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This is a story about a man who had achieved success, but wasn't content. Ted had a vision for the world, a vision for all people to have an opportunity to learn about Jesus. Ted reasoned, "Why should some hear the life-giving message many times before some had the chance to hear it once?"Ted and his wife, Peggy, applied to become missionaries, but were declined. They were too old, had too many kids, and did not have the right education. All avenues for personal involvement in world evangelization seemed closed, so the Fletchers founded their own organization. Drawing on Ted's experience as a Marine and as a corporate executive, they stepped out in faith to send others to places in the world where missionaries were not welcome. Despite the odds, the mission grew beyond any of their expectations.This updated edition of When God Comes Calling includes two new chapters by Pioneers' cofounder, Peggy Fletcher, who writes about the growth of the mission among the unreached since the first edition was published in 2001 and since Ted's homegoing in 2003. 170 pages, 2010.
This is a story about a man who had achieved success, but wasn't content. Ted had a vision for the world, a vision for all people to have an opportunity to learn about Jesus. Ted reasoned, "Why should some hear the life-giving message many times before some had the chance to hear it once?" Ted and his wife, Peggy, applied to become missionaries, but were declined. They were too old, had too many kids, and did not have the right education. All avenues for personal involvement in world evangelization seemed closed, so the Fletchers founded their own organization. Drawing on Ted's experience as a Marine and as a corporate executive, they stepped out in faith to send others to places in the world where missionaries were not welcome. Despite the odds, the mission grew beyond any of their expectations. (from Amazon)
"Is God Calling Me?" That is the foundational question that must be asked by anyone considering entry into the field of ministry leadership.Seminary president Jeff Iorg collects his personally field-tested insights that have helped many students to clarify their understanding of "call" in Is God Calling Me?
With so much attention given to the presentation aspect of modern worship services, is it possible that many people attending church today forget to focus on the primary purpose of actually being in God's presence? Pastor Steve Gaines and coauthor Dean Merrill (Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire) fear this is the case and call for a return to the core point of corporate worship in When God Comes to Church. The goal here is to "send people out the door saying not 'What a sermon!' or 'What great music!' but rather 'What a Savior!' . . . the only 'Wow!' in a church should be God." With that in mind, Gaines and Merrill write thoroughly about what attracts God to our worship gatherings--sincere prayer, repentance, unity, etc.--and warn against the worldly hindrances to pure worship such as legalism, liberalism, and fanaticism.
It is never too late, nor can you ever get so far from God that He will not accept you. Jesus said, “Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me” (Revelation 3:20). He is standing at the door and asking all of us to knock. He said if any man, woman, boy or girl has a voice, they should call out to him and He will answer. Salvation is for everyone! If we have but a little faith, He can work wonders for the lost. We cannot wait for a time we think we are worthy enough to approach God—we’d be waiting a life time! Jesus said, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light” (Matthew 11:28-31). In, When God Calls, You Will Answer, George Ross encourages you to come and receive the saving grace that only Jesus can provide. Jesus has already completed the redemptive work for you. All you have to do is surrender to Him. Jesus taught us how to live in God’s grace. Grace is an unmerited, free gift from the throne room of God and His Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord.
God's heart is reaching out to you in love, calling you to the deepest fellowship with Him you've ever imagined or experienced. Lynne Hammond offers a refreshing biblical perspective on prayer that takes you to the heart of meaningful, effective, and joyful communication with God.
A bestselling author teaches life-transforming principles he has learned after he encounters God through an unexpected spiritual experience. Kendall provides the principles for learning to recognize God's presence in the midst of life's trials, temptation, and disruptions of every kind.
God Calling provides groundbreaking and provocative insights into how God works in the world through the gift of his Holy Spirit. In the NT we do not find the saints praying and constantly asking God what to do; instead, the Spirit continuously leads and guides, giving Spiritual Direction for People in the Real World--people just like you! Looking at the biblical record as a whole, God Calling delivers a paradigm shift for our understanding the indwelling Spirit's impact on Christians' decision-making, prayer life, spiritual practices, and knowing God's will. Bringing spiritual warfare down to the real world, God Calling helps us correct some of our hyper-spiritual practices, while giving clear spiritual direction to enable followers of Jesus living in the real world to be wise, mature, and Christ-like, and for his church to be robust, proactive, and confident.
Find out why millions have read and loved God Calling for more than 85 years. . . . . .with this beautiful edition that includes a devotional sequel, God at Eventide! This powerful volume combines two beloved books—God Calling, the classic 365-day devotional that inspired the bestseller Jesus Calling, and God at Eventide, a companion book designed to be read before bedtime. Begin and end your day with the encouragement and challenge of God Calling for Morning and Evening, written as if God Himself is speaking directly to you. You’ll soon learn why so many people love these books!