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A must for engineers, professors, and water utility managers involved in the security of water supply systems. Written by a team of experts, this is the first book to provide comprehensive, state-of-the-art coverage of the safety and security of water supply systems. This unique and authoritative compendium presents detailed coverage of the major infrastructure issues in water system security. Topics range from vulnerability assessment to safeguards against cyber threats to hydraulic network analysis for contamination response. Each chapter provides professional guidance on designing, operating, maintaining, and rehabilitating water systems to ensure state-of-the-art and security. FEATURES INCLUDE: * Overview of methodologies for reliability analysis and assessment of vulnerability to terrorist attack and for emergency response planning. * Monitoring and modeling methods for early warning systems that enhance security * Specialized remote monitoring equipment, networks, and optimal location of control and isolation valves * Organizational frameworks and procedures for improving the security and safety of water supply systems * Options for emergency preparedness, including water supply for nonconventional times and contamination responses * Case studies from the field: a reconstruction of historical contamination events * Security hardware and surveillance systems
The reality of the post-September 11 situation forces the operators of water supply systems through the world to examine the security and safety of their systems, its vulnerability to intentional interference and sabotage with respect to quantity and quality of potable water. In assessing system vulnerability, there is an urgent need to develop emergency response plans providing ways and means for alternative water supply at the moment of system operation disruption, and system remediation and recovery after the attack. Security of Water Supply Systems: from Source to Tap presents the state-of-the art with a view to the future, conclusions from past experiences are highlighted and future developments are suggested in the field of drinking water safety.
One of the seventeen critical infrastructures vital to the security of the United States, the water supply system remains largely unprotected from the threat of terrorism, including possible revenge by Al Qaeda over the killing of Osama Bin Laden. Recognizing and identifying prospective events of terrorism against the water infrastructure is critic
A long history, in fact since the dawn of history, of threats to drinking water systems during conflicts has plagued humans. Water has been a strategic objective in armed conflicts throughout history. Gleick (1994, 1998, 2000) has developed a water conflict chronology in which he categorizes the conflicts as the following: control of water resources, military tool, political tool, terrorism, military target, and development disputes. Terrorism is defined as, "water resources, or water systems, are either targets or tools of violence or coercion by nonstate actors." There are many historical conflicts that caused flooding by diversion or eliminated water supplies by building dams or other structures, whereas in the following only a few examples of some of the water conflicts that included water supply systems are summarized.
The report examines a draft plan, prepared by the Environmental Protection Agency, that identifies critical security issues for drinking water and wastewater and outlines related research and technical support needs. This report recommends increased attention to interagency coordination and encourages additional consideration of current restrictions on secure information dissemination. It further suggests that EPA incorporate the results of their research activities into an integrated water security guidance document to improve support for water and wastewater utilities.
Urban water security is crucial for achieving sustainable development, peace, and human health and well-being. Framing urban water security is challenging due to the complexity and uncertainty of its definition and assessment framework. Several studies have assessed water security in widely divergent ways by granting priority indicators equal weight without considering or adapting to local conditions. This dissertation develops a new urban water security definition and assessment framework applicable to water scarce cities, with a focus on Madaba, Jordan. It takes a novel and systematic approach to assessing urban water security and culminates in integrated urban water security index (IUWSI) as a diagnostic tool and guide management actions. The dissertation suggests a new working definition of urban water security based on the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goal 6.1 on safe drinking water for all and the human rights on water and sanitation as follows: The dynamic capacity of water systems and stakeholders to safeguard sustainable and equitable access to water of adequate quantity and acceptable quality that is continuously, physically and legally available at an affordable cost for sustaining livelihoods, human well-being and socioeconomic development, ensuring protection against waterborne pollution and water-related disasters, and for preserving ecosystems in a climate of peace and political stability. This proposed definition captures issues at the urban level of technical, environmental and socioeconomic indicators that emphasize credibility, legitimacy and salience. The assessment framework establishes a criteria hierarchy, consisting of four main dimensions to achieve urban water security: drinking water and human well-being, ecosystem, climate change and water-related hazards and