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John Wesley - Oxford don and itinerant preacher, intellectual and evangelist, author and man of action, upholder of the Church of England yet founder of another world-wide denomination, disagreeing with George Whitefield, yet preaching his funeral sermon - truly a many-sided man. It is no wonder that he has had many biographers. Most books on Wesley have concentrated on his leading role in the Evangelical Revival. Wesley and Men Who Followed is more concerned with the spiritual explanation of a movement which, far from dwindling at his death, increased in momentum, breadth and transforming power. Drawing from original and often little-known Methodist sources, Iain Murray's thrilling study leads to conclusions that are of great relevance for the contemporary church. 'Was John Wesley deceived? Have our hymn-writers been deceived in their immortal songs? Was Saul of Tarsus deceived? Have we all been deceived?' So wrote one unhappy modern Methodist. The evidence Iain Murray provides demonstrates that this was not the case. The result is that Wesley and Men Who Followed points to the key to the recovery of authentic Christianity today.
Yet many who sit next to us in the pew at church fit that description, says author Wesley Hill. As a celibate gay Christian, Hill gives us a glimpse of what it looks like to wrestle firsthand with God's ''No'' to same-sex relationships. What does it mean for gay Christians to live faithful to God while struggling with the challenge of their homosexuality? What is God's will for believers who experience same-sex desires? Those who choose celibacy are often left to deal with loneliness and the hunger for relationships. How can gay Christians experience God's favor and blessing in the midst of a struggle that for many brings a crippling sense of shame and guilt? Weaving together reflections from his own life and the lives of other Christians, such as Henri Nouwen and Gerard Manley Hopkins, Hill offers a fresh perspective on these questions. He advocates neither unqualified ''healing'' for those who struggle, nor their accommodation to temptation, but rather faithfulness in the midst of brokenness. ''I hope this book may encourage other homosexual Christians to take the risky step of opening up their lives to others in the body of Christ,'' Hill writes. ''In so doing, they may find, as I have, by grace, that being known is spiritually healthier than remaining behind closed doors, that the light is better than the darkness.
Congregations are made up of people with all sorts of theologies. Pastor Mike Slaughter even says that these can stand in the way of the church’s mission of social and personal holiness. But most people do not adopt a theology on purpose, mostly they merely breathe in the prevailing cultural air. The theology "de jour" seems to be Calvinist, with its emphasis on “the elect” and “other worldly salvation.” In fact, there is so much Calvinism saturating the culture, that some do not even know there is an alternative way of thinking about their faith. They don’t know where to go to find a viable option; they don’t even know the key words to search Google. So people are left thinking like Calvinists but living with a desire to change the world, offering grace and hope to hurting people in mission and ministry—loving the least, the last, and the lost. In other words, they are living like Wesleyans. This book shows what Calvinist and Wesleyans actually believe about human responsibility, salvation, the universality of God’s grace, holy living through service, and the benefits of small group accountability--and how that connects to how people can live. Calvinists and Wesleyans are different, and by knowing the difference, people will not only see the other benefits of Wesleyan theology but will be inspired to learn more. By knowing who they are as faithful people of God, they will be motivated to reach out in mission with renewed vigor. And they won’t be obstacles to grace and holiness, but they can be better disciples and advocates for Christ through service in this world.
A rich articulation of John Wesley's theology that is appreciative of the old and mindful of the new, faithful to the past and attentive to the present. This work carefully displays John Wesley's eighteenth century theology in its own distinct historical and social location, but then transitions to the twenty-first century through the introduction of contemporary issues. So conceived, the book is both historical and constructive demonstrating that the theology of Wesley represents a vibrant tradition. Cognizant of Wesley's own preferred vocabulary, Collins introduces Wesley's theological method beginning with a discussion of the doctrine of God. "In this insightful exposition the leitmotif of holy love arises out of Wesley's reflection on the nature of the divine being as well as other major doctrines." (Douglas Meeks)
Why did the Wesleyan Methodists and the Anglican evangelicals divide during the middle of the eighteenth century? Many say it was based narrowly on theological matters. Ryan Nicholas Danker suggests that politics was a major factor driving them apart. Rich in detail, this study offers deep insight into a critical juncture in evangelicalism and early Methodism.
