heroes, and very brave ordinary people. ; "Many guides have been written for people struggling with ; the mystery of evil. But each generation, each age has its ; own dark background in front of which the struggle to keep ; going must be worked out. In every age, men ask 'how am I ; going to go on to arise from darkness?' It is that which my ; book will address." Fr. Benedict Groeschel, ; CFR
In this book, beloved speaker Fr. Mike Schmitz unfolds the mystery of brokenness. He reminds us that we have been fought for by a God who wants us as we are, not as we should be or hope to be. The Lord’s will for us is to find our identity in him and to thrive, living the life he has given us.