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"Millions of Americans." declared Dallas megachurch pastor Robert Jeffries in 2017, "believe the election of President Trump represented God giving us another chance-perhaps our last chance-to truly make America great again. Our job was to elect him once God showed us the way. We thank Our Lord to this day that we did. We love Trump!Donald Trump got elected because a higher power whispered in the individual ears of millions of Americans. The voice said that together in this election, we could all make a difference, and Donald Trump would become that difference. The people trusted this self-made Billionaire to do what was best for America and not the bidding of slimy politicians or political donors and hacks. Donald Trump was the only candidate for president who offered Americans a breath of fresh air from the stodgy, bossy, establishment elites in both the Democratic and Republican Parties. In 2020, we need Trump again to defeat the Socialist Democrats and their hate. Our weapon again is Trump. Trump love will win the day. Trump once defied the status quo of rich donors controlling the government for their personal benefit. Donald Trump to many, including myself is a great gift from God himself. Donald J. Trump loves America and American traditional values. Just look at the goodness that he instilled into his own children. The corrupt anti-American mainstream press still does not like Trump because he represents normal God-loving and God-fearing Americans and not the fringe sectors of the country. They hate him. He calls them out as the fakes they are. They hate him because he is not controlled by anyone - Dem Party or wimpy swamp-dwelling Republicans. Neither gave Trump an inch and they undermine America by undermining our president. Donald Trump does pay attention to God and Americans are glad that he does. God is guiding our president to a second victory to help him lead America from 2021 through 2024.We know that the President already turned the economy around once and he is in the process of doing it again-this time while afflicted by the Coronavirus.Trump will overcome all of the country's issues included COVID-19, oppressive taxation; legal and illegal immigrants stealing the best jobs; regulations choking businesses; huge debt and deficits shackling our capital resources; a government Obamacare system that added taxes and made health worse; and corporate offshoring, which created a weaker nation. Joe Biden is ready to continue this because he supported Barack H. Obama's policies which had created the whole mess in the first place. Additionally, Trump freed our energy supply making us the world's largest energy producer. When Obama was in charge he redistributed wealth from producers to non-producers. He permit a huge, growing, inefficient government to operate. It continually lied, taxed too much and spent more than it had. Our government had become enemy # 1 of the people Mr. Biden wants to bring back those bad times calling them the good old days. A good plan, endorsed by Mr. Trump, along with good leaders such as Donald Trump & Mike Pence is now in place and the plan and the leaders are already saving US from Obama perdition. That's "Why God Gave US Trump!" Now it is up to use to thank god by giving Trump his second term. Amen!
Is God protecting you and your loved ones through President Trump? Why are there more jobs, lower taxes, and greater freedoms? How is our nation stronger? Discover the ways God uses President Trump to benefit you and the nation. Gain insight into "The Greatest President" of our lifetime by Steven Andrew. An amazing thing is happening, as people reaffirm covenant that the USA serves the Lord, God works through President Trump! "The Greatest President" reveals positive facts into what the Word of God teaches about our bold and kind president. Learn how he loves Americans more than other presidents we have seen and why this matters. See God's justice and favor with President Trump's courage to drain the swamp and stand up for "America First." He is the greatest president of our lifetime! If you want to keep "winning," then this book is for you!
Why I love Donald Trump - 10 Reasons why Donald Trump is the best president ever A true declaration of recognition and respect for Donald Trump, 45th President of the United States of America (USA) I am a true advocate of Donald Trump. I believe he is the best thing that ever happened to our country. It is my aim, that everyone knows my feelings for this man and the reasons why I think as I do. In this book, I will explain to you the 10 main reasons why I am a true Donald Trump fan. Of course, there are a lot more than 10 reasons. I could probably fill a whole library with reasons, but then the book would take too long. Find out, what mostly distinguishes himself and his presidency. Order this book today, so that you... ... perceive, how great this man is. ... finally are able to make a good case for Donald Trump, to contradict his haters and fake news. You will not regret it... ... so this is my advice: Don't hesitate to buy this book!
There is little doubt that God is not a Democrat favorite. There are many reasons why Democrats hate God including the obvious that some Democrats are atheists. Another big reason in the last two years according to a number of popular preachers has something to do with God selecting Donald Trump to Save America and Americans. By now, those of us who like what Trump is doing for America know that Mr. Trump was sent from God as the people's answer to deep anti-establishment anger and discontent and also as a beacon for goodness. Since Democrats hate Trump, having God as the reason for Trump is reason enough for Democrats to hate God. "Millions of Americans." declared Dallas megachurch pastor Robert Jeffries in 2017, "believe the election of President Trump represented God giving us another chance-perhaps our last chance-to truly make America great again. Our job was to elect him once God showed us the way." We thank Our Lord to this day that we did. You can bet than any Democrat listening to Jeffries was seething. Christian Leaders prophesied before the election that God had raised up Donald Trump to lead the nation through a time of crisis. This gave Democrats another reason to hate God because as the world knows, they already hated Trump. Donald Trump got elected because someone such as God or a legion of Guardian Angels whispered in the individual ears of millions of Americans. The voice(s) said that together in the 20016 election, the people would make a difference, and then God gave Donald Trump to America to be that difference. The people trusted this self-made Billionaire to do what was best for America and not the bidding of slimy politicians or political donors and hacks. This drove Democrats and allies in the Swamp nuts and it caused intense hate for Trump among them. The Democrats and the establishment also began to stoke up their hate for the people who supported Trump-the ne'er-do-wells from the basket of deplorables. All were connected to God and so the hate for God became widespread among the Democrats. For the people looking for an end to progressive rule, Donald Trump was the only candidate for president who offered Americans a breath of fresh air. The people had had enough of the stodgy, bossy, establishment elites in both the Democratic and Republican Parties. Trump defied the status quo of rich donors controlling the government for their personal benefit. Donald Trump became a great gift from God himself. As the hate for Trump began to boil, the Democrat's hate for God increased in parallel. You are going to love this book. It explains in simple terms why Democrats hate God so much.