socioeconomic aspects (together, DECS). The framework enables the analysis of relationships and trade-offs between urbanization, water security and DECS indicators. The dissertation also provides a structured analysis to understand how urban water is managed in intermittent water supply system, by conducting a water balance analysis after quantifying the components of water losses in Madaba’s water distribution network. The findings showed that Madaba's non-revenue water (NRW) amounted to annual loss of about 3.5 million m3, corresponding to financial losses of 2.8 million USD to the utility, of which 1.7 million USD is the cost of real losses. The dissertation provided an intervention strategy for strengthening infrastructure resilience and reducing leakage via the infrastructure, repair, economic, awareness and pressure (IREAP) framework. The IREAP framework provides a robust strategy to shift intermittent water supply (IWS) into continuous water supply. The IUWSI highlighted the state of water security in Madaba, Jordan and identified the means of implementation to move towards achieving urban water security based on the priorities for Madaba. The drinking water and human wellbeing dimension was the most important priority, receiving a weight of 66.22%, followed by ecosystem (17.15%), socioeconomic aspects (10.18%), and climate change and water-related hazards (6.45%) dimensions. The IUWSI indicated that the urban water security in Madaba is reasonable with a score of 2.5/5 and can meet the minimum requirements in several dimensions, but nonetheless, it has many loopholes to cover. Gaps are clear in the climate change and water-related hazards, and socioeconomic dimensions with scores of 1.6/5 and 2.237/5 respectively. Additionally, specific shortcomings are found in indicators such as water availability, reliability, diversity, and public health. The IUWSI framework assists with a rational and evidence-based decision-making process, which is important for enhancing water resource management in water-scarce cities
Concern over terrorist attacks since 2001 has directed attention to potential vulnerabilities of the nation's water and wastewater systems. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which leads federal efforts to protect the water sector, initiated a research program in 2002 to address immediate research and technical support needs. This report, conducted at EPA's request, evaluates research progress and provides a long-term vision for EPA's research program. The report recommends that EPA develop a strategic research plan, address gaps in expertise among EPA program managers and researchers, and improve its approaches to information dissemination. The report recommends several high-priority research topics for EPA, including conducting empirical research in behavioral science to better understand how to prepare people for water security incidents.
Water and wastewater utility managers will find expert guidance on all issues regarding security and emergency preparedness and response in this book. The terrorist attacks on the US of Sept. 11, 2001, as well as destruction caused by Hurricane Katrina in 2005, brought heightened concern over the security and emergency preparedness of America's water supply infrastructure--concerns which remain high to this day.
Urban water and wastewater systems have an inherent vulnerability to both manmade and natural threats and disasters including droughts, earthquakes and terrorist attacks. It is well established that natural disasters including major storms, such as hurricanes and flooding, can effect water supply security and integrity. Earthquakes and terrorist attacks have many characteristics in common because they are almost impossible to predict and can cause major devastation and confusion. Terrorism is also a major threat to water security and recent attention has turned to the potential that these attacks have for disrupting urban water supplies. There is a need to introduce the related concept of Integrated Water Resources Management which emphasizes linkages between land-use change and hydrological systems, between ecosystems and human health, and between political and scientific aspects of water management. An expanded water security agenda should include a conceptual focus on vulnerability, risk, and resilience; an emphasis on threats, shocks, and tipping points; and a related emphasis on adaptive management given limited predictability. Internationally, concerns about water have often taken a different focus and there is also a growing awareness, including in the US, that water security should include issues related to quantity, climate change, and biodiversity impacts, in addition to terrorism. This presents contributions from a group of internationally recognized experts that attempt to address the four areas listed above and includes suggestions as to how to deal with related problems. It also addresses the new and potentially growing issue of cyber attacks against water and waste water infrastructure including descriptions of actual attacks, making it of interest to scholars and policy-makers concerned with protecting the water supply.
Water utilities of all sizes find this guidebook very helpful as they assess and upgrade the physical and operational security of their systems. This book describes measures a water utility can take for better security against man-made threats. It covers: * emergency preparedness plans * vulnerability assessments * mitigation measures for critical components * emergency response and recovery * crisis communicationsSupplied forms include security checklist, system component list, potential biological and chemical threats, emergency contacts, and more. Forms are provided in print and on an enclosed CD-ROM.