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This monograph uncovers the full capabilities of the Riemann integral. Setting aside all notions from Lebesgue’s theory, the author embarks on an exploration rooted in Riemann’s original viewpoint. On this journey, we encounter new results, numerous historical vignettes, and discover a particular handiness for computations and applications. This approach rests on three basic observations. First, a Riemann integrability criterion in terms of oscillations, which is a quantitative formulation of the fact that Riemann integrable functions are continuous a.e. with respect to the Lebesgue measure. Second, the introduction of the concepts of admissible families of partitions and modified Riemann sums. Finally, the fact that most numerical quadrature rules make use of carefully chosen Riemann sums, which makes the Riemann integral, be it proper or improper, most appropriate for this endeavor. A Modern View of the Riemann Integral is intended for enthusiasts keen to explore the potential of Riemann's original notion of integral. The only formal prerequisite is a proof-based familiarity with the Riemann integral, though readers will also need to draw upon mathematical maturity and a scholarly outlook.
Improper Riemann Integrals is the first book to collect classical and modern material on the subject for undergraduate students. The book gives students the prerequisites and tools to understand the convergence, principal value, and evaluation of the improper/generalized Riemann integral. It also illustrates applications to science and engineering
Title: Riemann Integration: Exploring Fundamental Principles Author: KUPARALA VENKATA VIDYASAGAR Dive into the world of Riemann integration with this comprehensive guide. This book offers a detailed exploration of the fundamental concepts, techniques, and applications of Riemann integration in the realm of mathematical analysis. From its inception by Bernhard Riemann to its modern interpretations and implications in various branches of mathematics and beyond, this text provides a clear and concise elucidation of this crucial mathematical tool. Inside these pages, readers will find: A rigorous yet accessible presentation of the Riemann integral, covering its definition, properties, and theorems. Practical examples and illustrative explanations aiding in the understanding of Riemann integration and its applications in calculus and beyond. Discussions on the convergence of Riemann sums, the Riemann integrability of functions, and connections to other areas of mathematics, including differential equations and complex analysis. Insightful exercises and problems to reinforce understanding and encourage further exploration. Whether you're a student delving into real analysis, a mathematician seeking a deeper comprehension of integration principles, or an enthusiast curious about the foundations of calculus, this book serves as an invaluable resource, offering a comprehensive and insightful journey into the world of Riemann integration.
Aspects of Integration: Novel Approaches to the Riemann and Lebesgue Integrals is comprised of two parts. The first part is devoted to the Riemann integral, and provides not only a novel approach, but also includes several neat examples that are rarely found in other treatments of Riemann integration. Historical remarks trace the development of integration from the method of exhaustion of Eudoxus and Archimedes, used to evaluate areas related to circles and parabolas, to Riemann’s careful definition of the definite integral, which is a powerful expansion of the method of exhaustion and makes it clear what a definite integral really is. The second part follows the approach of Riesz and Nagy in which the Lebesgue integral is developed without the need for any measure theory. Our approach is novel in part because it uses integrals of continuous functions rather than integrals of step functions as its starting point. This is natural because Riemann integrals of continuous functions occur much more frequently than do integrals of step functions as a precursor to Lebesgue integration. In addition, the approach used here is natural because step functions play no role in the novel development of the Riemann integral in the first part of the book. Our presentation of the Riesz-Nagy approach is significantly more accessible, especially in its discussion of the two key lemmas upon which the approach critically depends, and is more concise than other treatments. Features Presents novel approaches designed to be more accessible than classical presentations A welcome alternative approach to the Riemann integral in undergraduate analysis courses Makes the Lebesgue integral accessible to upper division undergraduate students How completion of the Riemann integral leads to the Lebesgue integral Contains a number of historical insights Gives added perspective to researchers and postgraduates interested in the Riemann and Lebesgue integrals
This book treats all of the most commonly used theories of the integral. After motivating the idea of integral, we devote a full chapter to the Riemann integral and the next to the Lebesgue integral. Another chapter compares and contrasts the two theories. The concluding chapter offers brief introductions to the Henstock integral, the Daniell integral, the Stieltjes integral, and other commonly used integrals. The purpose of this book is to provide a quick but accurate (and detailed) introduction to all aspects of modern integration theory. It should be accessible to any student who has had calculus and some exposure to upper division mathematics. Table of Contents: Introduction / The Riemann Integral / The Lebesgue Integral / Comparison of the Riemann and Lebesgue Integrals / Other Theories of the Integral
The theory of integration is one of the twin pillars on which analysis is built. The first version of integration that students see is the Riemann integral. Later, graduate students learn that the Lebesgue integral is ``better'' because it removes some restrictions on the integrands and the domains over which we integrate. However, there are still drawbacks to Lebesgue integration, for instance, dealing with the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus, or with ``improper'' integrals. This book is an introduction to a relatively new theory of the integral (called the ``generalized Riemann integral'' or the ``Henstock-Kurzweil integral'') that corrects the defects in the classical Riemann theory and both simplifies and extends the Lebesgue theory of integration. Although this integral includes that of Lebesgue, its definition is very close to the Riemann integral that is familiar to students from calculus. One virtue of the new approach is that no measure theory and virtually no topology is required. Indeed, the book includes a study of measure theory as an application of the integral. Part 1 fully develops the theory of the integral of functions defined on a compact interval. This restriction on the domain is not necessary, but it is the case of most interest and does not exhibit some of the technical problems that can impede the reader's understanding. Part 2 shows how this theory extends to functions defined on the whole real line. The theory of Lebesgue measure from the integral is then developed, and the author makes a connection with some of the traditional approaches to the Lebesgue integral. Thus, readers are given full exposure to the main classical results. The text is suitable for a first-year graduate course, although much of it can be readily mastered by advanced undergraduate students. Included are many examples and a very rich collection of exercises. There are partial solutions to approximately one-third of the exercises. A complete solutions manual is available separately.
Classical and Modern Integration Theories discusses classical integration theory, particularly that part of the theory directly associated with the problems of area. The book reviews the history and the determination of primitive functions, beginning from Cauchy to Daniell. The text describes Cauchy's definition of an integral, Riemann's definition of the R-integral, the upper and lower Darboux integrals. The book also reviews the origin of the Lebesgue-Young integration theory, and Borel's postulates that define measures of sets. W.H. Young's work provides a construction of the integral equivalent to Lebesque's construction with a different generalization of integrals leading to different approaches in solutions. Young's investigations aim at generalizing the notion of length for arbitrary sets by means of a process which is more general than Borel's postulates. The text notes that the Lebesgue measure is the unique solution of the measure problem for the class of L-measurable sets. The book also describes further modifications made into the Lebesgue definition of the integral by Riesz, Pierpont, Denjoy, Borel, and Young. These modifications bring the Lebesgue definition of the integral closer to the Riemann or Darboux definitions, as well as to have it associated with the concepts of classical analysis. The book can benefit mathematicians, students, and professors in calculus or readers interested in the history of classical mathematics.
This textbook and treatise begins with classical real variables, develops the Lebesgue theory abstractly and for Euclidean space, and analyzes the structure of measures. The authors' vision of modern real analysis is seen in their fascinating historical commentary and perspectives with other fields. There are comprehensive treatments of the role of absolute continuity, the evolution of the Riesz representation theorem to Radon measures and distribution theory, weak convergence of measures and the Dieudonné–Grothendieck theorem, modern differentiation theory, fractals and self-similarity, rearrangements and maximal functions, and surface and Hausdorff measures. There are hundreds of illuminating exercises, and extensive, focused appendices on functional and Fourier analysis. The presentation is ideal for the classroom, self-study, or professional reference.