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"Secrets of the Weeping Willow" is a gripping tale of romance, suspense, manipulation, and self-discovery. The book tells the story of a girl named Elizabeth, who at the age of twelve wakes up bruised and bloodied with no memory of herself or the troubled woman who claims to be her mother. Nine years later, while watching a documentary on New Orleans, Elizabeth gets flashes of Deja vu. Elizabeth starts to believe that things might have been hidden from her by her eccentric mother, who claimed they had never been to New Orleans. Elizabeth secretly plans a trip to New Orleans with a good friend, with a cautiously optimistic belief that her lost memories are linked to this city. Unaware, of the pandora's box she is on the verge of opening. When Elizabeth arrives in New Orleans for Mardi Gras, her lost memories start to assault her confirming her gut instinct that the origin of her lost memories are far from what she had been told, unaware that an ominous presence has discovered her return to New Orleans. Along the way, Elizabeth comes across influential people and embarks on a journey of finding herself, while corruption sits on the fringe of Elizabeth awakening memories. The book is filled with suspense, romance, and evil as Elizabeth's journey uncovers a troubling past of dark truths that reveal a life lost and deceptions that kept her childhood years in the dark. As everything becomes clearer, Elizabeth's life intensifies, as she struggles to accept what has been done to her, as her memories return to reveal a hazardous past. While a current danger escalates. The answers to Elizabeth's past, bring her and a sadistic con artist closer together as the secrets long buried illuminate the true nature of evil and the sacrifice and love of the woman who brought her into this world.
Tiny Lambert struggles to find security and happiness when her high school years are marred after her stepfather rapes her.
Provides basic information about the weeping willow tree, including the structure of the plant, its economic uses, and the pests and diseases that may affect it.
Most of Shorty's time was spent galloping through fields and jumping fences. That was the only world he knew and he was quite content with it. Then a tragic accident happened, leaving him lame and scarred, which turned his world upside down. Abandoned, he was left outside, cold and hungry, feeling sad and lonely. He endured a heartbreaking and abusive life until it got to the point where he didn't want to continue this life he was living any more. It was at that point when a strange man came and rescued Shorty and took him to a home of a family with children who loved him and thought he was beautiful, regardless of his scars and lame leg. His life would now be filled with all kinds of friends, of love, laughter, sadness and tears. This is the story about Shorty's life on the farm.
Riveting in their emotional clarity and utterly jargon free, these 30 stories from real life penetrate how we grieve and how we can help those who grieve- whether the griever is oneself, someone we care about, or a client or patient. Lynne Dale Halamish, an internationally respected grief counselor with more than 20 years' experience, and Doron Hermoni, a family physician, researcher, and educator, present vignettes from practice that show how death- lingering, unexpected, violent, or self-inflicted- and the loss of a relationship- to oneself or with a child, sibling, parent, mate, grandparent, or friend- give life to grief, together with the process by which each person fully encounters his or her grief. Each story is no more than two or three pages, and the authors follow each one with a short summary of its teachings and a selection of annotated recent references for those who wish to read more about a topic. Looked at in relief, the stories reveal a master grief counselor at work.
This book is the first in a series of Christian Nature Books for Children. The book teaches children not only about various kinds of trees but also poignant life lessons about prejudice and unkindness. Moreover, the book stimulates young readers to make things right if they offend someone through their words and actions. The book contains post-reading activities, suggestions, and lesson plans to foster childrens understanding of others who may be different than them. The second book in this series will teach children how to identify birds, and the third will emphasize wildflowers. All proceeds from the sale of this book are donated to organizations that fight human trafficking.
Weeping Willow is a book about being shunned by others and how to believe in yourself.
William Shatner describes Willows Weep as one of the most haunted locations in North America. Featured on the series "The UnXplained" we learn about the transfer of ownership of this house of horrors from previous owner Brenda Johnson to Dave Spinks. Dave is now the trusted caretaker & owner of this portal to hell. You will find on the pages of this book the true accounts of what author and paranormal investigator Dave Spinks describes as nothing short of pure evil. Murders, suicides, over dose deaths, disappearances and demons are just a few of the stories that will make your blood run cold as the stories unfold on the page.. This 30 year seasoned paranormal investigator has spine tingling experiences with the demons that call Willows Weep home. The real life occurrences featured throughout the pages of this book are from multiple paranormal investigators, contributors, interview with the previous owner that will allow you to see that there is in fact a doorway to hell, and it may very well be located in Cuyuga Indiana, at Willows Weep. Published Independently by Starborn Illumination Publishing Company.