Celebrate democracy and the inauguration of America's 46th President, Joe Biden, by reliving his inaugural speech, along with an introductory speech by Senator Amy Klobuchar, the Inaugural Address of President Barack Obama, and the full text of both the Constitution of the United States and the Declaration of Independence. January 20th, 2021 will be remembered by all Americans as the day of the inauguration of Joe Biden as the 46th President of the United States. His inauguration, and the powerful declaration in his speech—"Democracy Has Prevailed!"—marked the start of a new time of hope and potential change at the end of a dark four years marred by political unrest, economic and social turmoil, and the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, readers can remember and relive this incredible day with Democracy Has Prevailed. Presenting the full text of President Biden's inaugural speech, as well as Senator Amy Klobuchar's introductory speech, the Inaugural Address of President Barack Obama, and the full text of both the Constitution of the United States and the Declaration of Independence, this commemorative edition is perfect for Biden voters, history fans, and anyone with an interest in US politics and society.
Why I love Donald Trump - 10 Reasons why Donald Trump is the best president ever A true declaration of recognition and respect for Donald Trump, 45th President of the United States of America (USA) I am a true advocate of Donald Trump. I believe he is the best thing that ever happened to our country. It is my aim, that everyone knows my feelings for this man and the reasons why I think as I do. In this book, I will explain to you the 10 main reasons why I am a true Donald Trump fan. Of course, there are a lot more than 10 reasons. I could probably fill a whole library with reasons, but then the book would take too long. Find out, what mostly distinguishes himself and his presidency. Order this book today, so that you... ... perceive, how great this man is. ... finally are able to make a good case for Donald Trump, to contradict his haters and fake news. You will not regret it... ... so this is my advice: Don't hesitate to buy this book!
'The TRUMP We Love To Love' examines the mystique that surrounds the 45th President of the United States of America. That he is a true phenomena is undisputed; this book examines the real man and what drives his supporters to chant 'We LOVE You!' as they follow him daily. This is a fun and fact filled book that embraces his journey to become the leader of the Free World and the journey of those who are so enmeshed in supporting him.Donald Trump is an enigma that all of us can learn from. He is 'cool' enough to attract the attention of our youth while retaining the old fashioned ideals that made our country the shining beacon of light on the hill. We all had our thoughts about the man he must be, mostly based on articles we have read and stories we have heard. He is a successful businessman, a billionaire whose extravagant lifestyle may have been more imagined than real.We learned over time that he worked far more than he played and that he was a strict father who demanded obedience and a good work ethic from his children. He taught by example. For his own personal reasons he avoided alcohol and drugs in a life where either would have been easy to embrace. Donald Trump has a history that includes great public losses but far more wins in his column. The losses were likely his best teacher. We have been treated to four years of information we never hoped to learn about our Federal Government and the corruption that had overtaken it. As we learned these facts we were also treated to an example of how to stand tall and keep your shoulder to the wheel to move things forward. Donald Trump reminded us of why grit and perseverance are essential to winning. Like the giant Sequoia he refused to be felled by lies and bitter attacks. He has traversed a path from open scorn to crowds chanting "'We LOVE You.' It was this that inspired me to write a story about a man who has earned the right to be addressed as, 'To Sir with Love!'
President Donald J. Trump God Jehovah’s Chosen Vessel By: Santiago Gomez Ex 3:14 14 And God said to Moses (Donald J. Trump), “I AM WHO I AM.” And He said, “Thus you shall say to the children of Israel, (the United States of America) ‘I AM has sent me to you.’” NKJV
The writings in this work were precipitated by a variety of events during the last decades of Merton's life - the civil rights and peace movements of the 1960s among them. His timeless moral integrity and tireless concern for nonviolent solutions to war are eloquently expressed.
What should Christians think about Donald Trump? His policies, his style, his personal life? Thirty evangelical Christians (listed below) wrestle with these tough questions. They are Republicans, Democrats, and Independents. They don't all agree, but they seek to let Christ be the Lord of their political views. They seek to apply biblical standards to difficult debates about our current political situation. Vast numbers of white evangelicals enthusiastically support Donald Trump. Do biblical standards on truth, justice, life, freedom, and personal integrity warrant or challenge that support? How does that support of President Trump affect the image of Christianity in the larger culture? Around the world? Many younger evangelicals today are rejecting evangelical Christianity, even Christianity itself. To what extent is that because of widespread evangelical support for Donald Trump? Don't read this book to find support for your views. Read it to be challenged--with facts, reason, and biblical principles. With contributions from: Michael W. Austin Randall Balmer Vicki Courtney Daniel Deitrich Samuel Escobar John Fea Irene Fowler Mark Galli J. Colin Harris Stephen R. Haynes Matt Henderson Christopher A. Hutchinson Bandy X. Lee David S. Lim David C. Ludden Ryan McAnnally-Linz Steven Meyer Napp Nazworth D. Zac Niringiye Christopher Pieper Reid Ribble Ronald J. Sider Edward G. Simmons James R. Skillen James W. Skillen Julia K. Stronks Chris Thurman Miroslav Volf Peter Wehner George Yancey