The proposal of this book is to guide the reader to the contrastive ministries of the two most dominant preachers of the eighteen-century evangelical revival. In a wonderful comparative approach the author draws John Wesley and George Whitefield's portraits and explores their life and practice, as well as their relationship. Committed to the principle that the 'whole world was their parish', Wesley and Whitefield manifested their singular desire to be men of one book through preaching ministries that were equally committed to the spread of the gospel throughout the transatlantic world.
John Wesley bequeathed his manuscripts to three trusted colleagues with the expectation that they would prepare, write, and publish a suitable biography after his death. An ex-Methodist preacher, John Hampson, beat them into print with an unflattering portrait of Methodism's founder. The book was published in June of 1791, only three months after Wesley was buried.To counter this publication, Thomas Coke and Henry Moore rushed into print an "authorized" and more flattering account. Their Life of John Wesley was first published in April 1792, and the authors had high hopes for their 542-page book. By showing "how faithfully, zealously, and prudently Wesley labored" may thereby be more abundantly stimulated to be followers of him, as he was of Christ."A year later the first and only known American edition was published in Philadelphia by John Dickins who only three years earlier had begun the publishing house for the Methodist Episcopal Church. Twenty-three know editions/printings kept the book available in England until 1864. We are pleased to reprint the first American printing by Philadelphia printer Parry Hall for John Dickins in 1793.
In Three Simple Rules, Rueben Job offers an interpretation of John Wesley's General Rules for today's readers. For individual reading or group study, this insightful work calls us to mutual respect, unity and a deeper daily relationship with God. This simple but challenging look at three commands, "do no harm, do good, stay in love with God," calls us to mutual respect, unity, and a deeper relationship with God. “Every year I review the three general rules of the United Methodist Church with those who are being ordained. Now I have a wonderful ordination gift to give them in Bishop Job’s, Three Simple Rules, to start and deepen the conversation as they enter a new relationship with the church. Bishop Job has described “by attending upon all the ordinances of God” to be to “stay in love with God.” It’s a fresh language that speaks especially to long-time Christians and United Methodists.” Sally Dyck, Resident Bishop, Minnesota Area “Three Simple Rules is a new catechism for everyone wanting to follow Jesus Christ. These practices for holy living should replace the membership vows in every church! Don’t let the title fool you. Bishop Job writes, ‘The rules are simple, but the way is not easy. Only those with great courage will attempt it, and only those with great faith will be able to walk this exciting and demanding way.’” John Hopkins, Resident Bishop, East Ohio Area Table of Contents: Introduction The World In Which We Live First Do No Harm Do All the Good You Can Stay in Love with God A Guide for Daily Prayer
Fifty years after Stonewall, the experiences of LGBTQ+ Christians are--rightfully--beginning to be received with interest by their churches. Queering Wesley, Queering the Church presents a prototype for thinking about Wesleyan holiness as an expansive openness to the love and grace of God in queer Christian lives rather than the limiting and restrictive legalism that is sometimes found in Wesleyan theology and praxis. This inventive project consists of queer readings of ten John Wesley sermons. Reading these sermons from a queer perspective offers the church a fresh paradigm for theological innovation, while remaining in line with the tradition and legacy of Wesley that is so central and generative to Wesleyan churches. Arguing that a coherent line of thought can be drawn from Wesley's conception of holiness to the queer, holy lives of LGBTQ+ Christians, Queering Wesley, Queering the Church playfully utilizes queer theory in a way that is fully compatible with Wesleyan teaching. This book aims to be a first step in seriously considering the theological voices of LGBTQ+ Christians in the Wesleyan tradition as a valuable asset to a vital church.