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asting Time with God Klaus Issler considers seven character traits and companion disciplines to develop in light of God's friendship with us in order to help us make more room in our lives for him.
In this book, Marva Dawn insists that churches need to engage in a serious process of community discernment concerning worship in order to employ the best tools and forms, and she offers reflections to further the discussion. Each part of A Royal "Waste" of Time begins with a sample Scripture-based sermon since Dawn emphasizes that the church's worship must follow biblical guidelines and form a biblical people.--From publisher's description.
Faith without obedience is dead. Prayer without action is wasted. What would your life look like if you stopped praying about God’s will and just did it instead? How would your church look if it spent as much time serving as it spent praying about serving? The truth is, sometimes when you think you’re praying, you’re really just procrastinating. And when you think you’re asking that God’s will be done, you’re really telling him no. In times that call for action, prayer can be disobedience in disguise. Wasted Prayer uncovers the ways we use prayer to dodge responsibility for the work God has assigned us. Complete with punch-in-the-gut biblical exposition that will help get you off your knees—and out of your chair—Wasted Prayer will provide you with the jolt you need to start living like a Christian, instead of just praying like one. It’s time to stop praying and start doing.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ “The best books about Atheism are the ones written by Paulo Bittencourt, because, unlike Richard Dawkings, Christopher Hitchens and Sam Harris, who have never been religious, he was raised Evangelical, studied Theology and, therefore, speaks from experience.” (D. Barker) ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ “Arguments so radically thorough, sharp and damning that they baffle even some atheists and make them feel like defending religious people.” (M. Shermer) Among theological, philosophical and historical arguments, in Wasting Time on God Paulo Bittencourt, who was a devout Adventist, active in the church, a Theology student and almost became a pastor, reveals the reasons why he doesn’t believe in invisible beings, including the celestial ones, and undoubtedly demonstrates that Atheism is the only intellectually honest stance. Do you have faith in God? Is it unshakable? How do you know, if you don’t put it to the test? Read this book to the end. If it doesn’t make you doubt any of the things you believe, nothing else will. It will be proven that you really stand firm in the faith. Topics covered: Allah, Atheism, Bible, Christianity, Adventist, Baptist, Catholic, Evangelical, Pentecostal Church, Communism, Devil, Evolution, Freethought, God, Gospel, Heaven, Hell, Islam, Jesus, Judaism, Mohammed, Philosophy, Protestantism, Satan, Science, Skepticism, Socialism, etc. Paulo Bittencourt was born in Castro, Brazil, spent his childhood in Rio de Janeiro and studied Theology in São Paulo. Close to becoming a pastor, he went on an adventure to Europe and ended up settling in Austria. The book Ethics, by Bento de Espinosa (Baruch Spinoza), turned him into a naturalist, humanist and freethinker. Paulo Bitencourt dedicates his life to helping people liberate themselves from religion. Paulo Bittencourt is the author also of the books Liberated from Religion and Com Zeus Não Se Brinca (Zeus Is Not to Be Played With). “I don’t want to believe, I want to know.” — Paulo Bittencourt Visit:
Do you have a real relationship with God, or do you just have a religion? Do you know God, or do you just know about God? In How Big Is Your God? Paul Coutinho, SJ, challenges us to grow stronger and deeper in our faith and in our relationship with God—a God whose love knows no bounds. To help us on our way, Coutinho introduces us to people in various world religions—from Hindu friends to Buddhist teachers to St. Ignatius of Loyola—who have shaped his spiritual life and made possible his deep, personal relationship with God.
Many of us draw our value from who we know, what we do and what we have. We battle guilt over mistakes we've made, anxiety about what the future may hold for us, or fear of disapproval from others and from God. Our time is consumed with a multitude of activities intended to bring approval and acceptance from others. Are you tired of seeking approval in superficial relationships? Do you long to experience the intimacy, joy and freedom that comes from being deeply connected, soul and spirit, with your Father God? If so, you must prepare yourself to "waste time" with God. By doing this, you will learn to love more compassionately, give of yourself more freely and take yourself less seriously. Furthermore, you will be able to break free from dependence on others for approval. You can stop your pretense and striving for approval, and instead, sitting quietly with your Father God, you can be confident that you are significant, accepted and loved.
Frank Chalk is a teacher in a fairly poor inner city school - a school where the kids get drunk, take drugs and beat up the teachers... when they can be bothered to turn up. He confiscates their porn, booze and trainers, fends off angry parents and worries about the few conscientious pupils. Terrifying and hilarious, IT'S YOUR TIME YOU'RE WASTING is Chalk's real-life diary from the front line of the modern edukashun system. This book is a real word-of-mouth title. Think of comic genius Chris Lilley's "SUMMER HEIGHTS HIGH meets WASTING POLICE TIME by PC David Copperfield! Frank Chalk is a pseudonym for a disgruntled teacher in an inner city school in the UK - "a school where the kids get drunk, take drugs and beat up the teachers when they can be bothered to show up". Just like PC Copperfield in WASTING POLICE TIME, it's blackly and bleakly humorous. It's the diary of life on the front line but in this case, it's in the modern edukashun system. Fighting apathy, Frank has to battle the tearaways, their parents, and he worries about the few conscientious pupils. He muses on the shortcomings of the staff (including his own) while confiscating porn and booze and even spots the odd spark of hope amid all the despair. The appalling decline of education in the UK is very much mirrored here in Australia and this book is perfectly timed for the "Back to School Year". Frank Chalk was discovered via his popular blogsite: Frank taught for 16 years in state schools. He left the profession in late 2005 while still in his early 40s, having grown impossibly frustrated with working in the public sector education. He now runs his own business and is no longer involved in education (sensible bastard!). He's married to a teacher (poor bastard).
A choice lies before you: Either waste your life or live with risk. Either sit on the sidelines or get in the game. After all, life was no cakewalk for Jesus, and he didn't promise it would be any easier for his followers. We shouldn't be surprised by resistance and persecution. Yet most of us play it safe. We pursue comfort. We spend ourselves to get more stuff. And we prefer to be entertained. We are all tempted by the idea of security, the possibility of a cozy Christianity with no hell at the end. But what kind of life is that really? It's a far cry from adventurous and abundant, from truly rich and really full, and it's certainly not the heights and the depths Jesus calls us to. Discover in these pages a foundation for fearlessness. Hear God's promise to go with you into the unknown. And let Risk Is Right help you see the joys of a faith-filled and seriously rewarding life of Jesus-dependent abandon! Risk Is Right is a significantly expanded version of a chapter previously published in the book Don't Waste Your Life (chapter 5).
Dana needs a reality check. Her cunning and ruthless way of living traps her in a illusion, making her unaware of what's real. She doesn't realize she is creating her own misery. Dana's life is filled with friends who think they have gained in life through drugs, murder, lying and cheating. Some of these friends escape the illusion while others remain trapped, victims to their lifestyles and the time they have wasted. In order to return to reality, Dana needs to change her way and thought process, not knowing exactly how much time she has left.